CHAPTER 28: crAzY [pt. 1]

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Normal pov:

The lift opened to reveal....................... A room.

The gang shuffled out and with gladdion and Riley leading the way they ran to find the lab.

"Everyone stop!" Lillie cried.

Everyone halted. "What is it Lillie - what's wrong?" Ash asked.

"I have a confession to make...."

"Go on..." Mallow encouraged.

"You see... I'm sorry.... I've been keeping things from you........" Hau gasped in an overexaggerated manner.

"Sorry carry on, my blonde haired pal!!" He exclaimed.

"O.K. I never told you that I stole nebby from the aether foundation.... You see one day I was walking around my house when I discovered flababbaa doing some experiments on him.......... So I stole the thing and fled................. I'm sorry...... I should of said that I suspected the aether foundation after that..... It's just..... My mother................."

"We understand Lillie!!" Serena said, the others agreed.

"Thank you everyone for you kindness and understanding......... You see this is why I always avoided conversations about my family......."

"Don't worry Lillie we forgive you!!!" Hau screamed.

"Ummmm..... You weren't even there?????" Kwaii said sceptical of the seaweedette male.

"Ha ha ha....... Right I wasn't there.........  Definitely wasn't there........" The seaweed replied.

"Anyway I do hope you all aren't annoyed with!!!"

"Of course not Lillie!! I never get upset with anyone.............. EVER." Ash said.

"What about Lana forcing you to go to hoenn???"

"Yeah but ash forgave me for that......... Right ash.......... Right????????" Lana responded.

"Sure Lana......... Sure........" Ash said dead panned.


Suddenly they reached two paths....

"They both lead to the lab eventually... But my mother's room is that way." Gladdion said pointing to the right.

"Both paths will be swarmed with aether foundation employees... So it's best if we separate." Riley said, her eyes conveyed confidence.

Mallow started, "Getting separated scares me!!!!!!!!!!"

"Don't worry mallow everything with be just dandy!!!!" Hau said reassuringly.

"Hau you are not taking this seriously!!!!!!" Gladdion pointed out.

"Boiiiiiii yeahhh I am!!!!!!!!! I'm seriously enjoying it!!!!"

Ash and Hau high fived.

"Yeah - I like this guy!!" Ash cheered.

"Besides, when I defeat the mean boss lady ima gonna save alola." Hau exclaimed, at this ash began to vibrate, first his eyes turning red then the rest of his body following.......

"Ok I take it back....... I hate you......."

"Heuh heuh!!!!" Hau cheered.

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