Chapter 15

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"Bex" Tyler hisses from beside her.

"Oh look her lapdog has finally spoken" i taunt.

Abbie grabs my hand to stop me, obviously not wanting me to target Tyler. Her poor little heart.

Knowing this is going to go nowhere, i just sigh and look Bex in the eye.

"Look we're not here for you, or to cause trouble, we're here to party and get fucking drunk. Were not here to reconcile or start a fight. You ignore us, we ignore you. Okay?" I tell her as expressionless as possible

Obviously not happy that theres not going to be a fight she thinks she can win Bex groans loudly and storms off.

"TYLER" she summons him, not happy hes not following behind her like hes a sheep. Tyler looks apologetically at us all and follows behind her.

Immediately the music volume cranks back up and the crowd goes back to what they were doing. Almost immediately my eyes find Greys in the crowd like it was a natural reflex. He gave me a thankful smile and nod before turning back to his friends drinking his beer.

"Go to him" i hear Abbie whisper in my ear

I turn around to face her. "No tonight is about you, not me getting laid, that can happen any other time" i tell her, although my body i can already feel reacting to the slight attention i got from Greyson.

Its frustrating how even after all the times weve had sex, he can still pull that much of a reaction out of me from nothing. Imagine if he was trying.

"I love you Ave" Abbie lovingly says as she embraces me in a hug.

"I love you too you big sap, now lets get another drink as im not nearly drunk enough" i smirk at her as i drag her through the crowd to the bar. Looking around trying to find Dylan but not being able to spot him.

Im sure he'll make an appearance soon.

"2 vodka cranberries" i call out to the barman.

"Make that 3" a deep husky voice calls from behind me. The kitchen getting crowded enough to feel his chest against my back and his hands on my waist creative shocks to my core from a simple touch. I gulp audibly at the closeness and being able to do nothing about it.

Without even looking at him i can tell hes smirking as he knows exactly what his touch can do to me. I can also see Abbie smirking from beside me.

"I think i see Dylan, ill be back" Abbie excuses herself trying not to be obvious, but failing majorly.

"She knows, doesnt she" he whispered in my ear, more of a statement than a question.

"She guessed a while ago, apparently weve made it quite obvious" i tell him quietly, knowing full well he can hear me but trying to hide the truth from everyone else.

He slides into Abbies vacant spot at the bar but still close enough our hands brush against eachother. Oh how i want those hands on me right now.

"Yeah Nick told me the same thing" he says facing forward trying not to make it obvious we were engaging in conversation.

"Sooo..." i trail after a period of silence between us.

He gulps the last of his drink before slamming his empty glass on the bar. "Im going upstairs, follow me in a few minutes" he tells me huskily before turning around and heading straight up stairs

My body already tingling in anticipation of what could happen.

I finish the rest of my drink before leaving the empty glass on the bar before turning around and going to make my way upstairs. Along the way Abbie makes eye contact and sends a wink my way

"Good luck" she mouths to me before smirking and going back to the conversation she was having with a couple of girls from class.

I shake my head in disbelief before quickly going upstairs trying to go undetected.

As im walking down the hall, the door to the bathroom opens and i slam right into the chest of the person who came out

"Oh im so sorry" i stammer as i take a step back to look up at the person i slammed into.

"Never mind love, im sure theres something you can do to make up for it" his voice sending shivers of disgust down my spine.

"Fuck off Liam, i just need to go toilet" i tell him trying to make my way into the bathroom to make my lie believable.

As i cross the threshold, a body pushes me futher in and closes the door behind them before i get a chance.

"What are you doing" i ask, afraid of his reply.

He slowly locks the door before stepping closer to me. With everystep towards me he takes, i take one back. This continues until the bathtub hits the back of my knees. Knowing i have nowhere to go Liam smiles maliciously in victory.

He grabs my waist forcefully so im sure ill have bruises by morning and buries his face into my neck placing slobbery kisses all along my shoulders.

I use my hands and try to push him away but his grip is too strong.

"Liam please dont do this" i wimper, slightly disgusted by how vulnerable i feel.

"I know you want me Avery. Everytime you look my way i can see the lust beneath them. Dont pretend you dont enjoy this" he whispers in my ear, saliva spitting as he does so making me try to cringe away.

"Stay still" he growls digging his nails into my skins

"Liam please stop, i dont want this, please. This is the drink" i tell him, well more like beg him

He takes a step back making me sigh in relief until i see the fury in his eyes.

"Dont beg, its not attractive" he shouts as he reaches forward and clamps his hand around my throat making me gasp in surprise. My eyes now watering by how afraid hes making me. He manoeuvres me to the floor whilst keeping a firm grip on my throat not letting the sob escape.

He puts his hand on my inner thigh and slowly drags it up until hes over my underwear. Once he feels the material, its like all his limited restraint is gone as he rips it straight from my body and he growls in enjoyment.

I try to thrash about to get him to stop but he just holds me tighter to the floor.

He was interrupted by his movements with a knock at the door.

"Hurry up in there" someone calls. I try to scream out but he hisses at me to shut up with a threat that he will kill me. And in that moment i believe him.

"Sorry mate, you know how it is" Liam shouts back, before putting his attention back on me by raising my dress up my body to give him a better view.

I heard murmuring from the other side of the door but paid no attention as i was crying in pain, anger and fright.

Next thing i know i heard a crash as the door was kicked open making Liam jump away from me. I immediately cower away to the corner finally letting out a big sob.

"Im going to fucking kill you" i hear Grey scream followed by loads of punches. I look up too afraid to move to see a crowd had gathered outside including Bex who looked at me with pity in her eyes. I can see her having a mental debate with herself but making no movements.

Next thing i know i get scooped up into some arms and am carried out of the room with my head buried in their chest, not caring who it is. Within seconds i was placed on a bed. I can immediately tell whos bed it is by the smell.

"Greyson told me to put you in here" Nick tells me trying to smile but it not reaching his eyes.

Not having the energy to reply i close my eyes and within seconds im asleep

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