// What happened to just messing around? //

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Yet again another month passed. I was happy and Matty was happy and he wasn’t going back on tour for a little while. But there was one problem; I was late for my period. I called up one of my older friends from work, Taylor, and she came around as soon as I hung up the phone after telling her.

“Alright hun, you’re late. When was the last time you and Matt had sex?”

‘You’re not saying I’m pregnant, right?” I asked.

“You could be. Mainly, when you’re late, there’s a high chance that you’re pregnant. So when was the last time you had sex?”

“About 2 weeks ago. But we had sex a couple of weeks before that as well”

“Did he use protection?”

“I-I can’t remember” I said as I chewed on my nail. Matty was out with some of his old friends from school, so he wasn’t here.

“Alright. Well lets run down to the store and get a pregnancy test” she suggested and then we went. We walked down the street to Tesco, got 3 different tests and a litre of water. We walked back to mine. I peed on the first one and then waited for the 3 minutes. And guess what? A smiley face. I drank some of the water and peed on the second one. Again, smiley face.

“No. No, this can’t happen. Not now” I panicked.

“You need to call Matty” she said. I pulled out my mobile from my pocket and rang him.

“Hey babe” he answered.

“Matty you need to get home as soon as possible. I’ve got some news”

“You don’t really sound too happy about it” he said worriedly.

“Please, can you just get home?” I replied.

“Alright love, I’ll be home in about half an hour. I love you”

“I love you too” I replied, and then hung up. Taylor left about 10 minutes before Matty got home, wishing me luck. The door opened and I walked out of the bathroom. I was so nervous.

“What’s wrong?” he asked before giving me a kiss.

“Come with me” I said before leading him into the bathroom. The tests were sitting in the sink so he couldn’t see them. “Matt, I’m late for my period” I saw the colour drain from his face. ”At first I thought nothing of it but Taylor from work thought that I should take a pregnancy test just to be sure and, well” I said, looking towards the sink. Matty picked up one of the tests and examined it.

“Wait- wait, what? You’re pregnant? How did this even happen?” he asked, panicking.

“I’m not sure. A broken condom, maybe you forgot to wear protection. I don’t know” I said before I started crying a little bit.

“Hey, don’t cry” he said, lifting up my chin. “I’m here. I’m gonna be here. I’m gonna be here for every ultrasound, every doctor’s appointment. I’m gonna be in the delivery room and I’m gonna be in this baby’s life. I don’t care if I have to put off touring for a little while, I’ll do it. I’m gonna be here with you every step of the way. I love you, Maddy” he smiled.

“I love you too” I smiled back and he wiped away the tear that was dripping down my cheek.

A few days later we went into the doctors to see just how far along I was. Matty sat with me, holding my hand as we got it checked out.

“You’re a month and 4 days pregnant. Congratulation” said the gynaecologist. We left afterwards and Matty rang up his mum to tell her. I still haven’t met her yet, but I definitely will be soon. I sat down on the bench outside the doctors while Matt called his mum. I pulled out my phone and told Ryan and Kyle to come over later and that we have big news. I texted Ryan our new address and by then Matty was off the phone.

“Well, my mum’s probably more excited than we are. She really wants to meet you” he laughed.

“I want to meet her” I smiled back. We got into Matty’s car and drove home. A little while later Ryan and Kyle came over. Ryan already knew Matty but Kyle didn’t and he was freaking out a little bit. He was a big fan of The 1975 and Matt was one of his idols. They really hit it off actually and I was glad.

“So, what’s the big news?” Ryan asked excitedly.

“Well, we went to the doctors today and it turns out that we’re a month pregnant” I said.

“You’re lyin’” he replied with a grin.

“Nope” Matty smiled.

“Well congratulations, guys! I’m so happy for you! Maddy, I better be a bloody godparent” Ryan smiled.

“And why would you ever think you wouldn’t be?” I joked.

Just to think, I was so worried about it at first. Actually, worried is an understatement; I was freaking the fuck out. We both were. But now we’ve realised that it’s gonna happen. There’s gonna be a child here soon- our child. And now we’re just excited. We’re gonna be parents.

A/N if you didn't notice last chapter, I never mentioned that Matty put a condom on ;)

Why Don't You Figure My Heart Out? (Matthew Healy)Where stories live. Discover now