Chapter 25

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I spent the rest of lunchtime in the library. My phone buzzing with texts. I dont even check to see who theyre from. I think about going home but knowing my luck my parents are there and then ill have to explain, so when the bell goes to notify the end of lunch i begrudgingly stand up and make my way way to the last class of the day.

"Okay" the teacher calls gaining everyones attention. "I know its the last class of the day but if you all concentrate for one more hour youll get to go home. And if all work is completed youll have no homework" he tells us making all of us suddenly sit up straight ready to learn.

"Okay today it is partner work, i have already assigned your partners so dont get too excited" earning groans of disappointment due to not being able to work with our friends.

Mr Holt started pairing us up getting his pairs from the back of his mind. Half way through his eyes connect with mine

"Avery and Dylan" i smile as atleast i get one of my bestfriends. I look at Dylan who is already making his way over to me sporting a cheeky grin expressing his happiness, but theirs a tiny glint in his eye of disappointment


Due to me being a low key nerd we made our way through the worksheet within half the time. Instead of drawing attention to the fact and gaining more work, we talk quietly amongst ourselves.

"Are you okay Avery, lunch was... dramatic" Dylan asks, pity evident in his eyes.

"Im fine, i just got a small crush on the one guy who i shouldnt. I knew this "just fun" thing we had going on would be a bad idea" i shrug nonchalantly.

"If it makes you feel any better i think we were all rooting for you both, even Eddie and he has no idea what was going on, well didnt until today"

"Yeah that just makes me feel worse" i deadpan "anyway, whats new with you, its all been about me or Abbie recently, there has to be something new with you" i ask changing the subject.

"Nothing" Dylan mumbles looking at his desk, but his blushing face says otherwise.

"Thats not what your face is saying Dyl" i tease. He doesnt respond his face just gets darker.

"Who is she" i taunt making Dylan tense.


"Ahhh so you have met someone... who is she" i continue to tease. Im immediately silenced when he dramatically stands sending his chair flying backwards as he storms off to sit back in his seat.

"Dylan you and miss stead have to work together" the teacher scolds.

"Were finished" he replies bluntly to the teacher.

What the hell just happened.

I earn confused and intrigued looks by all my fellow classmates. I look back at Dylan to see him angrily texting someone.

Mystery girl?

Why would he be angry at my questioning? Unless its someone off bounds? A teacher? One of the bullied girls? Im so confused.

I didnt realise i was lost in my thoughts until i heard the final bell of the day go. I jumped out of my seat to try and catch up to Dylan.

"DYL" i shouted. He turned around, but didnt stop instead walked faster away from me.

"DYLAN WHATS WRONG" i shout gaining attention from the crowded hallways.

I tried to find him but he got lost in the sea of students. I sighed in defeat and made my way home deciding i would just text him for now once i was home.

Me; hey Dyl i dont know whats wrong but could we talk please. Im worried. Youre my best friend Dyl. Please text me back.

It was a while later when i recieved a reply.

Dyl; come to mine. Lets talk.

I grin knowing he will talk to me, but at the same time i internally frown at the coldness of the text.

I slip my shoes back on, grab my phone amd keys and rush back out of the otherwise empty house and speedwalk to Dylans house.

I ring the bell and anxiously wait for the door to open.

"Avery, Dylans in his room but be careful, he seems to be angry" Dylans mum says as she opens the door.

"Thank you, and i will do" i politely answer her. Dylans parents were the nicest out of all my friends parents and often invite me for dinner knowing how my parents are after picking up on the signs over the years.

I walk past her and up the stairs and straight into Dylans room finding him face down on his bed.

"Right whats wrong, i have no idea what happened, but you cant just flip on me like that when i have no idea whats going on with you, we were having a nice conversation and suddenly you..."

"IM GAY" Dylan shouts silencing me. Suddenly standing infront of me

I open and close my mouth in surprise. When i dont reply he scoffs.

"I didnt take you to be homophobic, but presuming im seeing a girl and then the obvious surprise and lack of exictement i would have recieved had it been a girl says alot" he tells me. Disappointment and sadness lacing his words snapping me out of my shock.

"Oh my god Dyl im not homophobic and im sorry if you thought i was, im just surprised. I had no idea. How long have you known, if you remember you were my first kiss" i tease trying to lighten the tone. As we both sit on his bed.

"I knew before" he weakly replies. Before i could reply he continues. "I knew i was gay, but it was a new concept to me and everyone around me and i werent sure how people would react, so i kissed you thinking if anyone can make me straight its you, but it didnt"

"Im flattered and insulted at the same time" i joke. But Dylan doesnt laugh.

"So i hid who i was, until i met someone who knew pretty much instantly, and he helped me. Were not exactly all lovey, but i really like him and he helps me understand who i am"

Shame and guilt consume me.

"Im so sorry you felt you couldnt tell me this" i tell him as i engulf him in a hug. "And any guy who helps you not be ashamed of who you are i approve off" i tell him, finally earning a slight chuckle from him.

We pull away from our embrace.

"Now who is this amazing guy" i ask Dylan.

"Me" i hear from the doorway surprising me making my head spin in his direction. But the surprise continues when i see whos at the door.

"Eddie" i whisper

"Hey sugar" he winks.

"Im so fucking confused right now" i say. Although by their obivous closeness since theyve met, i should have seen this coming as soon as Dylan came out to me.

"Whats so surprising" he asks.

"Well youve been flirty since day one" i tell him.

"Oh that was to make Grey jealous, ever since my first day, when i was told to take a seat and Greyson shot me dirty looks for even considering sitting next to you, i knew i had to tease him a little, and then i saw you guys obviously fighting the obvious attraction, and then today at lunch, just proves i was right, you guys have it bad and dont hide it aswell as you think you do"

"He doesnt" i frown

Eddie opens his mouth to argue but i cut him off.

"Enough about me, i want to hear everything, i now have 2 gay bestfriends" i smile cheekily at them both

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