CHAPTER 20: lillie throws some snowballs

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Lillie's pov:

I just kept running. My breathing began to quicken the faster I ran. Desperately pushing branches out of my way. I was trying to follow the sound of ash's footsteps but he was much farther away from me. I don't know what got over me. As soon as I saw him run away something pushed me to follow him. I had to do this I though to myself. I just had to.

Ash's pov:

Their voices echoed in my head like a thousand pikachus.......

"Ash.... You've been wanting to be a Pokemon master for a long time now.... And you still.........."

" should just give up on your dream......"

"'ve hurt so many people ................. stop going on journeys."

"You need to stop being such a little kid and just grow up already!!!!"


"ashy dear, you can work here in professor Oaks laboratory."

"Or you could be a Pokemon breeder"

"Or a Pokemon co-ordina-"


Lillie's pov:

Eventually I came to a small cove, the sea was relatively calm - slowly lapping against the near by rocks and the golden sand was soft...... And yellow. Just like when I first saw Ash I thought to myself. I remember the day so clearly....... I was wondering on the beach when I saw him... His raven hair stood out to me first as I saw him lying on the sand - fainted from dehydration........... You get the idea.

And once again I saw his raven hair - this time he hadn't fainted from dehydration..... He faced the sea, his charcoal hair ruffled in the gentle alolan breeze........

"Ash...." I said. My voice seemed to echo around the cove almost like a........ Wind chime.......

"Lillie!" Ash replied, I couldn't tell if he was glad to see me or not........ "I'm sorry, I shouldn't of stormed out on you like that...."

"It's alright, ash, if you're ever upset you know you can always talk to me about it! I'll always listen ash." I paused, he didn't respond.... So I continued, "And I think I know how you feel, when I couldn't––"

"–YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE HOW I FEEL!!!" Ash yelled. This startled me at first, I've never seen him get angry before....


"IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS  - LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Our voices echoed around the cliffs for awhile until only the sound of the waves filled the air.

Without thinking I grabbed a handful of sand from beneath me and lobbed it at the back of his head.

"Ah!" He said suprised and confused as he turned to face me.

"The ash I know is brave and strong and he never gives up. He doesn't listen to what people say about him because she knows that in the end he will achieve his dreams with his real friends by his side. YOU'RE NOT ACTING LIKE THE ASH I KNOW!" By now tears had filled my ears so I stormed of to find the others.

Normal pov:

As Lillie left ash staring dumbfounded and confused the echo of her last words bounced around in ash's head.

You're not acting like the ash I know!

Mallow's pov:

We all stand outside Lana Lagoons waiting for Lillie and ash to find us. We trusted Lillie to sort things out with ash. Gladdion had met with us again, although he didn't want to tell us what he was here for until Lillie and ash were here.

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