Ch-32: Seeking Help

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Yokami's POV:

Namiko pulled away from me letting go of my cheek "so what do you think?" she asked with a look of lust in her eyes. I felt heat rise to my face turning it bright red "" I stuttered still speechless. Namiko just laughed at my shyness before getting up off my bed "well it's getting late I think it's time i'd get going i'll see you tomorrow ok?" "o-ok" Namiko gave me a little wink before walking out my room leaving me alone. 'What just happened!?' I thought blushing even more replaying the kiss over and over again in my head. "I can't believe she kissed me! and it was my first to...~" I said still completely speechless. "Is it normal for friends to kiss? especially if we're both girls? I didn't think that's something friends do!?" I said not sure what to think. "Huh~ now what should I do? should I tell the others? or should I keep this to myself? huh~ i'm so confused!" I said unsure.

(Time Skip)

The next day I decided to ask Y/n for some advice. I knocked on her front door and after a few seconds she answered. "Oh Yoka! what are you doing here?" she asked a little concerned "um hey Y/n I just wanted to say hi and um... I need your help, is it ok if I come in?" I asked her nervously. "Ok but Rena here and I don't want you two arguing ok" "ugh ok.." I walked into Y/n's house to see Rena siting on the couch looking towards us. "Why is she here?" "she's asking us for help please just be nice" Rena just sighed before making an uncaring face "huh~ fine." Y/n smiled happily as she gestured me to sit in the chair infront of them. "So what seems to be the problem?" Y/n asked with an interested smile. "'s about Namiko..." "did something bad happen between the two of you?" "um no I mean yes I mean...huh~ I don't know..." both Rena and Y/n look at each other confused. "Ok why don't tell us what happened?" Y/n said with a concern face. I took a large breathe before talking "well when me and Namiko were alone in my room she suggested a way for us to be closer and well...we might have...kissed..." I said looking down with an embarrassed blush. I looked back up only to see Rena and Y/n with a shocked face "You kissed!?" Y/n said dumbfounded. "U-Um yes, well she kissed that weird? i mean were both girls!" I asked unsure. "Not at all! it's completely fine! there's nothing weird or wrong with that" Y/n said reassuring me "yeah! so you kissed a girl, big deal it's not like the worlds gonna end" Rena said nonchalantly. "More importantly maybe you should talk to Namiko about this, she is the one who kissed anyway" Y/n suggested. "Ok I think i'll try that. thanks Y/n and Rena two i guess" I said reluctantly "does this mean you and Rena are on good terms now!" Y/n asked with delight in her eyes. "No way in hell" me and Rena said in unison "anyway i'll be leaving now thanks for the help" "no problem Yoka!" I got up from my seat and walked to the door waving goodbye before exiting.

(Time Skip)

The next day at school I decided to confront Namiko about the kiss. During lunch I found her walking to bathroom alone 'perfect! she's alone!' I thought catching up to her "hey Namiko! wait up!" I said calling out to her. This caused her to turn around as she was walking in the bathroom "oh hey Yokami! what's up?" she said facing me " to talk to you about...the kiss" I said blushing a bit. "Oh that! listen i'm sorry I should have jumped on you like that-" "no it's not like that! you just surprised me is all and it's not like I hated it..." I look down at my feet embarrassed. " you want to continue this relationship even if we do things friends normally wouldn't do?" Namiko said questioning me. I thought about it for a moment before looking up at her and taking a deep breathe "yes!" I said proudly. Namiko just smiles before kissing my cheek causing me to blush "good~ I look forward to experimenting with you~" she said with a mischievous smile. Sudden we heard the bell ring "well looks like lunch ended. oh well~ i'll be heading back to class now~ i'll see you at your house tonight until then~" Namiko gave me a small wink before running off leaving me to my thoughts.

'What did I just sign up for...?'


A/n: hey guys i'm back! after a long LONG visit with on internet i'm glad to finally have it back and i'm tired from the trip so i'm gonna cut it short, i hope you like the update and continue reading goodbye and see you next time!

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