Chapter 29: Sean's Thoughts

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Now we are back to Raven's POV :) and this is an unedited chapter.

I woke up from a throbbing headache. I didn't know what happened but I think I passed out and now I have a painful headache. My vision is still a little blurry. I blinked my eyes for seconds until my vision started to reappear.

Am I still in prom?

I was about to stand up but then I realize that I'm all tied up on a old wooden chair. I looked on the floor and there was blood dripping on it and it was my blood.

I started to recollect my thoughts and I remembered what happened.

I started to hear the nursery rhymes that Sean kept on singing on his mind and as I was about to go out of the comfort room, Sean was waiting for me with a gun on his hand. Without any hesitation, he hit my head with his gun.

I didn't know that I was badly wounded until now.

Sean was standing in front of the window and he was creepily staring at me with a smile plastered on his face.

"Where am I?" I asked. I tried to attempt to escape but the rope was too tight. I am even having a hard time breathing.

"This is where my family used to live." Sean said. "It used to be a nice home until I burned it down." He laughed maniacally as I was struggling to free myself.

I looked around. Years may have passed but their house is still around and its memories are haunted in it.

"Is Sebastian okay?" I asked. He must be worried right now. I don't know what he might do if he knows where I am.

"I must admit..." Sean approached me and he touched my face with his gun. "I am a bit jealous about how many people care for my little brother."


How can he be jealous at Sebastian?

As I looked closely to Sean's eyes, I realized that he has been carrying an amount of pain that I didn't notice before. Did he do all this trouble just because he's jealous of Sebastian?

I need to read his thoughts. I need to know why.

"Sean, please let me be read your thoughts." I begged. He had stopped singing the nursery rhymes on his thoughts but in some way, he had blocked me. "I want to help you."

"I don't need any help! Especially from you!" Sean yelled at me. He harshly cupped my face as my blood kept on dripping on the floor. "You know, I already did a good job on messing up my little brother's life until you arrived and ruined everything!"

"Why are you doing this?!" I cried. "You're in pain and I want to help you so that I can understand what you're going through!"

"One more word and I will not hesitate to pull the trigger on you." Sean warned me. He put his gun near my head.

I wanted to cry for help but even Sebastian can't do a thing to save me from this situation. We are both at the end of Sean's gun.

I looked at him. Sean's eyes are filled with rage and anger towards me.

Sean can't silence me. I have to help him or at least I have to try because any one can be worth saving including him.

I do hope that I won't regret what I'm about to say.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Eva." I softly said.

"What did you just say?!" I opened my eyes and I gasped. The gun was still close to my head. "Is that really going to be your last word before you die?!"

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