Ch-23: Getting To Know Miss Mean Girl.

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"Well look who it is, the 'outcasts'" the voice said in a harsh tone 'wait that voice sounds familiar, could it be?' I thought to myself. "Ugh what do you want Yuko?" Y/N asked with venom in her voice "why should we tell a freak like you?" the girl with short sliver hair on the left said glaring at Y/N as she glared back. When I looked at the girl in the middle I instantly remembered the events from this morning.


*Back To The Story*

Chiho's POV:

As soon as I pointed the girl out, I saw her eyes widen along with Y/n's and Rena's "you're the girl who bumped into me!" the blonde haired girl said in an angry tone. "Oh yeah i'm-" "whatever I don't have time for this, come on you two let's ditch these losers, if I look at these three any longer I think i'll throw up" "you don't have to tell us twice~" the girl with long sliver hair on the right said in a mocking tone. As the three girls left I couldn't help but stare at the girl from this morning "UGH!! I CAN'T STAND THEM!!" I heard Y/n yell at the top of her lungs "jeez Y/n calm down." Rena said in a calming voice. "Huh~ i'm sorry it's just those three really get on my nerves" Y/n said cooling down a little "hey Y/n who was she?" I asked slowly turning to her. "That was Yuko Eiji the most popular girl in school and the two girl with her are Namiko and Nanami also known as the Mizu twins they're Yuko's minions, i'd stay away from them if I were you" Y/n said with a serious face. I stayed silent for a moment before speaking "I...i'm going ahead see you guys tomorrow bye..." "ok bye" "see you later" as they said bye I walked off home alone.

(Time Skip)

At Chiho's House

I was in my room laying down on my bed thinking 'is that Yuko girl as bad as they say? sure she seems like a horrible person but I feel like there's more to her than we know' I thought as I slowly sat up on my bed. 'She can't be as bad as everyone thinks! and i'm determined to prove everyone wrong!' I thought as I turned off my lights and jumped into bed drifting off to sleep.

(Time Skip)

The Next Day

I woke up early putting on my uniform before heading out to meet Y/n and Rena waiting for me, we then started walking to school, as soon as we reached the large building I waved goodbye and headed off. As I walked to my class I noticed a certain blonde walking "Ah! Yuko-senpai!" I called out to her causing her to turn around blinking a few times, she gave me an annoyed look once I caught up to her. "Oh it's you again. what do you want?" she said in a mean tone but I didn't pay any mind to it "w-well I-I wanted to apologize about what happen yesterday" I stuttered blushing a little from embarrassment. "O-Oh right...w-well just forget about it ok it wasn't a big deal anyway" Yuko said looking away from me 'i-is she blushing!?' I thought as Yuko started to walk off. "Yuko-senai wait!" "what is it now?" "is there anything I could do for you?" I asked smiling kindly "" Yuko said calmly 'figures she say that' I thought as I looked down at me meet. "But if you want you can meet me after school, is that ok?" Yuko asked looking at me, my widen before smiling again "yes!" I said happily "good" Yuko said heading to class.

'I'm going to show everyone Yuko is better than what they think!'


A/n: hey everyone it's good to be back! I hope you like my new update to the story! that's all for now! goodnight everyone!

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