Chapter 9

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"Ave i can explain" exclaimed Bex as she scrambled to get out of the compromising position whilst Tyler looked too shell shocked to even move.

"MOVE TY" Bex shouted shoving Tyler, obviously embarrassed at the position i found her in.

I just stood there gawking like a fish, unsure of what to say or do. My hand still in the air.

"Someone better tell me what the fuck is going on here" i calmly demanded once i snapped out of my shock.

"Its never happened before Avery i promise" Tyler tried to poorely explain but the guilt shining through obviously

"Tyler youre a bad liar, so now i want to know how long.. THIS... has been going on" i ask glancing between the two of them

After a long silence Bex broke it with a barely audible whisper "Every day since last friday"


Okay im angry now

"So youre telling me the reason Abbie has been crying on my shoulder was because of ... this. And Bex you even had the Audacity to wonder what the fuck was wrong with her. What the fuck is wrong with you two"

"HEY!" Tyler shouted. "Its noones fault it just happened"

"I might believe that if it just happened once. But EVERY FUCKING DAY.... seems i missed alot last friday where my memory blanks. Im so fucking disappointed in you both"

At this point i didnt realise i was practically screaming amd Bex was silently crying

"Whats going on" a voice sounded from behind me.

I turnt around to find Greyson looking quizzically between the three of us.

"Ask your fucking sister" i seethed, anger dripping from every word making Bex choke on her sobs.

"Woah calm down Avery, thats my sister" Greyson told me menacingly with warning.

"Yeah and at this point i think shes more of a whore than you are. You dont have to worry about Nick breaking her heart, she would crush his before he got a fucking chance" at that i gave one final glance at Greyson and walked out the room not even bothering to look at my so called bestfriend. Stopping just by the stairs i shouted so they could hear.

"Youve both got until monday to tell her or i fucking will"

I was about to walk down the stairs until i realised i had too much anger in me at this moment and i didnt want to go home and knew exactly what i wanted, so tuning around i made my way to Greysons room. Not knowing how long he will be with his sister i got myself comfortable in his bed.

It wasnt long before i heard the unmistakable sound of Greyson shouting

"I overestimated you Bex. I thought you were better than that. And YOU.. get. The. Fuck. Out" even i flinched at the tone of voice.

Next thing i knew i heard the front door slam and the bedroom door opening. Once he shut the door Greyson turnt around and froze when he saw me in his bed.

"You okay?" He asked

"Yeah id just rather forget to be honest. Come here" i demanded softly, lifting his cover inviting him in to his own bed.

Not needing more of an invitation he came close and slid into his bed, laying awkwardly stiff beside me.

Getting annoyed at the atmosphere and no other ideas as to how to break the silence i turned onto my side, grabbed his chin and turnt his face to face me and slowly leant in to kiss him with slight hesitation in my movements. He looked wary at first but it didnt last long before he closed the final bit of space between us putting his hand to the back of my neck.

All of the anger i had sizzled away once the hormones took over. Letting the passion take over i pushed myself up with my arms either side of Greysons face and kissed him again with more hunger than i thought possible.

Greysons pride took over. He obviously didnt like me being in control so with a growl of dominance he switched positions so i was under him and slipped his hands up my top over my bra.

Arching my back, i needed to feel more. I needed him.

He quickly got the hint as he slipped he arm under the space my arched back created and pulled me flat against his chest and kissed his way into my neck where he successfully found my sweet spot. I didnt even try to stiffle a moan.

Our moment was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Grey" Bex sniffed from the other side of the door

"Fuck" i hissed.

"In the wardrobe now" Grey hissed back.

I rushed to do as he said. Just as the wardrobe closed i heard the bedroom door open. Its then i realised i left my phone under his pillow.

Swearing mentally, i hoped that it goes unnoticed.

"Grey, please talk to me" i heard a weak voice.

"What do you want Bex" Greyson huffed.

"Please dont be mad aswell, Ive already lost Avery, i cant lose you too" she begged.

"What do you expect Bex, youre sleeping with youre other bestfriends boyfriend, there is so much wrong with that"

"I know, but i cant help it, im like gravitated to him"

I sort of understood. Its how i feel about Grey. I think he thought the same thing as me as there was a long silence.

"I get that but Abbies one of your bestfriends too, youre sneaking around her back, Tyler is worse as its his girlfriend, but still Bex, its decietful and youre putting Avery in a bad position as you and Abbie are both her bestfriends. If she tells Abbie shes betraying you, but if she doesnt shes betraying Abbie, what does she do?"

"Why are you more concerned about Avery than you are about me" i heard her cry. My heart ached for her but i knew i couldnt leave the wardrobe and i knew shes the one in the wrong.

"Im not more concerned, im telling you that you are being selfish with youre actions here, its not just you Tyler and Abbie now, other people are involved and its unfair to expect them to sit in the middle. Theyre your bestfriends why dont you care about either of them"

"Ofcourse i care but i dont know what to do. Everytime i try to stop it and believe me i said that i would every day, its like we cant help it"

"Then tell Abbie yourself. Dont be selfish Bex"

"Grey, i cant lose any of my friends, i will loose Abbie definitely. Avery ive lost either way for doing it anyway, and Dylan, well i dont know"

"I know Bex and i want you to be happy, but not lose yourself whilst youre at it"

I heard a shuffle so cracked the wardrobe door enough to peer through to see the twins hugging.

Who knew Grey had a heart.

I heard footsteps and the bedroom door close and suddenly the wardrobe door opens and i topple to the floor.

I didnt even realise i was crying until Greyson knelt infront if me and wiped a tear from myself.

I couldnt help myself but crash into his embrace and bury my face into his chest letting my tears fall

"What do i do Grey" i ask

"I dunno Ave, i dunno"

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