Chapter 18

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Eddie was told to take a seat until mr Lewis found a more permanent seat for him due to the seating plan. When scanning the room to decide which seat to take, he seems to be debating between the empty seat next to mine or my old table. The one i shared with Liam. Im not sure which one id rather he took.

As if he can read my mental debate, he connects his eyes with mine once more and smirks as he makes his choice.

Strolling over, he has to brush past me to get to his seat against the wall. As he does i dont think i have ever sat more straight or stiff in my life as i did just then.

Once he finally took his seat Mr Lewis began with the attendance register. He completely skipped Liams name, not before hesitating for a few seconds and glancing my way which didnt go unnoticed by anyone including Eddie who glances at me quizzically . He then went on to announcements.

"The money for the trip needs to be in by monday next week to secure your place. So anyone who hasnt done so yet, please hurry up, places are limited. Eddie, if you wait behind ill explain it to you and give you your letter" he tells us, radiating authority by his mere presence. He wasnt a handsome man, nore was he an ugly man. He had no particular body build to him, but he had this aura about him that made you listen.

Once registration was over i started to make my way to Abbie to go to the next class when a throat clearing caught my attention. Looking behind me i saw Eddie smile at me guiltily. "Mr Lewis told me to ask you to be my tour guide" he told me. But you can see in his eyes hes extremely happy wth that suggestion.

"Was it really Mr Lewis or just you trying to get me to talk to you" i ask raising an eyebrow resulting in a chuckle behind me from Abbie. I can feel another set of eyes boring into my head, i dont need to look to know its Greyson. I can always tell when hes watching me.

"It was really him, but i didnt exactly argue him" he told me, confidence starting to radiate from him.

"Sure" i shrug nonchalantly. "What class do you have first" i ask.

"English" he tells me after reading from his new timetable.

"Well thats not with me im afriad but i can show you where it is" i offer.

"I can show him, i have it also" i hear his voice finally deciding to speak out.

"Err sure" Eddie accepts reluctantly.

Before he walks of with Grey i snatch his timetable off him to check the rest of the day.

"Well we have 2nd, 4th and last period together anyway. And you can join me and a few friends at lunch if you dont get a better offer" i offer him before i change my mind. Light butterflies flutter in nervousness.

"Well ill see you at 2nd and im not sure i can get a better offer than that" Eddie tells me with a smirk before walking off with Grey.


"So tell us about yourself" Dylan asks Eddie whilst taking a bite of his burger.

"I just moved here from Australia, i have a younger brother whos 7, and we live with our mum, our dads still in Australia. Not much else to tell" he tells us with a shrug of his shoulders. "What about you guys" he asks us.

"Weve all lived here our whole lives and were all only children" i tell him.

"What else, i mean ive been hearing a few rumours around you guys. Are they true" he asks, keeping eye contact with me. I change my gaze to the floor.

"I er, i need toilet" i tell them in a whisper as i rush up with my bag and away from them before they see the tears in my eyes.

There have been a few rumours going around today. One is the truth in which i was assulted by Liam, one was that we just had rough sex, and my parents found out so i accused Liam of assult to get myself out of trouble. And the last one was I inflicted it myself. I mean there was a huge crowd when Grey kicked the door down. They saw it, yet people still dont believe it.

I run to the girls toilets, sloppily avoiding people due to the tears in my eyes. I grab onto the porcelain sink whilst trying to calm down my erractic breaths. Why cant i just forget it happened. Why cant i just be normal.

I hear the bathroom door open but dont look up to see who came in. Im already the freak today, doesnt really matter if someone sees me broken.

A hand on my back makes me jump out of my skin in fright before i turn to see Abbie looking at me sympathetically whilst rubbing my arm. I pause for a few seconds before i break down in her arms.

"Its okay, noone expects you to be back to your normal self Ave" she coos

"Im a freak and people think i lied about what went on. Its like even when hes not here hes still effecting my life. Why me Abs. Why me" i cry into her shoulder.

"Avery, i dont know why it happened to you, but youre going to get through it, you have me and Dylan and your parents and judging by the weekend and the worried look on his face when you rushed off, you definitely have Grey..we care Avery and you will get through this. Youre strong, but all strong people need to cry and let out their emotions" she tells me.

I was concentrating so hard on what Abbie was saying that i didnt realise my breathing had almost returned to normal, and i had stopped crying.

"Thank you" i tell her through croaky words. "I love you so much Abs" i tell her with a smile.

"Dylan, Eddie and Greyson are all outside aswell. We were all worried about you" she tells me. I dont reply just smile sincerely at her before turning to the sink and splashing my face with cold water trying to make my face less blotchy.

Taking a deep breath, i open the bathroom door and face the 3 boys.

"Im sorry about that" i tell them with as much confidence i could muster up with false happiness. But Dylan and Greyson see straight through the facade.

"Its okay babe. We understand" Dylan tells me grabbing my hand and squeezing it with encouragement.

"Im sorry if i upset you" Eddie tells me drawing my attention to him.

"No im sorry. Not a great welcome is it" i smile at him. He just smiles in amusement and gives me a hug which surprises me but I tentatively hug back. Over his shoulder i lock eyes with Grey who still look concerned.

"Ill be okay" i mouth to him. He smiles in return. No smirk, no fake smile. A real big one that reaches his eyes. My breath hitches due to the passion in his eyes. Passion that ive never seen before.

It made him even more gorgeous than before if that was even possible.

I take a step back from Eddie giving him a small smile.

"Come on lets get to last period. Ive already made you guys late"

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