Chapter 5: Dress To Impress

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Edited Chapter


Sebastian dropped me off at my place just in time for curfew. My adoptive parents gave me a curfew but I usually disobey it by sneaking out at night to clear my thoughts and buy food at the convenience store.

Who would have thought that my late night sneak out ended up befriending Sebastian Lewis?

I went inside the house and I saw my adoptive parents watching news. I slowly closed the door but they noticed me getting in. They both looked at me like I did something wrong.

Did I do something wrong?

"Is this the time where we have a father and daughter talk, Steph?" Dan asked. He raised his eyebrows at me and he crossed his arms.

"What is he talking about?" I asked Stella. She looked positively chirpy for a woman who just got out from a 24-hour duty.

What's going on?

"We both saw you coming out from a car." Stella said. So, there were just pretending that they're watching news, huh? "Who's the lovely guy who took you home?"

My cheeks blushed and I laughed nervously at them. I really hate confrontation. Stella tapped her hands on the coffee table while Dan is still crossing his arms at me. It felt like I'm being interrogated.

"He's my friend. He was kind enough to drop me off." I calmly said.

"I thought you don't make friends, Stephanie." Stella said. "I thought this day would never come!" She hugged me tight. I wasn't aware that having a friend is a big deal to them.

"So, your friend is a guy?" Dan said. He touched his beard. "I demand to meet him."

"I agree." Stella said. "Invite your friend tomorrow. Let's have dinner together."

"You guys don't have to." I scratched my head. They sure are persistent to meet him.

I went upstairs and locked myself in my room. I no longer want to interact with my adoptive parents tonight. I felt suffocated by their questions regarding Sebastian.

My social battery is already drained.

I couldn't help but laugh at Dan's thoughts though. He seemed protective over me. It wasn't obvious on his face but he was horrified that I made a friend from an opposite sex. I'm glad that I managed to dodge the father and daughter talk.

I opened my netbook and I checked my Facebook. My chat box popped up and it's Sebastian. Great...the main subject of tonight's confrontation with my adoptive parents is bugging me.

Sebastian Lewis: I was about to add you but my pride won't allow it.

Sebastian Lewis: Please add me.

Raven Stone: How honest of you to tell me that.

I hope my sarcasm is applicable online because I typed a sarcastic remark.

Sebastian Lewis: Come on now... I'm waiting

Raven Stone: I have to think about it first.

Sebastian Lewis: There really is nothing to think about.

Sebastian Lewis: It's ironic that we're friends in real life but we aren't friends on Facebook. Normal people tend to be friends on Facebook rather than being friends in real life.

My palms twitched... Is he trying to say that I'm not normal?

Raven Stone: So, which do you prefer?

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