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"I really had fun on our Africa trip, Dad." I said. I showed my Dad some pictures from my Africa trip with Sebastian and Claire. "They both freaked out when an elephant was right in front of them. It was pretty hilarious."

After a month being in coma, my father finally woke up and I was relief because I get to live my second life with him around and the thought of it made me happy. I was right beside him when he opened his eyes again.

Everything is all about second chances and I'm not going to waste it because of hate.

I talked to him about all the crazy things that had happened to me after the stabbing incident. He was furious about it but he was gladder to see me alive and well.

But, that was already four years ago.

And my relationship with my father has never been better.

"I'm glad that you enjoyed your trip, dear." Dad said. I always try my best to visit my Dad once a week and I always do the talking because he likes to listen to all my adventures in life. "I just heard from Stella that you recently graduated from college."

It has been four years since I lost the gift of reading people's thoughts. I became a normal person but it didn't bother me anymore. I focused on myself and the people who surrounded me. Sebastian and I decided to study at NYU and with God's grace, we finally graduated.

I pursued psychology while Sebastian studied business administration. He's actually going to pursue law in Princeton this upcoming school year. I'm pretty much excited for what the future has in store for him.

"Thanks Dad." I smiled. I took out a key chain from my bag and I gave it to him. I always give him souvenirs from all of my trips. "It'll add on up your souvenir collections."

"I really have a weird obsession on collecting key chains and I blame you." Dad said. We both laughed. My relationship with my father is doing pretty well. We were both afraid to lose one another ever since Sean tried to tear us apart but to my surprise, it made us stronger.

The police officer signaled me that my time is done.

"I'll see you next week, Dad." I said.

"I won't go anywhere, Raven." Dad joked.

I bid my Dad goodbye and I went out from the city jail where my boyfriend and our child are waiting for me inside the car.

Who would have thought though that our relationship would last this long after all the trials we have been through? Four years have passed and we are now living together and we have a child that we truly love.

I opened the passenger seat and our child jumped right at me.

"I guess she missed you." Sebastian said.

"Kirara!" She licked my face and I giggled because it was ticklish. "So you really did miss me."

When Sebastian and I moved to our apartment, we noticed that there was a black stray cat that tends to sleep beside a garbage bin. We decided to adopt the cat and we named her Kirara and that was two years ago.

Sebastian and Kirara are my family now.

"So, do you want to drive thru some burgers before we head home?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes, please." I am actually famished. Sebastian chuckled as he looked at his hungry girlfriend.

My phone buzzed and I received a message from Mom. I opened the message and a picture of her holding an infant popped on my screen. I stared the picture and I couldn't help but tear a little bit. I'm very happy for both of my parents.

"Hey, are you okay? You don't want me to get us burgers?" Sebastian looked worried. I kissed his cheek and assured him that I'm okay.

"I'm no longer an only child, Sebastian." I said. "I finally have a little sister."

Ever since my parents held their hands at an infant Eva before, they started to consider adopting another child. They were always hesitant because they're a bit scared of the 'what ifs.' But after years of debate and hesitation, we finally have a new member of our family.

"So, what did they name her?" Sebastian asked.

"They named her Adriana Stephanie Stone." I said. My little sister will definitely not regret having Stella and Dan as her parents. "Mom really likes the name Stephanie."

"I like the first Stephanie though." Sebastian winked at me. I rolled my eyes. He tends to flirt at me by the time to time even though we are already comfortable with one another.


Sebastian and I enjoyed our simple drive thru dinner at home. Kirara enjoyed her cat treat too. Like the adult that we are, we drank wine and talked about our bills. I know it doesn't sound exciting but this is pretty much my life right now. We do chores together, sometimes we argue what channel to watch and then there are times when we walk around the apartment naked just for fun. Despite us living together, I am still aware that Sebastian will always be my home.

"Claire invited us to her movie premiere." Sebastian said. He was holding the invitation card that Claire personally gave to us. Kirara was trying to bite it away from him. "Do we have to go?"

Claire Donovan moved to Los Angeles after we graduated from high school. She auditioned a lot of small roles before until she got her big break. Ever since then, she became a well-respected movie actress and she still remains to be my humble friend that I met in high school.

"Sebastian..." I glared at him. "We are both going."

"Fine..." Sebastian sighed.

"Ugh, I got my shirt wet." I said. I was washing our utensils since my beloved boyfriend forgot to wash it during lunch time. This is just one of my pet peeves about him. "I'll go change."

"I'll wash the dishes for you." Sebastian stood up and he walked his way to the sink. I kissed him on the cheek and I went to our bedroom.

"Sebastian? You don't mind if I borrow one of your shirts?" I yelled.

"You don't have to ask! You steal it anyway!" Sebastian yelled back at me. I chuckled because it's quite true. I prefer his clothes more than mine.

I am currently rummaging his clothes on his drawer as I look for Sebastian's shirt that I really love to wear all the time. As I was rummaging, a small box caught my attention.

What is this?

I looked at Sebastian and he was pretty occupied by singing to Britney Spear's Toxic while washing the dishes.

My heart started to beat fast. I mean, why is he hiding this? Is Sebastian going to propose to me?

"You should open it." I jumped. I looked at my behind and I saw Sebastian standing near our door. "Surprise!"

"Sebastian..." He took the box from me and he opened it. My jaws dropped and Sebastian laughed at me because of my reaction.

"It's for Kirara." Sebastian said. It was a collar with has our cat's name on it. "You thought it was a ring didn't you?" He teased.

"What... No!" I blushed I covered my face with my hands. This is really embarrassing because I assumed too soon.

Sebastian grabbed my hand and he pulled me closer to him.

"I wouldn't hide a ring on plain sight, Rae." He kissed my forehead. "Now look at me."

He slowly cupped my face and we are staring at each other's eyes.

"I hate you." I mumbled.

"I love you too." He fixed my hair and then he kissed my nose. "Now, let's go watch our favorite TV show together."

Everything started when I couldn't read his thoughts. Even up today, he still made me calm whenever I'm anxious. He doesn't need to hold my hand anymore because I no longer hear other people's thoughts but he still does it anyway. I wouldn't want to let go of his hand too because he is my home and my love.

My story with Sebastian isn't going to end here because every chapter is a new beginning.

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