Mini-ch(5): Love Bites(Lemon) Part 1

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A/n: hello everyone! it's great to see all of you again! in the spirit of halloween i made a little mini chapter. in this little halloween special both Rena and Chiho are vampires on the hunt for fresh blood in the 18th century! what will happen on this night of all hallows eve? you'll just have to read and see now won't you?


Y/n's POV:

"Remember Y/n, don't stop for anyone, don't wonder off and be sure to be back home before night fall." my mom said in a worry tone. "Yes mother I know. you needed worry!" I said reassuring her. I was going to the market place to get more food for my family and the only way to get to the market from my village and back is through the thick forest that lays between us. The forest is very dark and spooky especially at night and recently there's been a string of murders with all the murder victims being young women like myself. "Are you sure you don't want me or your father coming with you?" my mom asked still very worried, "yes, i'm sure mother i'm a big girl after all, I can handle myself" little did I know that this would be my undoing.

(Time Skip)

Once at the market I grabbed what I need and was about to head back home when someone calling out to me caught my attention. "Y/n wait! don't leave yet!" "mhm?" I turned around to see a girl with medium dark brown her and deep green eyes "o-oh h-hi Ms.Rena" I said trying not to seem nervous. Rena is a good friend of mine, she lives in the large mansion on the hill in my village. I often see her whenever I go to the market place and have grown a small crush on her though I don't think she would accept my feelings for her so I try really hard to be a good friend to her. "You weren't planning on leaving without seeing me were you~?" Rena said with a playful voice that made my heart flutter but I tried to keep it hidden. "Oh i'm sorry I didn't mean to, it's just my mother wants me to hurry back is all" "oh~? well I wouldn't want to keep you, so hurry home it'll be dark soon" "right, thank you i'll see you tomorrow bye Rena!" with that I walked away reaching the dark forest.

 "Oh i'm sorry I didn't mean to, it's just my mother wants me to hurry back is all" "oh~? well I wouldn't want to keep you, so hurry home it'll be dark soon" "right, thank you i'll see you tomorrow bye Rena!" with that I walked away reaching the d...

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Soon night fell and I found myself lost "Uh oh where do I go now?" I said to myself as I wondered aimlessly around, suddenly I hear the sound of footsteps along with an ominous laugh all around me. "W-Who's there?" I said out loud not receiving an answer, then the sound just suddenly stopped. I sighed in relief turning around only to stumble backwards onto my butt startled when I was met with glowing green eyes. "Please don't hurt me!" I pleated scared "why would I do that to you, Y/n~?" I heard a feminine voice say, I looked up to see Rena smiling down at me. "M-Ms.Rena! what are you doing here!?" "well I could ask you the same thing~ don't you know it's dangerous for pretty young girls like you to be out this late~?" I blush at her comment looking down at my feet. "Yes I know i'm sorry I just got a little lost" "lost? that won't do~ I can't let you stay out here by yourself! you'll stay with me until morning. ok~?" I thought for a moment before smiling at her. "Ok! thank you for your help" "happy to, just follow me~" "ok!" as I followed Rena I was unaware of the evil looking smirk on her face.

(Time Skip)

As we walk into her mansion Rena leads me to a room that was covered in red velvet and gold.

"Wow what a beautiful room!" I said staring in aw "hehe~ i'm glad you like it because you'll be spending a lot of time in here~" "what-" before I could get another word in Rena pushed me down onto the bed

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"Wow what a beautiful room!" I said staring in aw "hehe~ i'm glad you like it because you'll be spending a lot of time in here~" "what-" before I could get another word in Rena pushed me down onto the bed. "M-Ms.Rena w-what are you doing!?" I asked shocked "oh Y/n~ you really must stop calling me 'Ms.Rena' I may be older but there's no reason to be so formal with me~" Rena said as she started to climb onto of me. "Huh~ you really are a beautiful girl Y/n~" Rena said as she bought her face closer to mine "you have no idea how long i've wanted to hold you, to touch you, to ravish you, to make you completely mine~" Rena said in a seductive tone causing me to shiver in delight under her. As Rena gets closer and closer to me I noticed her licking two  very sharp fangs.

My eyes widen as she bought her mouth closer to my neck "w-wait Rena don't- AHH!" I cut myself as I felt Rena sink her fangs into my neck beginning to suck my blood, but oddly enough it didn't hurt instead it felt really good

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My eyes widen as she bought her mouth closer to my neck "w-wait Rena don't- AHH!" I cut myself as I felt Rena sink her fangs into my neck beginning to suck my blood, but oddly enough it didn't hurt instead it felt really good. I started to moan at the pleasure coursing through my body after a while Rena finally let go a bit of blood running down her chin only for her to lick it off. "Huh~ your blood tastes so delicious Y/n~! it's so thick and sweet that I can't hold myself back~" Rena says in a state of utter delight. I was in such a daze that I didn't notice Rena stripping me of my clothes along with hers, I was bought back to reality when I felt Rena lick the rest of the blood from off my neck. "A-Ahh~ R-Rena~ no~" I moaned barely able to form words as I was caught in an ocean of pleasure. "Don't worry the side effects from my bite won't last long but until then let's enjoy this~ ok~?" Rena said bring her face to mine. All I could muster was a small nod as Rena smiled as she licked down my chest to my stomach all the way to my vagina licking it slowly causing me to whimper softly. Once she was done Rena lifted herself up positioning her d*ck with my P*ssy. I grabbed tightly onto the bed sheets as she slowly pushed her d*ck into me biting my lower lip trying to distract myself from the pain. When the pain finally subsided I gave Rena my permission to move. At first she started at a slow pace but gradually quickened her pace to the point she was slamming into me "ha~ feels good~" I managed to say between moans and gasps. "AAhh~ I can't get enough of you Y/n~ you're so intoxicating that I can stop~" Rena moaned as she grabs my waist sitting me on her lap while thrusting into me harder. "AAhh~ hhaa~ Rena~ love you...I love you~" I moaned wrapping my arms and legs around her as reach my limit. "Haa~ me too~ I love so much Y/n~" Rena moaned as she went even harder and faster in me hitting my deepest parts "i'm cumming~ aahh~" "me too~ ahh~" Rena pulled me into a deep and passionate kiss before cumming me hard as I blackout from pleasure and blood loss. Only hearing Rena's voice before I blacked out "hehe~ sleep tight love~"


A/n: hey guys i hope you enjoyed part one of love bites and yes the pun was intended. any sorry it's a day late but oh well i hoped you liked it until next time bye bye~

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