Ch-31: Getting Closer.

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Y/n's POV:

It's been 3 weeks since Yokami finally stopped avoiding us and made amends with everyone well everyone except Rena they're still on bad terms but they're getting better for instance they can stay in a room together for a certain amount of time without glaring at each other. But needlessly they still can't stand each other. Though i'm glad Yokami finally decided to be more independent and started to be more social well more social with other girls to be exact but it's a start. "Y/n are you heading to school now?" I heard my mom ask coming from the kitchen "yes!" I said heading to the door "ok be safe!" my mom said giving me a guick hug before I walked out the door. "Hey Y/n" "Hi!" once I was outside I was greeted by Rena and Chiho waiting for me "hi guys!" I said as we started to walk to school "Yokami not joining us?" Chiho asked me curiously "no she said she want to walk with Namiko and the others" I said as we continued walking. "I'm glad she made some new friends" "especially if it's Yuko right~" Chiho blushed at my comment looking down. I then notice how quiet Rena was being "still mad?" "of course not. why would I?" "you're such a bad liar~" Rena just huffed angerly while I just giggled at her as we finally reachered the school. "Well bye Chiho we'll see you later ok?" "ok!" once we waved Chiho off she headed to her classroom disappearing into the distance "we should probably head to class too" "yeah" I grabbed Rena's hand pulling her along with me to class.

(Time Skip)


Once the bell rung everyone got up heading out the classroom for lunch along with me and Rena, once we grabbed our lunch we headed to the table we usually sit in finding Chiho already there "hey! where's Yoka?" I asked as Chiho just pointed at something. I look to where she was pointing to see Yokami siting at a table not too far from us with Yuko, Namiko, and Nanami "oh! she's with them! i'm so proud of her! making so many friends!" I said cheerfully. "You sound like you're her mother" Rena said laughing a bit "what so wrong with that?" I said glaring at her "nothing! nothing at all!" Rena said still laughing while I just puffed my cheeks angerly. Lunch soon ended and we had to go back to class but before I went back I managed to catch up with Yokami. "Hey! Yoka!" I yelled out to her causing her to stop "oh Y/n hi can I help you?" she asked curiously "me, Rena, and Chiho are heading to this sweets shop we usually hang out at wanna come?" I asked her. "oh! no sorry I promised Namiko i'd let come over my house sorry" Yoka said apologizing "no it's ok maybe next time?" "sure!" "ok bye I hope you two have fun!" "yeah thanks bye!" I waved bye at Yokami heading back to class.

(Time Skip)

End Of Day

Yokami's POV:

The bell for the end of the day finally rang allowing all the students to leave, I grabbed my stuff and walked out the classroom waiting outside the gate for Namiko after a few minutes she finally came walking out looking at me smiling. "Hey! did I make you wait long?" "no not at all" "good! let's head to your house!" "ok!" we then started walking to my house I was a bit nervous since i've never had anyone other than Y/n over my house and it wasn't very often either. After much walking we finally reached my house "wow! it's HUGE! it's even bigger than Yuko's!" Namiko said staring in aw. "Oh you think so?" "definitely!" I smile at her before opening the door revealing the large inside, as we walk in we were greeted by one of my maids.

 "hello my lady how may I- oh? I see you've bought a guest with you! would like for me to being some snacks to your room?" she asked me "yes please" I said politely, the bows her head running off

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 "hello my lady how may I- oh? I see you've bought a guest with you! would like for me to being some snacks to your room?" she asked me "yes please" I said politely, the bows her head running off. "Follow me my room not too far from here" "ok" Namiko follows me though a few hallways until we reached my room, I turned the knob opening the door revealing a large fancy bedroom.

Namiko immediately plopped face first onto my bed "hhaa~ it's so soft~" Namiko said purring like a cat "do you do this all the time?" I asked looking at her as she rolls around on my bed "only when i'm at Yuko's house but yours are just as soft~" ...

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Namiko immediately plopped face first onto my bed "hhaa~ it's so soft~" Namiko said purring like a cat "do you do this all the time?" I asked looking at her as she rolls around on my bed "only when i'm at Yuko's house but yours are just as soft~" she said burying her face into the mattress. "So what are Yuko and Nanami doing anyway?" I asked siting down next to Namiko "shopping." "you didn't want to go with them?" "ew no I hate it when they drag me with them" "why" "well for one i'm not into all that girly stuff they like and two they can get really annoying and I wouldn't want to put you through that kind of torture"I stare at her for a minute before laughing. "Yeah you're right I can't really picture you wearing something like a pink dress" I said laying down next to her "but kind jealous of how close those two seem to be" "are you saying we're not?" "I don't know are we?" I lay my head to the side looking at Namiko. "Do you want to be?" namiko asks me with a serious face I just nod my head in response "then do want to try something?" "sure" "then...close your eyes" I nod my head and closed my eyes waiting. I then felt Namiko's hand on my cheek, before I knew it I felt something soft on my lips I slowly open my eyes only to widen them in shock,

'S-She kissed me!...'


A/n: hey guys i'm back! and with a new update I hoped you liked it! anyway i hope you look forward to the next few chapter cuz it about to get interesting! thats all i can say for now until next time bye bye~

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