Chapter 26

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Sarah highland as molly

Tuesday morning. I really cant be fudging asked today. Greys been texting me all night. Ive not had the bravery to open them. What is he possibly going to say. He knows i like him now and i know he couldnt give a toss if friday night is anything to go by.

All i can do is go back to how it was before. Ignoring his existence unless he annoys me and i give him attitude. Thats how it should be. Thats how it should have always been. I dont know why i thought just fun with him was a good idea but here we are.

I get cut out of my thoughts as i hear the bell go as im walking to registration. I speed walk up abit. Enough so im quicker but not quick where i look like a maniac running through school.

"Sorry im late" i exclaim as i throw open the door resulting in every head turning my way. In either annoyance or amusement. I make a point of not looking at Grey as i sit at my new seat. The one furthest away from my old one next to Liams old seat and coincidentally the furthest from Grey.

I keep my head down listening to the morning announcements. I feel his eyes on me the whole time. Whats his deal? Why cant he just ignore me.

When the bell goes i rush out of the room and try to rush to my next class hoping to avoid Grey where possible.

"You know, you cant avoid him forever" Abbie says from beside me, startling me half to death.

"Jesus Abs. Warn a girl next time" i tell her, clutching my chest trying to calm my erratic heartbeat.

" you cant avoid the subject either. Avery you told him your feelings, very publically might i add. Its out there now, confront it"

"I confronted it friday night" i tell her simply.

"Look at it from his point of view, YOU ran away from HIM first, in the most romantic city on earth. He felt the rejection before you did. You dont know what was with him and the other girl... maybe.."

"Oh i think the nakedness and the moaning was enough to make it clear." I tell her cutting her off. " besides if what youre hinting at is true, boy he moved on fast" sarcasm dripping from my final words.

"Hes a guy, they think with their dicks. You two got together hooking up, maybe he was just using the other girl as like a mask to cover his own hurt from the rejection he felt"

"Thats the most bullshit thing ive ever heard" i scoff. "Besides. When i caught them, he literally pushed me out of the room, slammed the door in my face and continued on, believe me i heard"

"I know aves. Youve said your side, but noone knows his. You ran away before we heard it"

"Atleast i didnt fuck someone else. I should have just fucked Liam when i had the chance" i deadpan sucessfully silencing Abbie probably from shock as i turnt the corner to the classroom, coming face to face with a guilty and shocked looking Grey, evident he had heard enough of our conversation.

It only hit me then, that was the first time since the incident that i have said his name outloud.

My face must have said exactly how little i wanted to talk right now as Grey looked towards the floor as i carried on walking by him into the classroom.

"Youvegot to talk to him soon" were Abbies parting words as she walked past me to sit st her desk.

I dont think anyone understands the inner turmoil i have right now. Every bone in my body wants Grey. But i know the minute i let him talk my emotions will get the best of me. I need to let the fire cool for a little while so we can have a decent conversation.

"Morning everyone..."


Lunchtime rolled around fairly quickly. I rushed to the lunch hall as i didnt have time to pack myself one, and grabbed a tray before joining the back of the queue.

When it was my turn i went to grab one of many slices of pizza on the hot counter, when a leather arm beat me to the punch....

Wow de ja vu.

"Too slow cupccake" i heard his teasing voise behind me errupting a ton of butterflies in my stomach.

I turnt round to see his smirking face looking back at me, but in his eye i see a bundle of emotions. Sadness. Hope. Regret. Desperation.

The collectiveness of them confuse me.

All i want to do is throw my arms around his neck and plant my lips on his whilst burying my hands in his hair.

Instead i raised an eyebrow before turning back around and grabbing another slice of pizza before walking past him to pay for my lunch.

"You said your bit, the least you can do is let me say mine" he calls out to me making me freeze

"I understand why you walked away after what you told me, i understand that youre scared but please talk to me. Let me talk. Lets go somewhere... please" he desperately pleads.

Hes right. I never let him reply. I was scared. I am scared. I dont want to be told im delusional. But he wouldnt be so desperate to talk if thats what he would tell me. Right?

I turn around on the spot to see he was closer to me than i thought. An arms reach away. The proximity testing my control.

"Youre right" i nod "so talk"

"Avery i..." just as Grey begins someone calls out to him drawing his attention making his face go pale. I turn my head out of curiosity. It wasnt hard to spot who it was.

It was the girl from friday night.

"Ive been calling your name for the past 5 minutes Greyson" she cheerily tells him.

Using this time, i decide to properly take her in considering the last time i saw her, i was abit distracted.

She was tanned, toned, tall, had gorgeous brown hair with lighter brown highlights that framed her round face beautifully. She was stunning.

"...So what do you say" i hear as i tune into their conversation.

My eyes dart back to Grey to see him look at me desperately. Pleading me for something?"

As if realising someone else was here the gorgeous girl looked at me with skepticism in her eyes but a huge grin on her face.

"Hi im mollly, you look familiar do i know you?" She asks cocking her head to the side.

So she doesnt remember the girl who walked in on her in the middle of sex.

"Oh yeah, i forgot" she replied meekly, red faced, looking at the floor in embarrassment.

Shit i said that outloud.

"Sorry about that, i just had to ask Grey something that night. I didnt realise he would be... busy" i tell her politely.

"No i understand, and im sorry about what you walked in on. I dont usually sleep with someone after a first date"


I glance at Grey to see him still look at me desperately.

"Date ey?" I ask her still watching Grey as his face grows apologetic

"Yeah he text me that morning, saying he was on his way back from Paris, and whilst there he couldnt help think of me so asked me on a date" she said dreamily.

"I mean other than the text, it was so romantic. And the date itself was just so simple but perfect yknow?"

So thats who he was texting on the coach.

"Oh right. Well ill be going now, i got what i needed to hear" i tell her but directed to Grey.

"Bye molly it was nice meeting you" i tell her before turning around and rushing off.

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