CHAPTER 21: Riley©

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A/N: Chapter 21!! Thank you 1Louise1... Everyone reading this should read her story, follow her and go to the website in her bio :)

Why she's the best.

She just is.

Yah, 1Louise1 is an incredible human being. She's pretty, she draws a lot. She drew her pfp and my pfp. Incredible right? She writes songs and sings and they're AMAZING! Shes just good at everything and I love her so much. Riley is actually her oc and don't you just love Riley? Anyway, you should go follow her right now :) thank you, good day.

Normal pov:

"This is... Riley..." Gladdion muttered, almost inaudibly alas they all heard.

"Hey Riley!" Ash started. "My name's ash-ketchum-from-pallet-town-in-the-kanto-region........" There was a pause, "But you can just call me ash! Oh and pikachu's here I guess!"

"..." The mysterious girl just stood there... smiling.

"Hello my name is Lillie, it's a pleasure to meet you." Lillie said in a kind manner.


"Heyyyy mallow here!!!!"

"I'm Lana."

"Hi! I'm Serena!!"

They all introduced them shelves.

"Yo." She replied confidently whilst holding one hand up and finger gunning. Swiftly she walked away, after taking a few steps she turned around and said "Don't you mean kiawe?" And she carried on walking.

The group were left staring, puzzled and amazed at this girl. Apart from gladdion for he was, much to his annoyence, used to her... Behaviour... You see the two of them have been working to together for a while......

Gladdion began to follow her across the room and the rest soon realised they were meant to do the same. She had led them into a more..... Hidden area so that anyone coming up the lift wouldnt be able to see them.

Lana POV:
Why are we hiding? That's what we're doing, right? Hiding? I mean... surely whatever needed to be said could've been said on or near the lift...

Normal POV:
They reached the end of the room and were secluded by plants and wildlife where Riley stood with a smile still painted- more like plastered- on her face waiting for them all to reach her. When they did she began to speak. Finally a full sentence from her legendary lips:

"So," she started, building up the tension, "Gladion and I have had our suspicions about what exactly the aether foundation has been doing."

Lana interupted her, "they care for injured or hurt Pokémon until they're healthy enough to be released back into the wild."

"That." Began Riley, "is where you're wrong, my blue friend." Gladdion sighed and covered half his face with his hand, " you see we have evidence that the aether foundation is up to something much darker and mysterious. Gladion, if you will."
Gladdion sent out a beasty looking beast. Everyone gasped at the cage it wore around its face. "This. Is type:null. He is an unortharised experiment by the aether foundation. Originally named 'type:full' he was made as a beast killer. In order to control the behaviour of ultra beasts."

"Ultra beasts?" Everyone asked and started muttering.

"Yah. Ultra beasts."

"How did you know that about type:null? I didn't even know that about type:null."

"Because... Gladion... Because..." She said mysteriously. "I broke in to the secret labs and read some confidential files without you." She said with a smirk.

Gladdion simply sighed in response while rolling his eyes. But what the others didn't see was when he turned his head away and let a small smile creep on his face............................

"Wow this is some crAzY intel ya got here!!!" Mallow exclaimed, amazed.

"Yup." Riley responded.

"But how does it affect us?" Kwaii asked.

"Ah, good question kiwi..........." She paused for dramatic affect once again... Kwaii didn't resist the nickname as he was way past used to it by now."If the aether foundation's plan works, the ultra beasts will be unleashed into alola they will react badly to the environment because they're not used to it....... This will result in them taking their anger out on civilians............" She finished.



"How could they??"


"Oh no!"

They gang were shocked at this news and slightly concerned for the safety of alola!!!!!!!!!!

"Wait......." Serena started. " You still haven't told us what an ultra beast is!!?????"

"And if you're not working with the aether foundation,but against it. Why did you tell us here?"
"Heh heh." Riley laughed mischeaveously. "Well, ocean breeze, congratulations, you have all me broken into a 'highly secure' conservation area. If anyone hears the lift, we must all be quiet and follow the silent directions given by me."Everyone reacts with a shocked and amazed expression- of course excluding Lillie and Gladdion.

"So. Ultra beasts?" Serena repeated.
Remembering from a book she read, and realising Riley wouldn't answer serena, Lillie began to speak....... "Ultra beasts are a group of extra dimensional Pokémon originating from Ultra space. They possess power that transcends humans' understanding of the world............."

"Thank you Lillie." Riley said. Lillie smiled back.

"Guys this sounds pretty serious!!!" Mallow exclaimed to the squad.

"Yes!!!! But ultra beasts sound so cool!!!" Ash said with excitement. " I'm gonna catch them all!!!!!"

"Ash!" Lillie scolded. "They're extremely dangerous!!"

"Hmph.... I'm sure we'll be able to beat them." Kwaii stated.

"Hmmmmm......." Lana added.

"Hey how about....." Mallow started.

As they gang continued to discuss how they would 'save' alola and stop the aether foundation, Riley grabbed gladdion by the arm and dragged him away with her. Although he used to protest...... The blonde boy was now....... Content with this.........


"Heyy????" Mallow shouted. "Where'd they go?????" Everyone looked around but the pair were nowhere to be seen........... "And guys did anyone else notice how flirty they were with each other???!!!?!?!?!??!?!?"
"Mallow don't be rediculous." Kwaii objected as the gang burst into laughter at mallow's new ship that inevitably she would be forever obsessed with now..........

Though one person was not laughing....... And that person was Lillie...........

"Mother......" She whispered to herself, then assuring herself that she would soon speak to gladdion again.

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