Chapter 7: Mean Girls

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I always salute doctors, nurses and other people who save lives but I know it's not easy to be them. They are given a heavy responsibility on their shoulder which sometimes they couldn't handle. They also have their own lives aside from saving lives that they have to deal with but they know that saving lives is important not because it's their job it's because they know that losing someone you love dearly is not easy.

Just like churches, hospitals have lots of people kneeling down and praying for a miracle. Just like the airport, hospitals have witnessed a lot of emotional moments. Sometimes, the hospital is a place where you can know the people who actually cared for you and those who don't.

Sebastian and I visited Cecilia. I wanted to check on her and how she's doing even if going to the hospital depresses me a lot. I can hear sad thoughts from people and it makes me affected because I can only hear their thoughts and I can't help them. Sometimes, my ability makes me feel so useless. Even though Cecilia didn't agree in chemotherapy, she was still admitted in the hospital because her fever keeps on coming back and to check on her immune system.

Cecilia is lying on her bed watching the original Teen Titans show. Her mom went out from the room to buy fruits for her daughter. Her sadness temporarily goes away as she enjoys watching television. If only she goes back to being a normal kid instead of suffering and drowning herself in self-pity.

"Who's your favourite titan, Cecilia?" Sebastian asked. Apparently, he's also enjoying watching the show. He says it's his favourite show when he was a kid and he's really happy seeing it in the television again.

"I like Beastboy! He's really funny and he can turn into animals." Cecilia said.

"He's a pretty cool titan isn't he?"

"He sure is! How about you, Sebastian? Who's your favourite titan?"

"Raven. I like Raven." He looks at me while saying those words. I looked away and blushed. Jeez, why am I affected? He's talking about a teen titan member and not me.  "I think she has the best powers between the five of them."

"But she's mean."

"No she's not. She just has her own issues to deal with and she couldn't risk showing off too much of her emotions." Why do I feel like Raven and I don't only share the same name but we also deal the same issues?

"How about you, Raven? Is Raven also your favourite Titan?" Cecilia asked.

"I haven't watched that show. I was a boring child when I was young." I admitted. I never had a normal childhood to begin with. Normal is an alien word for me. Unlike other children that leisure time in watching cartoons, I was locked in a room while my parents are in the living room arguing.

"You're even boring until now." Sebastian said. I glared at him. Well it's nice of him to point out the obvious. "It's never too late to watch the original Teen Titans. I recommend you watch it."

"Will you watch it with me?" I asked.

"Of course I will! Let's watch after the rehearsal." He excitedly said. Wait... I forgot to tell him I was just kidding. Well just like what he said, it's never too later to watch it.

I sat near Cecilia and I touched her hair. It's sad to lose her beautiful dark hair because of cancer. One of the reasons why she doesn't want to take chemotherapy is that she doesn't want to lose her hair. A girl's hair is her crown and I understand her that it's important but her health is much more important. Don't worry, Cecilia. I'll win and fund your chemotherapy.

Just like the Teen Titans, I'll be a hero to Cecilia.


"When there's trouble you know who to call... Sebastian!" His singing irritates my ears. Can he just drive without singing? He should really consider to auto tune his voice. "From my bedroom I can see it all... Sebastian!"

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