Chapter 3

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Colton haynes as Greyson

After waking up saturday morning and realising what i had done and realised that noone knew apart from me and satan himself i made up an excuse and hightailed out of there to hideout in the confinement of my bedroom. Everyones tried coming round, i told my mum i was sick and to send them home. Everyones tried calling. All of my friends. They texted. I just ignored them, until i recieved a text from an unknown number. After opening it, I immediately put my phone on do not desturb. You know its bad when Greyson himself text me.

Unknown number
-dont worry shortcake. Our secret. ~G

It was enough to make me go into hiding for the rest of the weekend. Alas my personal bubble must come to an end. Its now monday and there was no way i would get away with ditching for the day. Time to face my problem.

So here i am stood at the school gate hesitating.

"There you are, where the fudge have you been this weekend missy... hey get back here before i shove my foot so far up your arse it will come out your mouth"

Ah my handsome bestfriend Dylan, always has a way with words. I continue walking as if i didnt hear. Although everyone knew i did, im pretty sure the next town over heard considering he had the whole courtyards attention.

Next thing i know i hear a grunt in pain. Without turning around i know one of the others must have hit him.

"You dont hit a lady, i thought i taught you better man"

Yup suspicion correct. Tyler hit him.

"That would require her being a lady" is the last thing i hear before im out of earshot and in my registration building. I already cant wait for this day to be over.

Being the first one in the room i take my designated seat and with a sigh flop my head on the desk without looking up to my surroundings. Closing my eyes i decide to concentrate on my breathing and give myself a mental pep talk to ideally get through the day

Come on Avery. 8 hours, you can do it. And you eat for 1 1/2 of those.

As i repeat this i feel myself gradually relax everytime obviously enjoying the comfort food gives me.

After a while, whilst keeping my forhead attached to my desk and my eyes shut i hear the door open amd more students piling in. It wasnt until the seat next to me scratched along the carpet that i slowly lifted my head.

We have designated seating for registration meaning the person sat next to me was next to me on the register. Meaning for me my partner is Liam Sole. Once he plops himself on the chair beside me, we make eye contact give a slight nod to eachother in greeting and face the front. In the 4 years we have gone to the same school, same registration and on average 1 shared class a day, we have probably shared maybe 10 words between us. No particular reason. He has his circle, i have mine.

Thats the thing about this school. Obviously you have your populars, you have your "nerds" and you have the middle ground, but it is no where near as cliche as movies and books make it out to be. We all have friends who run in the other "cliques" we all just have our preferences.

"I saw you at that party friday, ive never seen you look so utterly gorgeous before"

At that my cheeks instantly flame as i feel the heat rush to them. Whipping my head back in his direction i sat there gaping like a fish too stunned to talk. Not only is that the most hes ever said to me, he complimented me. I didnt even realised he went to the party.

With my attention on Liam i almost missed the fact that Greyson who sat infront of liam stiffened as he heard this, and almost instantly relaxed making me wonder wether i really i saw anything.

"Er thanks Liam" i nod and quickly put my focus back to the front willing the teacher to walk through those doors

"Yeah you had practically every guys attention, including myself" he continues obviously not understanding my discomfort with the direction of conversation.

"Oh er i didnt notice" i replied keeping my focus directed to the front

It seems fate finally had enough of embarassing me as the the teacher walked in to the front of the room. After greeting the class and taking attendance be went on to announcements.

"First of all assemblys will now be on friday morning replacing registration. Next is everything thats remaining year. Now as its your final year theres alot in store this year" as if pausing for dramatic effect mr lewis scanned the classroom before continuing

"First we have to discuss the springtrip to paris. Forms will be handed out in a moment to get your parents to sign. Payments need to be made by next month to secure your place it is january currently and the trip is in march." at that announcement the class filled with excited chatter.

"Okay okay settle down, next is prom on june 23rd, if you would like to be on prom committee go to the auditorium at lunch to sign up. Go there tomorrow lunch id you would like to join yearbook comitee and finally school council. We need one representative per form and one boy and one girl per year, same as always. Staff elect form rep and you students elect for the year. Votes will be in wednesday registration, announcement at fridays assembly. I believe thats all the announcements for the day, you can talk amoingst yoursefs until bell goes"

As soon as the final words left his mouth chairs scraped and everyone moved to join friends in the class. Knowing i cant avoid my friends forever i join Abbie and Bex at a table as they were the only ones in registration with me.

"Okay bitch, spill, whats going on with you, youve been avoiding us since saturday" Abbie calls as she notices me approaching.

"Nothing i was just ill is all" i say dismissing her ideas with a wave. I didnt want to continue this conversation. From the corner of my eye i see Greyson smirk as i said this showing me he heard our conversation and he knows the real reason for my isolation.

"Hmm if you say so" Abbie says with a nod dropping the topic but Bex keeps staring at me with suspicious eyes. I just know shes not going to let the conversation go until she gets the truth out of me.

"Well i dont believe you" she says, crossing her arms across her chest rasiong an eyebrow to challenge me against telling her another lie. "Whenever youre ill we would cuddle on the sofa and blitz netflix, you never hide out on your own"

Knowing i cant lie i just shrug in submission.

God loves me today as he saves me yet again at perfect time and the bell goes. before Bex can ask another question as i dart out of the classroom hoping not to make her more suspicious and make my way to my first period which i dont share with Bex or Abbie but i do with Dylan and Greyson.

Oh joy.

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