CHAPTER 13: bye-bye nebby!

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Hi guys, sorry this is just a filler chapter, though you do meet a new character (sadly not the mystery girl) sorry this chapter is so short, I didn't even anticipate updating this week anyway!!

Lillie's pov:

"P-O-K-E    M-O-N             M-O-N!!!!!!!" Mallow was singing..... Again.

We decided to take a stroll through some flower fields because why not.

"Nebby get in the bag!!!" I whispered under my breath. Nebby seemed very excited about..... well I don't know because this place seemed rather boring.

Normal pov:

"Hey ash...." Mallow, the female said quietly.

"Sup Melon." The male replied.

"Have you noti—"

Mallow's pov:

"—ced that lillie's been acting strangely lately????????"

"Err yeah actually I have, she seems to be troubled over something...." The raven haired boy replied.

Ash's pov:

"Hmmm." The female replied.

Lilliez pov:

"P-O-K-E    M-O-N             M-O-N!!!!!!!" Oh dear now kwaii is singing........

I feel like ash and mallow are conspiring against me. Wait. No. I feel like Lana's conspiring against all of us.

"Heh heh....." Whispered Lana.

Mallow's pov:

"I think she might be hiding something from us......" I, Mallow replied.

"Yes, yes. Ya know she does frequently avoid conversations....."

Ash's pov:

***Flashback to all the times ash and the squad has had to change the topic of conversation***

Mallow's pov....... Wait no..... still ash's pov:

"Hmmmmm......." I said while staring at my grass haired friend. "innnterrrressstiiinngg......"

Mallow's pov:

"Hmmm now that I think about it she did mention something about running away from home.... Hmmm what was it..... Something about a crazy mother..... Who knows??"

"Yeah I guess we'll never know." The raven haired boy replied.

Kwaiis pov:

"Lillie I think nebby escaped...." I said.

"AHHHHH." the blonde haired girl named Lillie said. "Wait how to you guys know about him???"

Lana chimed in, "lillie, we've known this whole time..... It was obvious when you started having conversations with you bag and calling it 'nebby'."

"oh...." Lillie whispered.

"Ummm remember nebby is lost GuYs!!!!" Kwaii said loudly.

"Oh right, we must find him immediately....." Lillie said.

Ash pov:

Lillie seemed extremely worried.....

***Several hours later of finding nebby***

Lillies pov:

"THERE!" I screamed excitedly.

I saw nebby in the distance..... But.... Someone was holding him...... So I went over to them, alone, as the others were still looking somewhere else.

"Hello, excuse me, I think you found my Pokémon....."

"Oh. Is this yours?"

"Yes it is."

The girl, who looked around the same age as us handed me nebby.

"So what's your name."

"Hmm? Oh! My name's Lillie." I said as politely as I could, hoping she would just give me the Pokémon and leave.

"What a lovely name! And finally someone who has some style around here!!" She exclaimed.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh sorry I forgot!! My name is: Miss Madeline - Rose Amber Mcshnee.....
But you can just call me Miss Poshy washy."

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