Chapter 8

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Cole Sprouse as Tyler

Ive never really been a family girl. My parents work full time and more. I have no siblings and when we go to family gatherings i just keep quiet. All of the attention goes on my cousins anyway. I mean we have the athletic twins, Michael the Football star and Maria the track all star. We have the genious 8 year old Lewis who is probably smarter than me. The oldest and richest of us all is my cousin Derek who owns his own tech company and just recently had a little baby girl.

So yeah im not really a family person. So imagine my surprise when i get home saturday morning to my parents apparently worried sick about me and where i was.

"Why didnt you let us know where you were. You could have left a note or shot us a text, instead me and your mum get home prepared to have a family dinner to find my daughter AWOL and not answering her phone" my father fumed towering infront of me and i sit on the sofa.

"I was at Bex's like i have been every friday night for the past 4 years" i tell them calmly. Its not my fault they are never home enough to know this. I mean they saw me leave last friday with Bex, in a party outfit. What did they think was happening?

"All we ask for Ave is a bit of respect. That includes telling us where you are incase of emergency"

"Well is there an emergency?" I asked

"Well no but-" he said getting flustered.

"Then there was no emergency for you to immediately know where i was, if something happened to me, you would have been called" i stated obviously.

Having enough of this conversation i stand up and walk up to my room to have a shower.

Stepping out i wrap a crisp white towell around my body and sulk to my room slamming my door with more force than necessary just to piss them off.

Glancing to my bed i notice my phone with its screen lit up notifying me of a new notification. Picking it up i noticed several new texts.

Bex: hey girl, i think you have my litpstick, and i need that one for my date ;)

Texting back that ill bring it over with a chuckle i check the rest.

Satan: im bored

Satan: im extremely bored

Satan: Ave, im really really bored here

Satan: okay fuck, Ave im really horny. Come over?

That last text bring a smirk to my lips. Without replying, leaving him on read i lock my phone and i get myself ready. I put on lacey black underwear with matching bra, a white loose top with the words 'WILD' written across the front in burgundy and a skater skirt in an almost exact burgundy match. I slip on some white converse and grab my phone and bag, checking to make sure i have Bexs lipstick.

Walking down my the stairs ignoring my parents calls i walk straight out of the house and head to Bexs. After a relaxing walk, i get to the door and let myself in.

Now which twin first.

Knowing who i wouldnt be able to get away from i go to Greysons room and enter without knocking and the sight left me speechless.

He was doing ... HOMEWORK.

Like this was a very rare occurrence for him. And it seems he was so engrossed he didnt even notice my entrance.

After silently closing the door behind me I slowly stalked up behind him like a wolf hunting its prey. And when i am within touching distance i lean down and kiss his neck with light butterfly kisses wrapping my arms around his torso feeling up his beautiful abs.

Finally realising someone else was in his company he tensed, but after realising the persons intentions he let out a throaty moan. I werent even sure he knew it was me, it could have been a random girl.

Who cares. We had a deal.

I walk around him pushing his desk chair back abit so that when i am infront of him i can lift one leg over him so i am straddling him.

There was no look of surprise once he saw me, so he knew it was me all along. I smirked at the thought.

He gripped my arse keeping my inplace as he took control and feircly slammed his lips against my own.

Realising this situation just got more serious, i slid my purse off my shoulder and let it drop to the floor before wrapping my hands around his neck and firmly digging my hands into his hair.

The heat between us is very quickly increasing as he stood up taking me with him and sat me perched on the edge of his desk, his homework long forgotten.

Parting from my mouth he makes  his way down my jaw and along my neck. Finding my sweet spot he grazed his teeth making me release a very unladylike noise.

Whilst i was distracted i didnt even notice he had my shirt lifted until he broke away to take it off.  Not liking the unbalance of the situation i quickly took his off. Obviously noticing my lack of control Grey chuckled in amusement. Once it was off i took a moment to soak in his very naked and toned chest, him obviously doing the same.

Once he got his fill, he lifted his eyes back to mine as he slowly got to his knees and taking of my shoes. He slowly, lightly, teasingly drags his fingers from my ankles up my shins, past my knees, up my thighs to the waistband of my skirt making me shiver in anticipation. With his trademark smirk he hooked his thumbs into the waistband and slowly antagonisingly drags my skirt down my legs until it flops to tbe ground. Never once breaking eye contact.

Fuck hes hot.

Realising the imbalance he Stands up and quickly takes off his sweatpants completely different to how he strips me. We take in the image infront of us for a mental image, Him in his underwear , me sat on his desk in black underwear, before he encloses the gap and kisses me with so much heat.

Lets just say that the desk was definitely worth the money if it was sturdy enough to withstand the force it took.


Not caring how i look, but knowing i was glistening with sweat with him to match, i got dressed and tried to look as if i didnt just have sex.

"Woah whats the hurry there shortcake" he chuckles.

"Well the reason behind this visit was not actually for your convenience Grey, it was actually for your sister but i thought id make a detour incase she kept me all night" i explain with a cheeky grin at the end before lightly pecking him and walking out of his room, leaving him naked in bed.

I wonder wether hes the one that has ever been left in that position before.

I walk down the hall with lipstick in hand and strut into Bex room like i owned the place.

"One lipstick m'lady as requested" i held up in the air as i made my grand entrance.

But what i saw shocked me even more that Grey doing homework.

Bex under a topless boy on her bed... and not just any boy... TYLER


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