Mini-Ch(6): Love Bites (Lemon) Part 2

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Yuko's POV:

"Excuse me driver, how long until we're back at the mansion?" "shouldn't be too long my lady! maybe an hour or so." "ugh." I was in a carriage on my way home from a meeting with my supposed fiance whom I couldn't stand, when the carriage suddenly came to a stop. "What's happening? why have we stopped?" I asked the driver in a concern voice. "I'm sorry my lady but THERE'S A WOMAN UNCONSCIOUS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD!!" the driver yelled panicking, "WHAT!?" I yelt quickly getting out to find a woman laying face first on the ground unmoving. "OH MY GOSH! ARE YOU OK!?" I said running up to her trying to shake her awake but to no avail "she's not responding! quickly to the manor!" I ordered carrying the unconscious woman into the carriage getting in as well. "Right away my lady!" the driver said quickly heading back to the mansion.

(Time Skip)

Not long after I brought the girl home with me I placed her in one of the guest rooms next to my room. The next day she woke up shocked to see me sitting right next to her reading a book "um excuse me? not to be rude or anything...but....who are you and where am I?" she ased confused. "Oh!  you're awake! that's a relief~ my name is Yuko Eiji, my driver and I found you unconscious in the middle of the road last night and thought you might be injured so we brought you back to my mansion to make sure you were ok" I explained to her. "Oh? well thank you...but you really didn't have to..." the girl said lowering her head "no! it's fine! i'm happy to help! but I must ask why were you laying in the road? and what happened to you?" I asked curiously. The girl seemed to think for a second before speaking "sorry but I don't remember" she said with an almost guilty expression on her face. "No! no! it's ok i'm sure you'll remember eventually, in the mean time you're more than welcome to stay here if you want!" I said giving her a reassuring smile. She seemed surprised at first before smiling back at me "thank you. my name is Chiho by the way" the girl named Chiho said reaching out her hand for me to shake "nice to meet you, Chiho!" I said taking her happily. At the time I hadn't realize the mess I was getting myself into.

(Time Skip)

It's been 3 weeks since I found Chiho and we've become quite close friends. Everyday i'd stop by Chiho's room and talk to her from a very long period of time before having to leave when it started to late. However, one day when going to take a plate of food to her I found her room completely empty with her no where in sight. I searched the entire mansion from top to bottom trying to find her but to no avail, no matter how many times I looked I couldn't find her. After about 2 weeks had pass I stopped looking thinking she had completely disappeared off the face of the earth. Later that day I decided to go shopping in the market to get my mind off it. I had walked all around the market place when my maid that had accompanied me noticed the sun was starting to set. "My lady it's starting to get late we should head back to the manor now" "ok" we were about to walk to the carriage when I stopped hearing a familiar voice. "Oh! you have an eye for jewelry ma'am!" "oh? thank you...I guess that's one way of putting it..." I look behind me to see a woman wearing a long black dress with a black hood admiring a ruby ring on her finger.

" I look behind me to see a woman wearing a long black dress with a black hood admiring a ruby ring on her finger

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