Jessika's Special Day

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Jessika was now 39 weeks pregnant, she walks downstairs and see her husband Poe who was preparing her bags, her due date was any day for now. She walked towards him as she holds her stomach and stand beside him.

"Hey there love." She said with a smile and kissed his cheek. Poe's pet dog BB-8 came to Poe and jumped on him as he licked Poe's face.

They were all laughing until Jessika feels a huge kick in her stomach as her water just broke.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Jessika screamed in pain as Poe stand up looked shocked.

"Jessika, you okay?" Poe asked her in a worried look.

"Poe, it's time. The baby is coming!" Jessika said as his eyes began to wide, he called a dog sitter to take care of BB-8 and picked her up as he began to drove her to the hospital.

At the hospital room...

"Push Jessika push!" The doctor shouted at Jessika.

"I AM PUSHING! I AM!" Jessika screamed as she began to push.

"Come on baby, you can do it!" Poe said to he as she squeezed his hand harder.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" She screamed until the sound of the cry appeared.

At last, she delivered their healthy baby boy. He was wrapped in a blue blanket, and he was getting cleaned up before the doctor handed him to Jessika who was in tears of joy.

"You did it honey!" Poe said excitedly and kissed Jessika's forehead.

"I did it!" Jessika said with tears of joy as their baby softly grabbed her finger.

He have Jessika's raven hair, her face shape, Poe's eyes and his nose.

"So, what do we name him?" Poe asked her as she began to think.

"How about we name him Orson Kes Dameron? After your father? I want to honor him." Jessika said and ran through a finger to Orson's cheek.

"After my old man." Poe chuckled and kissed her cheek and their son's forehead.

AN: Hi guys, so sorry for not updating this, I was doing my homework and I've been busy doing school.

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