Chapter 16

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3 seconds.

When i opened my eyes, I had 3 seconds of pure bliss.

3 seconds of not remembering anything from last night, and then suddenly it all hit me like a brick and i couldnt hold the sobs that broke free. Once the first escaped i couldnt stop the rest and next thing i know im full on ugly crying.

"Hey hey" a sleepy deep voice murmurs from besides me, bringing me into his chest rubbing my back trying to soothe me.

I try to calm myself down, but it just wasnt stopping.

"I-im so-so-sorry" i sob into his chest, my voice muffled by his shirt. I hate being so vulnerable.

"Hey dont apologise" he whispers into my ear, whilst rocking me back and forth."he wont touch you again, i promise" he tells me trying to calm me down.

"You cant promise that" i whisper hoarsly as my tears calm to a slow drip.

"Avery you need to call the police" Greyson tells me almost desperately.

"I cant Grey, i cant go through that" i beg

"Ave, you need to. you need to protect yourself and others. Please, what i saw last night... i just cant see that happen again Avery, you were so broken" he tells me, his voice almost inaudible towards the end.

I lift my head of his chest to look into his eyes to see the desperation in them. It was that look alone that broke my resolve. I couldnt bring myself to say the words so i just nod.

He lays me back in bed. After kissing me on the head he climbs out of bed, grabs his phone and leaves the room. Using this time i grab my phone from my purse in the floor to find a ton of texts from people at the party checking to see how i was. Every text brought an image of last night to the forfront of my brain, each feeling like whiplash.

I dont want to but knowing if i dont the police will, i hesitantly call my mum.

"Avery? Whats wrong? Im at work" she asks me, the rustling of paper and quiet murmurs in the background

"Mum" i whimper my voice crackimg.

"Avery whats wrong" all background noise suddenly ceasing and worry evident in her tone.

"I need you to come to Bexs"

"Whats wrong Ave, what happened" she asks the panic settling in.

"Last night i-i was attacked. I need you mum" i cry.

"I will be there soon" she rushes hanging up.

I may not get along with my parents at times, but i need my mum and dad that i remember as a kid, the ones that could make anything feel better.

Not long after, Grey walks back into the room and settles beside me on the bed bringing me into his chest. The force bringing a pain to my hips making me remember the injuries from last night. Im too afraid to look at the damage.

"How bad is it" i ask whilst touching my throat.

He doesnt answer instead giving my shoulder a squeeze. That alone lets me know what i need to know. Its bad, really bad.

"I called the police, they will be here soon. So why dont i get you some of Bexs clothes to change into and we will get you breakfast before they come" he tells me whilst standing up again.

"Im not hungry but a shower would be great" i tell him also standing up. Its then i notice the look of hesitance. "What?" I ask confused

"The police asked for you not to shower yet. DNA reasons" he tells me, the pity evident in his tone. I just nod in defeat and he leaves to grab me some clothes.

Out of the corner of my eye i notice my reflection in his wardrobe mirror. The purple bruises around my neck standing out like a sore thumb. Its like all the air in the room has disappeared as i cant breathe. Its like i can feel his hands around my neck once again. Panic sets in as i fall to the floor.

"Avery what..." Grey asks as he walks into the room and sees me on the floor mid panic attack. He drops the clothes on the floor before dropping to his knees and bringing me back to his chest. It feels like ive been crying for hours.

"Im sorry, i saw the bruises and i.."i explain once i calmed down

"Sssh you dont have to tell me" he tells me and places a kiss to my forhead. "Here are the clothes, when youre changed, come down and grab some food, non negotiable" he tells me before leaving the room.

I remember the tshirt he gave me. I bought it for Bex last year for her birthday. I smile at the memory as i change into it with some black leggings. Piling my hair into a messy bun ontop of my head i go down stairs to see Greyson over the stove cooking breakfast. I lean up against the doorframe just to watch him.

"I feel you staring" he tells me without turning around but i can hear the joking in his tone.

"Your parents are going to find out arnt they" i ask him whilst sitting at the table.

"Yeah, and find out about every friday before, but right now thats not important" he tells me placing my breakfast infront of me to eat before placing his down and joining me.

Not soon after i hear another set of feet walk into the kitchen, not stopping seeing i was there. I didnt have to turn around to know it was Bex.

"Thanks for the clothes" i smile warmly at her. I may be pissed at her, but right now i really need my best friend for support.

She just looks at me expressionless, but her eyes give her away as i see the hesitance and sadness within them. But before she gives in she walks out and i find myself slumping as the hope inside deflates.

"You guys will get through it, i know you will" Grey tries to comfort me.

"Its Bex and she didnt even stay here when i needed her most. I think its fair to say, our friendship is over" i tell him my voice cracking. Everything is going wrong

Our moment was cut short by firm knocks at the door. Me and Grey look at eachother before he gets up to answer the door.

I hear quiet murmuring before a couple sets of footsteps make their way towards me. I glance in their direction and as we make eye contact i can see their eyes immediately go to my neck. They show no evidence of surprise, so Grey must have told them before.

"Hello im officer Knight and this is my partner officer Larkson" the blonde female introduce herself and the small chubby man beside her before settling on the other side of the table. Greyson takes the seat besides me and gives my knee a reassuring squeeze, making me jump in surprise.

"So Avery, can you tell me your view of the events yesterday" the chubby man starts. I go to answer him when there was another set of frantic knocks at the door. With an apologetic smile Grey gets up to answer; it wasnt long before my parents rush in and my mum collapses onto me in tears at the sight of me.

"My poor baby"

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