CHAPTER 6: lost in a forest?!?!?!?!?!

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A/N: Heyyyyyy guys and WOW. 200+ reads thank you so much!!!! Also in this chapter I tried really hard to NOT include many POINTLESS pov changes because I find them really annoying (NO OFFENCE anyone that does them I just prefer a story to flow more without interruptions if you catch my drift). So anyway hope you enjoy this chapter and please don't forget to comment AND vote! Bye!! <3

Lillies pov:

I will admit I was a little hurt yesterday - I thought maybe I could take ash to hau beach that evening, you know without him fainting from the HOTNESS this time. But alas I could not as mallow asked him on a date. Like ash knows what a date is. Though it is impossible that I would be feeling jealous, as I have no reason to, I mean it's not like I like ash anyway. Of course I like him as a friend, but I've only known him for a few days.

Today we all decided to go for a walk in hau woods, when I say 'we' I mean myself, ash, mallow, Lana and kwaii (Basically THE squad). Ash has now officially started his island challenge and so tomorrow him and I will head to his first trial!! I am quite excited!


Later in hau woods........

Ash's pov:

Sooooooooooooooo GGgUuYyyYssS......

Ricky... I mean kwaiis pov:

Umm.... Well...............

Alan..... Wait, no Lana's pov:

Ahahhahahhahhahahahhahh soooöookooookkk.

Lillies pov:

Suddenly out of nowhere mallow and I fell of a cliff. Into a river. Oh no.


"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!" Screamed mallow as we plummeted into the depths of the icccyyy cold water.

Ashs pov:

"NOOOOOOOOOOO???!!M!?!!???!?!!?!;-;!!?? COME BACK!!!!!"

But alas they had vanished.

"So what are we doing for lunch???" I asked desperately.

"Well Lillie packed a picnic and well.................." Kwaii answered in his cool, calm, collected manner.

"Dammit." I replied. "And I was starting to like melon too... :("

"Wait, but isn't her name mallow??" Lana asked.


"And hang on a second where is sophocles???" Lana added.

"Sorry who?" I asked.

Kwaiis pov:

"You know the guy you met at the same time as us..... Orange hair? Has a Pokemon? Likes electricity?" I explained but alas his face remained blank.

"Remember he was talking to you about electric types, you were arguing because you believed that electric types were immune and strong against ground types but sophocles said they weren't..." Lana added.


In perfect syncronisation Lana and I sighed.

How could ash forget him???

"But Lillie, kukui, you and kwaii are the only people I've met on the island????"

"Right, whatever when (if) we find him you'll remember him." Kwaii said exasperated.

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