CHAPTER 16: #evenmoredeepchats and strange girl appears again

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A/N: heyy guys!! Sorry haven't updated in a while but here it is, chapter 16!! Hope you all like!

Serena's pov:

"So, lillie... Who's your favourite Pokémon?" I asked slowly. I turned to lillie, she looked startled.

"Hmm... Let me think..." Lillie replied.

So you may be asking why me and lillie are walking through the woods at 2:30. All I know is that Ash said something about super special awesome bonding time.... Whatever that means...

"Umm... I really like Eevee, they're just so cute!"

"Hehe! Then look at this!" I pulled out my bag a pokeball and thew it up in the air.

Lillies pov:

"Ahh it's a sylveon, I love it!"

We continued walking in the woods.... We needed to collect some berries for mallow. I think she planned on making berry soup for dinner. Great. Why she didn't find the berries herself I have no idea. Also ash wanted me and Serena to have super special awesome bonding time.... Whatever that means...

It was just then I saw something.... A shawdowy figure in the distance... It looked like a human.... AHHH what was that noise!?!?!?!?! oh I just stepped on a twig nevermind...... I tried to step nearer, to get a better look at her face. But alas I was distracted by Serena-

"Hey Lillie I challenge you to a battle!!" Serena said confidently.

Ok, I know in the games (what this story is based on) Lillie doesn't like to battle BUT for plot convenience she does in this. Besides are any of my characters like how they actually are...?😂

"Alright, I suppose so." From what I had heard about Serena she seemed like she would be a strong opponent. I only had one Pokemon so I brought out Clarify... Who I nicknamed Aster.

"Ok lillie, It's time to D-D-DUEL!!" ............. "Oh, sorry... I mean.... Let's battle!!!"

"Aster use- oh, it's raining!!"


"We dived into the cave narrowly escaping the drops of rain.... Phew!"

"*Sigh* I guess we'll have to stay here until the rain stops..."

"Oh dear..."

"Lillie nobody our age says 'oh dear'."

"Umm... Serena"

"What is it Lillie??"

"We're trapped!"

Serena's pov:

Lillie was right, a stone had been rolled over the entrance of the cave... From the outside.... That means.....

"Someone trapped us here on purpose..." We both said at the same time, looking at each other in horror!!!

I wish I could be with ash at the moment.... That reminds me I must find an opportunity to explain my feelings to him....

Lillies pov:

I sat awkwardly on a small rock. I couldnt stand this sort of situation. I absolutely detest this awkward silence.... I just felt so uncomfortable. Besides I didn't know Serena very well and.....

"I have an idea!!" I said, Serena suddenly jolted up. "I don't know why I didn't think of this before... Stupid."

"Go on..."

"Why don't we ring them on are pokephones [I'm just so original] ?"


***Back in the city***

Mallow's phone rings...

♪P-O-K-E M-O-N .... M-O-N ... P-O-K-E M-O-N ..... M-ON♪

***Back in the cave***

"*Sigh* she's not answering... I'll try ash's phone."

***Back in the city***

Ash's phone...

♪CALL ME MAYBE- "Hello? Lillie? ... Oh .... I see.... Hold on.... Right..... So where are you?... Got it... Of course.... The sky is blue...... Yes blue...... Ok..... I'll be right there...... I just need to finish eating this Clementine...... Yes.... Don't worry.... Byeeeeee!"

***Back at the cave***

"Ok ash should be on his way!"

Serena's pov:

I smiled quietly to myself...

I turned to look at Lillie she was sitting on a smaller rock, hugging her knees - she looked worried.

"Lillie, are you ok?"

"Serena... I don't feel so good..."

"Don't worry, the others will come here soon!"

"Hmm..." She let out a long breath. "Yes... I suppose so...." She sighed, "I... I just.... Aren't you concerned that someone purposely tried to trap us in here......."

"I guess so... But we can't worry about that now!"

"I guess you're right Serena... I-I.... I'm sorry.........."

"For what Lillie?"

"I just..... You know ash...... of course...."


"You know how he's like..."

"...a volcano...."

"Err... What does that even mean...?"

"Sorry..... Nevermind haha"

"Anyway. Ash is... Very strong...."

"Oh you mean in Pokémon battles?"

"Yes of course.... But I mean he's.... Brave.... The other day team skull 'attacked' us.... And he 'saved' us..... He wasn't even scared....."

"Well that's ash for you....."

"Yes. But I was terrified. I wouldn't stop crying. I felt so silly afterwards..... I just.... Wish... I was braver....."

As soon as Lillie said that I flashed backed to when I first met ash and the squad..... I was just like the girl Lillie described......

"Lillie I know you may not believe me but I was just like that but then something changed....."

"Well what changed?"

"Hmm.... It was when I spent more time with ash......"


"Lillie, promise me you will stay with ash because I'm sure he will help you become brave..... And besides I'm sure you can help him become less dense....." [Damn funny]

"Hahahaha haha"

"Hahahaha hahahaha"

***Banter banter banter 100% pure top-notch banter banter fun times #sqaud***

Lillies pov:

"Hey guys.... We're here!!!!"

That was the sound of mallow's voice!

"Great..... But we need you to move the stone!" Serena yelled.

"Ok!" Ash replied. "My voice gives me super strength!!!"

"Yay!!!! We're free!!!" Serena yelled triumphantly.

Although I was pleased to get out of the cave I could help wondering who shut us in in the first place......

A/N: Just want to say THANK YOU so much for 2,000 reads.... Like how??? Also who spotted any references in this chapter because I put loads in!!

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