Chapter 17

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Cody simpson as eddie

"Im sorry to interrupt miss Stead, but we do need to get Averys statement" officer Knight politely told us.

My mum just sniffed in reply and took a seat at the table along with my dad.

"Greyson if you could leave—" officer Knight told Grey before i reached out and grabbed his wrist. When he looked at me i shook my head in panic. I need him there.

When officer Knight saw i wasnt letting him go she nodded in understanding before grabbing a note pad and started on her questions

"Okay so you say you were attacked last night" she began "can you tell me who it was" she asked

"Liam Sole, he goes to my school" i answered as his menacing face from last night flashed through my brain. I dont think i could ever forget his face.

"Has he ever done anything like that before"

"Last friday. He tried to get me to dance with him. I pushed him away and then he kissed me and wouldnt let me go. My friend Dylan had to intervene. Then throughtout the week hes been trying to ask me to give him one night. But nothing physical until last night" i tell them looking at my fingers

"Okay now can you tell me your recollection of events last night?" She asks me. So i take a deep breathe and dive into my memories. The drinking, dancing, the argument with Bex and telling them a white lie about going upstairs for the toilet. And it looking like he was waiting for me before he cornered me.

Then came the horrible part of the night. I explained every touch, every word and every feeling. I was well aware i had started crying at the memory.

They asked if they could take a picture of my injuries to be used as evidence. I hesitantly accepted and let them take many pictures of that they needed. And lastly the took a swab of my neck where he concentrated the most on.

When they finished Grey escorted them out and i was left with my parents. Noone said anything. My mum was quietly sobbing to herself and my dad was sat there radiating anger, with his fists clenched.

When Grey walked back into the kitchen my dad shot up and had Grey pinned to the wall

"This is your fault" he growled. "Your party, your fault" she shouted right in Greys faces

"DAD STOP" i scream tears escaping. "DAD STOP PLEASE" i plead. But got no reply or even hint he had heard.

"ITS NOT HIS FAULT, HE SAVED ME" i shouted. At this my dad loosend his grip and let Grey down

"What do you mean" he asks now turning to face me.

"The person that kicked down the door and got Liam off me was Grey, he got his friend to take me to his room where i slept and he took care of me. Please. Its not his fault" i cry falling to floor.

Immediately i was engulfed into a warm chest that i recognised instantly. It took me a while to calm down but when i did i felt my eyelids get heavy.

"She needs to sleep, its overwhelmed her" Grey explains calmly to my parents who were now just watching us. I kept my eyes closed just listening to his heartbeat and feelings his hands rub my back.

"Is there something going on with you two?" My mum asks after a while of watching us.

"No, but i cant explain it, normally we argue all the time. We have the odd nice conversation but after last night, i have this overwhelming need to protect her and i think, me being the one to save her and be there for her, i think she just feels safer with me around. Im not sure if im right but thats my way of understanding it" Grey explains to my parents.  I kept my eyes closed. I think they think im asleep.

Theres a long silence before my dad speaks.

"I think youre right, but we would like our daughter home with us. If you feel you need to be around her, you can come to ours but she isnt staying here. I think a change of scenery will be good for her aswell"

He isnt wrong. When i walked past the bathroom this morning all i felt was pain as the memories took over.

I think Grey understands and i feel myself being handed over to someone else. I can tell it was my dad by the strength of the hold, bringing back memories of when i was a child. I smiled slightly as for the first time today i let good memories invade my brain until i drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


I didnt wake up until Sunday morning. When i woke up i found Grey in the bed next to me ontop of the covers. I just laid there appreciating his features. I must have zoned out as suddenly i heard a voice from behind me.

"What the fuck?" Dylan asks in confusion. I quickly turn around to find Abbie and Dylan there. Abbie looking smug and Dylan looking shocked.

"Shh be quiet, hes asleep" i warn him.

"What the hell is going on" he asks looking at me. I quickly glance to Abbie then Greyson and realise i couldnt hide secrets from him. So i nod and tell them to take a seat on the chairs in my room.

So as quietly as i can i explain everything to Dylan , from that friday where it all started up until yesterday. He didnt speak, even Abbie looked shocked.

"As i said, definate sparks" Abbie comments

"You knew" Dylan asks bewildered at Abbie. She just looks guilty.

"How long have you known" he asks her

"I knew about the first time as she was acting strange, then i put some peices together. I didnt know much" she tells him.

"Nick also figured it out according to Grey" i tell them

"Does Bex know?" He asks hesitantly

"No, and i doubt she will ever. She knew i needed her yesterday and friday and yet she still didnt come. I could see she wanted too, but even after what i went through she wont talk to me, like im the one who done wrong" i tell them both. I might be able to forgive her for Tyler but i cant forgive her for not being there for me.

Our conversation was cut off as i felt stirring from beside me. I looked at him and smiled as his eyes flickered open. He smiled at me before looking around the room and spotting Dylan and Abbie.

"They know" i tell him before he freaks out. His shoulders immediatly slump but still sits stiffly.

We spent the day lazily watching movies and eating junk food and just generally having a laugh. I havent felt this much at ease in a really long time.

Grey stayed with me again that night and i cant say i didnt like it. We kissed a couple of times but i could see the hesitance in him to go any further.

When Monday came around i didnt want to be cooped up so i told my parents i was going to school. They kept asking me if i was sure and i repeatedly told them id be fine. Even though in my head i werent so sure. I knew i couldnt hide the bruises around my neck either.

Me and Grey walked to school together and when we got to registration he sat immediately in his seat. When i saw mine, my eyes drifted to the seat beside it. It was empty thankfully but i was still frozen on my spot. I couldnt sit next to him. Or even near that seat.

Mr lewis must have heard about the events of the weekend as he looked at me with pity before telling me he isnt here but told me i could sit somewhere else if i needed too. I looked at him greatfully and took the empty seat furthest away from his. I got plenty of pitying looks before the teacher cleared his throat to speak.

Before he could though the door opened revealing a new kid. And oh my god he is gorgeous with chocolate brown eyes, blonde hair. When he made eye contact with me, my breath immediatly hitched in my throat. And his eyes drifting down to my neck, i could see the pity and slight anger in his eyes.

"Ahh you must be the new student" Mr lewis says snapping me out of my thoughts. And snapping the new boys eyes off me.

"Yes sir. Eddie Grant" he says introducing himself.

Eddie Grant. Suits him.

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