Chapter 6

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Nick Robinson as Dylan

Ive been avoiding Greyson all week, whenever hes nearby i can feel his eyes on me. I still dont know what he has planned but his text makes me nervous of whats to come, yet so far nothing and i would be lying if i said im not nervous but im also quite excited. The whole secretive aspect of it all, the forbiddenness of it all. I secretly like it. But i wont tell him that, i can already picture the smirk.

So far noone else suspects anything and ive gone back to normal and im not acting weird around my friends anymore, but today is friday again, and that means another Greyson party. Youd think after a couple they would get boring, but no, there seems to be an aspect of drama or gossip from every party.

In the living room with the heart of the music source me and Bex are grinding to the beat and letting the music flow through us. I decided to try and contain my alcohol consumption this week, certainly dont want a repeat of the last time.

"Hey girls" a voice comes from behind me as an arm slumps over my shoulder and another over Bexs before a face pops between us.

"Hi Nick" Bex replies finally looking at him with a shy smile. I take that as my cue to leave and get Another drink.

The topic of Nick and Bex seems to be forbidden right now between us. No one knows what to say and Nick hasn't made any progress on his date with her.

"Vodka coke" i call to the bartender over the loud nusic

" make that two" a very familiar voice calls from beside me. I turn my head to look at the boy whos caused so much drama this past week.

"Greyson" i greet. I attempt to make it short and blunt but even to my own ears i can hear the hint of happiness and flirtation behind it.

"Shortcake, happy to see me" he smirks as the bartender passes us our drinks.

"Can i get a straw" i smile sweetly at the bartender. As i get one in reply along with a thin straw i turn my attention back to Greyson.

"Always Grey" i wink at him before strutting out of the kithen with my drink in hand. Even with the music i can hear his footsteps following behind. Stopping suddenly and pivoting on my heel i turn to face him. I wasnt expecting him to be as close as he was as we are practically nose to nose.

"Why are you following me" i demand

"My house shortcake" he replies cockily. None of us attempting to move. Im not sure if its a power play or because we dont want too. I cant feel his warm breath fan across my lips.

"Well stop, go find a bimbo and let me find a guy" i demand. Although my sentance was meant to end the conversation i still made no attempt to leave.

Greysons eyes darkend and his jaw became rigid.

"You want to find a guy?" He questions me in a clipped tone

"Well yeah, im single and its a party" i reply sarcasm dripping from every word.

Without replying Greyson grabs me by my wrist and drags me out of the living room up the stairs making me splash my drink out the glass.

"Woah slow down there cowboy, what the rush, where are you taking me" i asked confused.

He doesnt reply instead he opens a door and pushes me inside. I recognise the room instantly.

"Why are we in your room Greyson" i ask popping my free hand on my waist.

"You want to find a guy, i want to find a girl. Heres the solution" he tells me slowly walking closer to me

A deep chuckle resonates from within ne.

"Really Greyson, since when do you hook up with the same girl 2 weekends in a row" i ask completely aware i havent said no.

"Since i havent been able to get that girl out of my head since waking up in bed with her" he whispers as he places his hands on my waist and bring himself chest to chest with me.

Well damn that was a confession and a half.

My shock must have been evident as continues to explain his train of thought.

"Theres something between us, and i cant keep it at bay. Im not a lover so im not saying about dating or relationships. Im saying strictly fun. Nothing emotional about it"

Even i cant deny how perfect that sounds right now. I need to have fun. I cant deny the physical attraction. And this way i dont need to tell Bex. And when either of us gets bored we go back to our bickering selves . Nothing has to change.

Without a reply i smash my lips against his and put my drink down behind me. Greyson must have got the hint as he responds immediately. This is probably not a good idea without talking a little bit more about it, but who cares, im buzzed and this extremely gorgeous boy is here for the taking.

I wrap my arms around his neck digging my fingers into his hair. His hands glide down my waist under my bum and hoists me up, my legs wrapping around his waist instantly.

Greyson walks over to the bed and throws me violently against the pillows. Without breaking eye contact he removes his shoes and crawls on the bed until he is hovering above me. Grabbing both my wrists he pins them both above my head bringing his lips back down to mine. I grip his bottom lip between my teeth and slowly release it grazing my teeth against it at it goes resulting in a deep moan.

After that clothes were torn off, scratches were made, bites were done. Moaning was loud and energy was drained.

Greyson flops down beside me, both panting to catch our breaths. Neither of us speaking for a while.

"Wow" he breaths. Breaking the silence that filled the room.

"Yeah" i reply.

Another short silence followed.

Eventually i just got up and found my dress on the floor that was thrown sometime between his shirt was ripped and his trousers were thrown.

Dragging it up my torso i reached behind me to do up my zip feeling his eyes in me the whole time.

"Er Grey a little help" i ask struggling with the last bit of the zip.

"Oh er sure" he says scrabbling back out of bed.

Feeling his warm fingers make contact with my back made flutter my eyes closed and i had to hold back a moan by the simplest of touches.

"Thanks" i rush collecting my heels and scrambling them back on whilst Greyson gets himself dressed.

When were both presentable we make our way out of the room to rejoin the party. Before reaching the strairs i feel a hand grab my wrist stopping me in my tracks. I turn around to face him.

"Just so were clear shortcake that was fucking amazing, and it will be happening again. Oh and youre never calling what that was a mistake" he tells me with finality to his tone. He leans forwards and leaves one final lingering kiss before walking ahead of me back to his party.

I shake my head clear, plaster a smile onto my face and follow him like i never just had mind blowing sex.

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