Newt ~ Jealousy *unedited*

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Warnings: threatening, fluff xD

(y/n) - your name
(y/h/c) - your hair colour
(y/e/c) - your eye colour


Greenie (Jayden) POV

It's a been a day since I've been in the glade and today Thomas was showing me around, I remembered my name was Jayden but that's about it

As far as I could see there was grass a forest area and hugs and tents, Thomas was showing all the different jobs there was but I wasn't interested in the jobs.

I looked at the garden area where there were a few boys and a girl, from what I learned from Thomas, there were two girls in the glade, Teresa and (y/n), the rest were boys.

(y/n) was the best girl here though, Teresa is alright but (y/n) is gorgeous with her (y/h/c) hair and (y/e/c) eyes.

"So this (y/n) girl what's she like?" I asked Thomas

Thomas raised an eyebrow "well she's lovely, her smile is infectious and she always lights up everyone's lives, she friends with everyone even Gally"

I nodded "think I have a chance with her?"

"Have a chance with who?" Some british voice said

I spun around to see a sandy blonde haired boy with brown eyes

"Sorry who are you?" I asked and Thomas slowly backed away

"Newt, second in command now answer my question. Chance with who?" Newt said sternly

"Cool and that (y/n) girl" I said proudly

Something flicked in his eyes and he clenched his jaw
"No you don't" he said

My face fell, how dare he say that! He has no right to speak to me like that especially when it's about a girl

"Well why not!? If I want her as my girlfriend I will have her as my girlfriend." I huffed

"Come with me" Newt said walking towards this hut and I saw Thomas head over to the gardens

I followed him and he slammed the door

"Right listen here shank. Yes your allowed relationships but as there's only two girls has it not crossed your mind that they might already have boyfriends?" He said

"Yeah but I don't care, it's only a bit of fun ain't it? Anyway (y/n) looks easy to get, I'm sure she wouldn't mind a small affair" I smirked

Then he got angry. What the hell is up with this dude?

He then punched me in the face and i fell to the ground

"What the hell man?!" I yelled

"Never EVER talk about her like that again! I'm her bloody boyfriend and I love her to the shucking moon and back. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't like a 'small affair' as she's not like that! So never talk about my girl like that ever again or next time it won't just be a punch you get" he said through gritted teeth

Newt POV

Jayden glared at me and then the girl herself bursted in, when I saw her I instantly calmed down, she had that effect on me

"Newt!! What did you do?!" She said coming over

"It's fine, the slinthead deserved it" I said glaring at him still

She frowned at the use of my language and looked over at Jayden

"Are you ok?" She asked and helped him up

"Yeah fine thanks" he smiled

And that was it I went over to him "get the shuck out before I make you get out" I said dangerously

"Fine jesus" he huffed and walked out

(y/n) looked at me with confusion "why are you acting like this?"

"Because the shank was saying how he's gonna get with you as you seemed easy to get and I'm sorry (y/n) but no shank is gonna come in here and take you like that" I said

She softened and chucked "well I mean he can try but I'll soon make it clear to him that I ain't interested"

She came over and took my hand "your the one that I want Newt not some greenie who I barely know"

I smiled at her and kissed her gently then when we pulled away she smirked

"I've never seen you so jealous before" she said

"Only for you" I replied and kissed her again

And from that day I never got so jealous as I knew that I had (y/n) and only me


Hope you enjoyed :)


Thank you xxxxx

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