Engagement Party Gone Wrong

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At noon..

Ben and Han were dragged by Leia at the party with Bazine as Leia announced Ben and Bazine's engagement. And Ben started to mumbled and Han started to dislike Bazine because she was not the perfect future daughter-in-law, he want Ben to be with Rey instead. Poe, Jessika, Finn, Rose, Hux and Gwen were also invited at the party.

"Oh darling Ben, you look handsome with that suit." Bazine said sweetly to Ben as he began to groaned and roll his eyes.

"Ben!" Leia snapped as Ben freaked out.

"I wish Rey was here. And besides, you are so, old and a nightmare." Ben mumbled and insulting to Bazine.

"Who's Rey?" Bazine snapped at him.

"None of your business, bitch!" Han defended to Bazine.

"Han!" Leia snaps at him.

"What the hell is going on?" Jessika asked to Poe, Rose, Finn, Hux, and Gwen as they all looked at Ben, his parents and Bazine were having an argument until Poe, Jessika, Rose, Finn, Gwen and Hux saw Rey was at the party with her grandfather, their eyes became to wide as they afraid that Rey will see Ben with Bazine.

They came over to her and greeted her and her grandfather.

"Hey Rey and Mr. Kenobi." Jessika said and they shook hands.

"Hey guys." Rey said to them.

"Say Rey, wanna get a drink?" Finn asked her and she nodded her head. Poe, Jessika, Rose, Finn, Hux and Gwen escorting her to the buffet while Obi finds a seat for him and Rey, hoping that she will return.

They were on the way to the buffet to get some drinks until Rey saw Ben and Bazine together as they kissed. His mother was pleased while Han was not and saw Rey and he became shocked to see her. And so does Ben who had his eyes wide.

"No, Rey! This is not how it supposed to be!" Poe said as Rey began to cry and ran.

"Rey!" Ben shouted as he was about to ran to her but Bazine stopped him.

"Not so fast baby, you're not going to after her." Bazine gave him a evil grinned but he flinched away and ran after her who she and her grandfather went on his car but they drove off leaving Ben looked down at the ground as he felt guilty for making Rey upset as his father Han hugged him and rubbed his shoulder.

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