Chapter 24: The Guilty Officer

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Sorry for taking so long to update this story :D this is an unedited chapter. I apologize for the grammatical error in advance

It's a short chapter. I'll make it up to you guys next time.


Every police officer was interviewed by Detective Parker and I was sitting beside him while Sebastian was outside the interrogation room, listening to the conversations. So far, their alibis match their thoughts until this one officer arrived.

He went inside the interrogation room with a smug look... It's as if he is proud that he is innocent. He sat down across me. He looked a glimpse of me before turning his attention towards Detective Parker.

"My name is Officer Martin De La Cruz and I was at home during the incident. My shift starts on the afternoon. I'm just surprised as you are that Alas Grayson got stabbed." Martin said.

"Hmmm..." Detective Parker scanned his notes. "Your alibi matched the information that I have."

"He's lying." I snapped.

"What?" Detective Parker and Officer De La Cruz said in unison.

"Why would you think that I'd lie? I told you, I wasn't here during the incident." Martin said.

"I said you're lying." I calmly said. I am trying to be calm on this situation but deep inside, I am very furious.

"Are you sure, Ms. Grayson?" Detective Parker said.

"Do you even have any proof about your assumption, little girl." Martin crossed his arm and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"I don't have any proof but I can read your deepest and darkest thoughts, Officer De La Cruz." I stood up from my seat. My hands are on the table and I literally snapped. "I know everything that you did with Sean Lewis."

"Ms. Stone..." Det. Parker tried to calm me down but I brush his arm away before he can touch me.

"For a police officer, you sure are corrupted." I said

"I said I didn't do anything!" Martin shouted in frustration.

"Yes... you are police officer Martin De La Cruz; you're the one who handle all the CCTV footages in the city jail! You know how to hack and edit the footages without the other officers noticing it. You're the one smuggling drugs for inmates and what do you get out of it?! Their respect! You want to feel supreme on the city jail because you will never be a captain or a detective and do you know why?! It's because you're a criminal!"

"Raven!" Sebastian hurriedly went inside the interrogation room. Without any hesitation, he hugged me before I can say another word but I pulled away.

"What are you-?"

"I'm not yet done talking!" I cut Martin off. "You stabbed my dad because Sean told you to do it!"

"Sean? Who's Sean?" Martin nervously asked. "You're talking non sense!"

"Tell me, Officer De La Cruz, who are you protecting?! Why did you stab my father?!" I cried. Tears started to fall down from my eyes and I couldn't help but cry in pain.

"Sean would kill my daughter, okay?!" Martin broke down and that was when I realized that I read too much of his thoughts for him to handle. "He knows where we live and I would do anything just to protect my daughter from a monster!" Martin looked at Sebastian when he mentioned the word 'monster'.

"Well, you stabbed a man with a daughter. What makes you different from Sean?" I said. "You're making your child into a criminal's daughter."

I looked at Officer De La Cruz one more time before I left the interrogation room. Looking at him is giving me too much pain.

I stared at the carved heart that my dad made. He was supposed to give it to me and it's painful to know that I finally got it but in a tragic way.

I looked at my dad. I don't know when he'll wake up again but I do hope than when he wakes up, I'll be right beside him.

Det. Parker went inside the room. He sat beside me and he took a deep sigh.

"Office De La Cruz' daughter is safe and you're right... he did edit the footage." He said.

"I'm glad that the truth was revealed."

"All thanks to you, Ms. Stone." He smiled. "So tell me, how'd you know about Martin being the culprit?"

Will he believe me?

"I can read thoughts." I said. "It's weird right?" I looked at him and he seems amused.

"I think that's cool." He said. "I mean, we can really need a person like you at my precinct."

"You don't find it weird?"

"Not really... There are really people who are gifted with abilities and I think you're one of them."

"Like Superman?"

"A bit lower then Superman." He smiled. "Some people can't feel pain, some people are super strong and some can read thoughts like you."

"Do you think some people can read thoughts like I do?"

"We'll never know but I did make you distract yourself from thinking about depressing thoughts, right?"

"Right." I smiled. "Thank you."

Jacob stood up and stretched his arms.

"By any chances, can you read my thoughts right now?" He asked and I nodded.

"You're thinking about your girlfriend, Claudia. She's a detective like you and you're always concern about you're safety."

"She's braver than me... you know?"

"I know and you're very proud of her."

"Well, I better get going. A police office will come here and watch over your Dad." Det. Parker said. "Call me if you need me, okay? You have to stay vigilant all the time."

"I will." I smiled.


I went outside the hospital and I approached Sebastian who was waiting for me at the parking lot.

"Ready to go home?" Sebastian asked.

"Crap..." I looked around my bag and on my jeans' pockets. My phone isn't here. "I must have left my phone in Dad's room."

"Go get it and I'll tag along."

"I can do it by myself, you know." I crossed my arm at him but Sebastian is giving me the puppy eyes that I couldn't resist.

"I know but I'll miss you." I rolled my eyes at him. Gosh, Sebastian can be so cheesy.

As I stepped inside the hospital lobby and I paused. My entire body froze. I can hear Sean's thoughts... he's here.

A pocket full of posies
A tissue, a tissue
We all fall down"

The rhyme and his voice are inside my head.

"You okay?" Sebastian asked.

"Sean... he's here!" I said. I started to panic and I can feel my chest throbbing.

"Where is he, Raven?!"

"I... I don't know!" I shouted. The rhyme and his voice are still stuck inside my head. He's playing with me. I couldn't concentrate where he is because all I can hear is the rhyme.

I heard a gunshot near my Dad's room. Sebastian mumbled something to me but I couldn't hear it. Everything happened so fast. He rushed towards my Dad's room and suddenly, everything I see turned pitch black.

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