Chapter 12

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Luckily one of the empty seats were against a wall right by a plug socket so using my bag to hide my actions i put my phone on charge. It wasnt long before my phone buzzed coming to life.

Coughing to cover the noise of the buzzing, i attracted the attention of most of the class. It was obviously a fake cough. Ive never been good at stuff like that, although the teacher clearly bought the fake act.

"Are you okay Avery, do you need to see a nurse?"

"No miss, im fine" i chirp happily, realising too late i shouldnt be able to sound like that after a huge coughing fit. Realising this was misses plan all along. i smile innocently back to her.

"Its a miracle!?" I exclaim.

"Get back to work miss stead" miss says trying to be stirn but i could see the amusement hidden there.

My classes went by without incident until lunch. As the bell goes i go to the lunch hall and get in queue. This lunch time is going to be awkward. I have no idea how it will all effect our friend group.

When i get to the front of the queue i grab a tray and go to the pasta counter and get a pot of hot tomato pasta. I pay and slawly walk to our regular spot on the feild.

As im walking i hear fast footstep behind me slowing down when close to me

"Afternoon gorgeous" i hear his voice behind me

"Hey you" i greet back, glancing his way whilst sending a quick wink hoping it looked sexy and teasing.

"Do you wanna have company tonight?" He aks

"Wow you really are one horny boy arnt you" i tease.

"Its what you do to me" He cheekily replies

"Sure come whenever" i tell him as we round the corner where we split apart and he makes his way to the football feild and i spot some of my friends.

Sat at our usual spot is Dylan and Abbie whos laying on Dylans shoulder.

They dont notice me approaching so when i grt to them i cleated my throat making them both snap their heads my way.

When Abbie see's its me she stands up and starts to walk away.

"Abbie wait" i call out jogging to catch up to her. Standing in her way i grab her hands to try and keep her still.

"Please hear me out" i beg

She doesnt say anything so i take it as my cue to continue.

"Saturday i went to Bexs to drop round a lipstick I accidentally took home and when i got there i found Bex and Tyler on her bed, in a more than compromising position. I screamed st them, told them they were being selfish, told them how unfair they are to you.  They asked me not to say anything. I told them it was unfair and they shouldnt ask that of me, so i told them they had until today to tell you themselves or i would. Apparently they have met up every day since the party me and Grey got together. I was so close to hitting them so i stormed off. You have to believe me. I got a text from Bex asking not to be mad and to talk to her before i tell you. I told her again that she was being a selfish bitch and told her she still had until today. Grey then told me i was being unfair to her making her cry. So i then sent Tyler that text. You can read it all if you dont believe me. But i was on your side. I just thought id gove them some time to tell you as it would be better for them to tell you" when i finished i looked into her eyes hoping she can see how trithful i was being.

She hadnt spoken at all through my explanation and shes just standing there expressionless just staring.

Just when i was about to gove up and walk away she dived onto my arms and gave me a big hug.

"What do i do Ave" she cried into my shoulder.

"Well i hope you dumped his ass" i told her making her giggle.

"I did more than that, i cut uo his favorite football shirt"

"Damn girl" i laughed with her.

When we finished laughing i grabbed her hand and joined back up with Dylan. As i sat down i recieved a text.

Bex; i guess this means you chose you side.

Looking around i spotted Bex and Tyler together at the edge of the feild watching us. I just scoffed and put my phone away without replying

We spent lunch making Abbie laugh, not once bringing up Bex or Tyler.

When the final bell of the day rang i made my way home.

Walking to the soor i noticed my parents car parked out front meaning theyre home. I Take a deep breath to build up the courage to face them.

Walking inside me and my dad make eye contact and just continue stare.

I decide to be the one to break the silence.

"Look i have a trip in march and we need the money in soon, i gave you the letter with the details can you get it to me as soon as possible please"

"Avery sit down" mum demanded, completely ifnoring what i just said.

Sighing i drop my bag on the floor and flop on the sofa looking up at them expectantly.

"Your attitude the other night was not acceptable. We might not be here as often as most parents but we are still your parents, that means you treat us with respect. We work all day to provide you with what you have so we can live comfortably so if we say you cant do something, you dont do it"

"But its unfair you just demand i stop doing something i have done for 4 years. You know my friends parents, you know my friends. Im not hiding anything from you which is about as much respect as you can ask for really"

"Fine but atleast let us know. So now we know its every friday your at Bexs"

I just grunt in response not knowing if that will be happening anymore.

I was going to grab my bag and walk upstairs when there was a knock at the door.

"Ill get it" i call out

I open the door and find Greyson

"Hey Grey what are you doing here" i ask confused

"Err i told you earlier..." he said said

"Oh hey Grey what are you doing here" my mum asks popping up behind me

"Hey mrs stead" Grey politely smiles.

"Greys here for a project mum, were going up to my room" i tell her grabbing Greys hand and dragging him to my room.

As soon as the door closes Grey grabs my hips and slams me against my door before kissing me with so much aggression it makes my knees weak and my head spin.

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