CHAPTER 4: kukui, alan & ricky and the best day ever!!

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A/N: Heyyyy guys thanks so much for all the support on this story I really appreciate it. I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been really ill at the moment and at my nan's 78th birthday.... Anyway I'm rambling now hope you enjoy this chapter and don't forget to comment and like!!!! P.S. I think I'll just update when I can cuz like I'm suuuppper busy at them moment.... And still ill).

Lillie's pov:

"Yawn." I said as I got out of my 'bed'. It was 7:26 and the professor would returning at exactly 8:03. So I went down my ladder to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

***34 minutes later***

"I'M HOME!!!" A loud, cheery voice rumbled from the doorway. Guess who it was.....

Professor Kukui!! Yay?

Me and ash ran to greet him. Behind the professor stood my friend Lana and next to her stood kwaii.

Hello Lana, hello kwaii!"

"Hi Lillie, hi Ash!!" Lana responded.

"How was you're trip professor?" I asked.

"It was great I got to meet FOUR new Pokem— wait a sec who is this?"

"Oh my apologies - I forgot, professor, Lana, kwaii, meet ash-ketchum-from-pallet-town-in-the-kanto-region, he wants to be a Pokemon master!!" I say proudly, then I continued to explain the situation he was in.

Normal pov:

"Hiya everyone!!!!!! My name's ash-ketchum-from-pallet-town-in-the-kanto-region .......... But you can call me Ash!!"

"Hey....." Lana said in quiet voice.

"Sup." Kwaii said in a cool, calm collected tone.

Ash's pov:

"Heyyyyyy." I said.

Professor kukui started, "well ash if you want to be a Pokemon master why not try attempting the island challenge?"

"What is this Iceland challenge?" I asked curiously.

"Ahhhh well ma boi The island challenge (Japanese: 島めぐり island-visiting) Is where trainers travel through each of the four major islands of Alola and complete various trials (Japanese: 試練 trial) where you face a totem Pokémon (which is just a really powerful Pokémon) then after the trainer has completed all the trials on an island they must face the island kahuna in a Pokemon battle! The goal of those taking the island challenge is to become the strongest Trainer, known as the island challenge champion."

"Didn't you just read that of the internet?" Kwaii said.

"Pppfffttt N-N-NOO WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT?!!?!?!!?!!?!!?!;!?!!?!!" Kukui spluttered. "ANYWAY.... Ash do you think you'd like to give the island challenge a go? You can probably start tomorrow if I ask the kahua."

"Umm I'm not sure I guess I'll think about it..." I said glumly. I then walked off outside for a walk. It was now evening.... To be precise it was 20:67. Wait.

Lollies pov:

Ash looked so sad and then he stormed out without saying anything. I wonder what was wrong... I feel really bad for him, I hope he's alright. I suppose this is a result of his friends doubting his capability. What a shame.

Everyone looked at each other unsure of what to do. So I ran. In the distance I heard lana calling out to stop me............. But. I. Just. Ran. Faster.......

(I say 'ran' but I really just mean swiftly walking).


After searching for ash for a while I eventually saw him standing by the harbour so I approached him. The sea was still and the gentle moonlight reflected on the swaying waters. The sky was dark and at the same time illuminated by millions of sparkling stars. 🌟🌟 I could hear the gentle crash of waves as the lapped against the side of the harbour.

"Umm... H-h-hi ash."I mumbled.

"Oh hi Lillie." Ash said softly. His charcoal coloured hair ruffled in the gentle evening breeze. And his dark eyes stared into my green eyes.

"Ash what's wrong?" I asked.

He looked down for a moment and then up at me again it was just then I noticed that he was about 3.26 inches taller than me.

"Well now I'm not sure that I'm good enough for the island challenge... You know beca—" I cut him off, which is something I rarely do as my mother always told me it was rude.

"Chin up! Ash... I know I've only known you for a short time but... I believe in you.

Ash's pov:

Her glistening, emerald eyes glistened in the moonlight. (Wait did she say chin up or shut up??!!???!??)

"I believe in you." She whispered, it was barely audible but I heard it.... And I will never forget it........ She continued, "Ash those old friends of yours... They weren't your true friemds. Otherwise they would believe in you no matter what.................. like me. Ash you should do they island challenge you'll be great at it and you will prove your 'friends' wrong!!!!"

"You know what Lillie............... I will. Only if you come with me?!?!" I said hopefully.

Lillie paused, "yes ash I will!!"

"Thank you Lillie, for everything! I can't wait!"

"Me neither ash, we'll tell professor tomorrow!" Lillie exclaimed excitedly.

And out of the blue I hugged her, her hair smelt sweet like strawberries. This was the best day ever. I knew I would remember this forever. This was the beginning and the end.... at the same time.

Another A/N: whoaa this is crazy I'm doing ANOTHER A/N. Anyway this was just to say that this marks the end on the 'introduction' if you like and next chapter is when the story actually starts!!! I'll get it out to you as soon as I can I PROMISE! bye!! <3

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