Chapter 27

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I remember the very first time i met Greyson. It was the first day of class. We had to stand up and introduce ourselves. When it got to me i stuttered and stuttered hard, Grey and Nick just said stuff under their breath. Ive never been so embarrassed. When class was over Bex introduced herself to me and we introduced ourselves to Abbie. We decided then and there we should get together Friday night at Bexs. That was the start of our friday night tradition.

When the day came i was aggravated from Grey teasing me and couldnt wait to get out of school for the weekened. When i got to Bexs, i found Grey sat there on the sofa with a smirk on his face.

Ofcourse i asked what he was doing there. He looked at me with an even bigger smirk on his and said "i live here darling"

I dont think ive screamed Bexs name so loud. When she came downstairs to see what i was screaming for she immediately understood and went on to explain hes her older twin.

Thus the beginning of our weird relationship.

I NEVER thought id be sat here now, on the school field crying my eyes out on Abbies shoulder as my heart breaks over and over again for him.

"Avery, dont bite my head off, but this seems to be a huge reaction for a small crush, are you sure it isnt more" Abbie says once my sobs become hiccups.

"What do you mean?" I ask, my voice muffled by her tshirt.

"I mean, ive known you for years, and whenever youve liked a guy and its not worked out, youve never reacted this heartbroken." She explains.

I lift my head and look at her to see her looking at me, as if trying to work something out.

"I dont understand what you mean. I like him, he doesnt like me. After everything weve been through, this is a fairly normal reaction id have thought"

She just hums in response and looks away.

I bury my face back into her shoulder to just be in my own thoughts.

That one night caused so much amongst us all. I mean Grey and I. Bex and Tyler. And both of those events lead to Nick and Abbie.

If that night hadnt happened i think the only one that would have happened is Dylan coming out as gay.

Since coming out to me, he also came out to Abbie and Nick and now you get to watch them be sickly cute to eachother. They dont do any PDA yet as the school isnt aware yet, but still we get to see their relationship abit more.

My thoughts come to a sudden stop as i feel Abbie freeze beneath me. Lifting my head i see why.

"Can i talk to you please Abs." Bex asks, her eyes darting between us all.

"Whatever you have to say you can say to us all, no?" I tell her, giving Abbie enough time to compose herself.

" i didnt ask you" Bex sneers my way.

"You also didnt ask to sleep with Abbies boyfriend but hey, shit happens" i snarkily reply.

Bexs shoulders slump in defeat. I smirk to myself. Even emotional im still a bitch.

"Please Abs" Bex begs. I hear a sigh and suddenly Abbies pushing herself up.


"Thank you" Bex replies and they both walk away. Still within eyesight but out of hearing range.

Me , Dylan, Eddie, Nick and Tyler watch them from where we are. Their over exaggerated movement, the way the conversation starts of calm then gets very heated. And suddenly a loud smack echose across the field so we all heard, making us all suck in our breath.

Who knew Abbie had it in her.

We were now watching eagerly to find out Bexs next move. I dont think any of us expected the hug that followed.

"What the actual fuck" i voice out amongst the silence.

No reply followed.

"Nah what the fuck, has Abbie gone mental or something?" I comment further.

"Lets just see what theyve got to say" Eddie replies.

I notice Tyler looking between us all.

Footsteps approach us, making me face forward again.

"What the fuck Abs?" I decide to break the silence.

"I slapped her, we hugged it out" she shrugs.

"Well we all saw that, i mean what the fuck went on in your mind to hug her?" I ask.

"Simple. the slap was my anger, now weve moved on"

"Your mental. Might want to hide Nick, dont know how long before Bex gets tired of Tyler and decides she wants your next boyfriend"

"Okay listen, ive apologised. Abbies forgiven me. Can we move on?"

"Hell no. An apology dont make it right. An apology would have been fine after the first time but you decided to be a sneaky bitch and go behind her back to do it continuously. Thats just decietful and being a shit friend. No amount of apologies will fix the fuck ups youve done"

"Decietful? Says the girl who fucked her so called bestfriends brother"

"Okay number one- did i ruin anyones relationship?
Number two. Did i go back for seconds the very next day?
Number 3. You would have found out had you been a decent friend in the first place. I was trying to wrap my head around the situation myself. And by the time me and Grey figured it out, and i even think about telling anyone, i catch my bestfriend in bed with her bestfriends boyfriend.
Its a good thing hes your brother, dont know what kind of betrayal youd cause of he werent"

Everyones now watching the sparring match between us. It seems im more angry about the whole thing than Abbie is.

"And why the fuck am i more angry than you are" i turn to Abbie.

She simply shrugs.

"Ive moved on. Ive got nick now, so the whole situation doesnt bother me as much. Sure shes got to regain my trust but shes got Tyler ive got Nick... oh that reminds me" she says. Suddenly standing up again and storming to Tyler before backhanding him across the face making his head fly to the side.

"There now i can move on"

A silence follows.

"I deserved that." Tyler comments

"Okay. I done a terrible thing. Im sorry, can we move on?" Bex says bringing the conversation back to us.

"No because after that, you then proceeded to rub said relationship in her face. And then if thats not bad enough, after everything with Liam, you saw me. you saw how i was. Yet you didnt give two shits. You didnt even think to ask how i was. You stayed in place that night outside the bathroom door, and walked away from me the next morning. Even without the situation with Tyler, you were still a shitty friend to me when i needed you most. Hey, Greyson was just a fuck buddy, yet he was there for me when you werent." I ranted finding myself getting angrier and angrier.

"I didnt think youd want me there" she meakly replies.

"I practically begged you with my eyes. I know that sounds weird but it was kinda obvious. And even if i pushed you away, a good friend would have atleast tried. If they cared that is. And no matter what i wont forgive you for that." I tell her, turning away signifying thats the end of the conversation.

Abbie pats the ground the other side of her, inviting Bex and Tyler to sit down. I think its fair to say the atmosphere was awkward.

Eddie not being there for the original incidents tried to go with it all. Dylan you could see didnt know what to do. Abbie tried her hardest to make conversation but i full on blanked them.
I think we all breathed in relief when the bell went to tell us to go to class.

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