CHAPTER 25: Tearful farewells and Emergency pigeon??? [pt. 3]

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A/N: part 3/3!!! Chapter 25!!!!


"Look!" Mallow exclaimed. "They're announcing who got to the second round!"

We all turned our heads to the screen in anticipation.....

Slowly the faces of people that got in appeared one by one....... I clenched my fists...




.......Miss poshy washy......




Finally I could breathe....


Serena's pov:

Congratulations soon followed, but I couldn't even believe it!! I made it to the second round!! And after a few battles I even made it to the final!!

Normal pov:

It was the final: Serena against Miss Poshy washy..... Serena had half her points left but Miss Poshy washy only had just under a quarter.

Lillie's pov:

"Serena's pretty good isn't she Drew?" May asked

Mays voice broke my thoughts as I stared in a trance at the battle before me. I turned my head to the left to look at may then to drew, waiting for his response.

"Yeah for sure. Her Pokémon are great performers!" He said - seeming to know what he was talking about.

"You're right about that! With a lot of practice I bet she could even make it to the grand festival!!" May exclaimed.

"Hmm, yeah definitely." Drew said.

"If you don't mind me asking what is the grand festival?" I asked curiously.

"You see..." Drew started. "When a coordinator wins a contest they receive a ribbon. Once they get five of those ribbons, only then can they enter the grand festival. Coordinators from all over the region enter and the winner is granted with the title Top Coordinator." Drew explained.

"Have you ever been in one?" I asked again.

"Yes, Drew and I entered the hoenn, Kanto and Johto Grand festivals! I even won the one in Johto!" May said.

"Don't forget I came second!!" Drew added, May giggled.

"Wow, that's amazing!"

May and drew seemed so talented..... I wish I had something like that. Ash is good at battles, mallow's 'good' at cooking, kwaiis really strong with fire types and Lana's good at water sports and fishing. What was I good at?

Normal pov:

So with one last combination Serena managed to win!!

The whole crowd cheered but no one cheered louder than the gang we all know and love. Unfortunately the mysterious girl Lillie saw earlier was not pleased.........


"Serena you won!! Congratulations!!" Lillie said. They stood outside the entrance to the stadium as the sun was setting.

"Thank you Lillie!!" She replied.

"It looked like you and your Pokémon were having so much fun out there!!" The green-eyed blonde added.

"Well Lillie, would you ever enter a contest - I think you would be really good at them??!???!"

"Yeah you should totally go for it - they're so much fun!!!" May added.

Hearing our conversation from nearby, misty, Skye and miss poshy washy chimed in.

"Yes I'm sure you would love them!"

Lillie's pov:

I thought for a moment...

"Hmm.... I'm not I'd be very good..."

"Are you kidding!! Chin up Lillie!! You were so good in our double battle - remember me and drew have been battling for years!" May said encouragingly.

"Yes. Maybe one day I will. Thank you!!"


"Anyway we better get going!" Serena said.

"Oh yes we're off to Verdanturf Town now!" May remembered.

And with that I had to say goodbye to Serena. I was sad to see her go we had become really good friends, but we promised to keep in contact!

"Bye Louise!!" Lana who appeared out of nowhere said.

"Byeee Tori, Jess!!" She said trying to contain laughter.

"Byyeeeee Louise!!!" Mallow wailed with tears streaming down her face.

"Should I ask....?" I said to myself, ash heard and laughed.

"Haha, I think it's best to leave them to it!!"



After the trio said goodbye Serena said a last farewell to me, ash and kwaii...... And then....... She left.......

"Well I suppose it's time we left as well!!" Miss poshy washy said.

"Hopefully see you around Lillie!" Misty said.

"Yes, good luck!!" Skye said.

And now another group of new friends left on their own journey.........

"Hahhh...." I sighed staring into the sunset hopeful of the future.............

"Hey Lana?" Mallow started... "What did you need to do in hoenn anyway???"

"Ah.... That's a good question....."

"......and the answer is......???"


Normal pov:

Just out of nowhere a pidove (pigeon) flew out of nowhere landing of the raven haired boy's head. Which was a relief to the blue haired female.

"Huh?" Ash said, confused.

"What's this?" There was a piece of paper in it's beak. Lillie pulled it out and read it, her eyes lit up with fear:


A/N: oooh suspense....... Return for the next chapter for all to be revealed.........

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