// And strange as it seems I'm bursting at the seams //

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I didn’t see Matty for a couple of days. I just couldn’t face him. My true feelings for him were beating in my chest like George’s fucking drum kit. He called me and texted me countless times but I just couldn’t answer. I wanted to see him and kiss him and tell him how I feel, but I haven’t felt this way about anybody for years. The last time I told a boy about my true feelings, he completely cut me out of his life. I wasn’t prepared to feel those feelings again. I didn’t want to hurt again. After a while, I decided to call him. He came straight over as soon as I hung up and there was a knock at the door a short while after. I opened the door to see him standing there, leaning on the frame. I wanted to kiss him right there, but instead I just pulled him in for a friendly hug. He smelt of smoke and cologne. His hair was pushed back with just a small few strands dangling over his eyes. He was wearing his classic leather jacket with his usual white tee. We went and sat out on the balcony and smoked cigarettes for the rest of the afternoon, just talking and laughing.

“Look, George is throwing a party tonight. There’s going to be a few other bands there I think. It’s like a reunion thing for all of the bands from the Big Day Out festival in Australia. We played there in January and made some pretty good friends. A few Australian bands are gonna be there, Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam is even going and there’s talk that even Snoop Dogg is gonna be there. Be my plus one, babe”

I was kind of overwhelmed at the fact I might meet Eddie Vedder, but just hearing him call me babe made me melt inside. It sounded so natural.

“Yeah, I’ll definitely come” I smiled as I put my cigarette out on the ground.

“Great” Matty smiled back. He leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and then stood up off the concrete. He put out his hand to help me up and I took it. “Well, go get ready. It’s already 6:00pm and this thing starts at 7:30”

“I’m gonna go have a shower first” I replied.

“Can I join you?” he winked at me. I smirked and took off my baggy tee, then skipped to the bathroom. He ran after me and wrapped his arms around my waist, smiling and laughing into my neck as he lifted me off the ground. I screamed while laughing as he slung me over his shoulder and carried me to the bathroom. He put me down when we got there and bit his lip, staring my body up and down until his eyes landed back on my face.

“God, you’re so beautiful” He said as he kissed me. I pulled his shirt over his head and then, after we were fully undressed, got into the shower. We fucked; I’m not going to sugar coat it. It was a slippery mess. Word of advice: don’t try to have shower sex, it’s incredibly complicated.

After we showered I got dressed, did my makeup, did my hair, put on some perfume, then we left. I was wearing a short black dress with my platform boots, plus my crow’s foot necklace. We got into Matty’s car and left. We pulled up outside of George’s flat and Matty let himself in. B the time we got there it was 8:00pm so everybody had arrived. I was currently holding onto Matty’s arm, surrounded by band members. I could see Adrian from this Australian band called Northlane, his band mate Nic, the rapper Mac Miller and the guys from Deftones. And then I saw him- Eddie fucking Vedder. I basically grew up listening to Pearl Jam. This was the second best day of my entire life, the first being the day I met Matty. Eddie was sitting down on the couch with some other dude that I didn’t recognise.

“Do you wanna meet him?” Matty asked me. He could obviously see the shock and joy on my face.

“Y-yeah” I stuttered.

“Don’t be nervous, love” He said as he pulled me towards the one and only Eddie Vedder. “Hey man” Matty said, all chilled out.

“Matty! What’s up man, haven’t seen you in forever!”

“Nothing much, just having some time off from touring” I grabbed Matty’s hand and squeezed it. I was standing right in front of Eddie. “Hey, this is Maddy. Maddy, this is Eddie”

“I-it’s an honour to meet you, sir” I said, quite star struck.

“Hey, you don’t have to call me sir, I’m just a normal guy. Call me Eddie. It’s lovely to meet you too” He smiled, sticking out his hand. I shook it.

“Did you know that Maddy here is a huge fan?” Matty smirks as I just glared at him for embarrassing me.

‘That’s really cool, I never really get to meet my fans!” he said as he hugged me. I was hugging Eddie Vedder. This was amazing.



The night led on as I went around and talked to more people. I spoke to the guys from Bliss N Eso, the guys from Ghost and I even shared a joint with Snoop Dogg. Matty should really invite me to more of his parties, I think.

Why Don't You Figure My Heart Out? (Matthew Healy)Where stories live. Discover now