Chapter 13

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I woke up tuesday morning to find the trip money and permission slip on the coffee table.

After i pocketed it, i grabbed my things and headed to school.

Ive not spoke to Bex or Tyler since that text yesterday lunchtime. I dont like this. I dont like this situation. I dont like not having all my friends together. Why did they have to go and ruin the dynamics.

When i got to registration the same tension that was there yesterday, felt just as bitter today as Grey, Bex and Abbie all stood outside awkwardly.

"Why hello beautiful" an arm swung over my shoulder

"Fuck off Liam" i sighed, shrugging his arm off me

"Oh come on, one night and id make you wonder why you said no" he tried to sell to me.
So putting on a smirk i turnt to face him. My face an inch from his. I can see the surprise in his eyes. I drag my hands up his chest sensually and lean in so my lips are right by his ear.

"Never" i whisper and shove him forcefully away

Turning round i face Greyson, Bex and Abbie and a few other classmates who are looking with amusement. Grey secretly winking my way

"I know why i said no" i explain directly to Liam. Turning my head over my shoulder i continue, "Because its you" and join Abbie by the door.

"Hey you okay" i ask her. she just shrugs in response not wanting to talk around Bex.

I just hug her to let her know i understand.

"Traitor" i hear a mumble from behind me.

"Er what?" I ask turning around to face Bex.

"You heard me" she hissed

"How can you call me the traitor, i did jack shit and im standing by the only innocent person in this chaos. Id be a shit friend if i stood by you being a bitch"

"Okay girls break it up. Your best friends, youll get through this" Grey said trying to play peacemaker

"She chose a guy, and the wrong guy. She was too busy being a slut, to be a bestfriend" i hiss

"Okay i dont care who you are" he says pointedly anger blazing in his eyes. "But you never call my sister a slut, got it" he demanded

"You think i care what you think Greyson. Were not even friends" i tell him not lying. A few hookups doesnt make us friends

A flicker of emotion passes across his face and before i can determine what it was, it was gone

"No were not" he snaps before barging past me into the classroom along with everyone else

"Damn the emotion between you two then" Abbie mutters in my ear.

"What do you mean" i ask

"Noone else might have seen it, but i know theres sexual tension between you two and damn, the sparks were flying" she tells me dreamily as she walks into the classroom, me following behind.

Before i take my seat i get out my permission slip and money and leave it on the teachers desk.

Walking back to my desk i look at Greyson who is deliberately not looking my way. Sighing in defeat i took out my phone to send a text

Me; im sorry. Me and Bex fight, it happens. This anger stage will go. Dont be mad😇 but if you want to stay angry at me, direct that anger at me at luchtime, janitors room ? ;)

Seconds later a vibration is heard from infront of me. I smirk knowingly as he checks his texts. I see Grey try to hide the slight smile coming to his lips before he looks back at me and winks, before quickly looking back to the front.

I feel a set of eyes boring into me, i turn to see who their coming from and i see Abbie looking at me with a Knowing smile. I just smile innocently in response.

Just then the teacher and Liam both come into the room. I wonder what that was about.

The day progressed quickly. With me actually paying attention in class and avoiding Bex at all times it seemed to rush by. When it was lunchtime. Instead of getting food first i walk in the opposite direction getting weird looks from Bex wondering where i was going. But i was on a mission.

When i got to the janitors room i was immediately pulled in against a chest. As soon as his scent hit my nose i knew immediately it was Grey, he immediately took all of the anger from this morning and put it to good use. I dont know if anyone comes near here at lunch time but i hope they dont with the amount of noise im sure i made.

"So...friday" i say bringing his attention to me as we both get dressed.

"What about it" he asks

"Well i normally come round friday for Bex, but seeing as that option is not available, am i still invited" i trail off, not trying to seem clingy, but i have become attached to our recent use of time.

"If you would still like to come then i dont see why not" he says nonchalantly like it doesnt bother him either way.

Maybe ill skip this week.

"Hmm okay" i reply whilst finishing brushing my hair.

"Well see ya" i say to him as i walk out leaving him to finish getting ready so we dont get caught leaving at the same time. By the time i got to the food hall most of the selection is gone, so i grab a sandwich and an apple before meeting Abbie and Dylan. We focus on eachother for all of lunch just talking about random things. Through lunch i kept feeling a set of eyes looking my way. I didnt even have to look their way to know it was Bex, i could feel the hate radiating from here.

I dont know why im getting the glare, shes the one making destructive decisions. So just to piss her off i kept on my happy face letting her know she wont win and she doesnt effect me as much as she thinks she does..

"We havent really hung out much recently" i tell them both

"Well it seems youve been a little busy" Abbie smirks. I keep a straight face on as she says this.

"Yeah homeworks a bitch, its annoying and falling out with some of you friends can get shit too" i tell her although i know what she meant. But what i dont understand is how she can know about me and Grey. Ive only told her about the first time.

"Yeah we should make plans soon"  Dylan tells us, unknowing of the secret conversation.

When the bell goes signifying the start of next lesson. We get up and grab our bags. When Dylan is slightly ahead i ask Abbie what she meant earlier

"Oh come on Ave its obvious youve hooked up again since then. I dont know what your doing but your glowing and you and him seem to be getting along more and i heard what happened friday and how you calmed him down. Im not stupid. Youre just lucky everyone else is"


I didnt realise i was being that obvious.

"But know secrets destroy people, so i hope you know what youre doing" she warns

"Yeah yeah" i brush away like i knew what i was doing when realistically i had no fucking clue.

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