Chapter 19

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Unedited so probably loads of mistakes. Sorry.

2 months later

Its been a weird two months. Eddie has fit right in ever since the loss of Tyler and Bex. Hes been amazing, he flirts ALOT, but i dont take it seriously, i think its just who he is. But Grey and Abbie dont see it that way. Abbie keeps trying to get me to just make a move on him, even though i tell her im not interested. And Grey, well whenever Eddie flirts or someone brings up his name or Abbie purposefully tries to bring up the non existing relationship with me and Eddie, Grey just goes all blunt and bitter.

Speaking of Grey, we continue our hook ups. Only Abbie and Dylan know about them. Most of the time we try to make sure were out of eachothers rooms before the night ends, but we sometimes wake up the next morning to find we stayed. Weve had a few nice moments between us and hes been really supportive through all the drama thats been happening.

Bex and Tyler are still together. We all just ignore eachother at school and at the Friday night Parties. More than once shes almost caught me and Grey but weve gotten lucky. We now make it a big thing to lock the door even if the house is empty. Im starting to miss her. I even think Abbie is too as i notice the looks she gives Bexs when she thinks noone is looking. I know Grey knows i miss her as every time i hear her when im in Greys room, he tries to get me to talk to her. Part of me wants too, but another part cant forgive her for what she did.

Abbie and Dylan. I think Abbies doing better. She doesnt come to school red faced and puffy from crying. She no longer insists on watching romance films on our sleepovers. And she no longer looks longingly to Tyler so its progress. Dylan however has been acting odd recently. I cant explain his personality change other than overally bubbly and awkward like hes trying really hard to convince us aswell as himself hes okay, but you can tell hes not. hes acting weird.

Lastly Liam. I havent physically seen him since that night but hes been present in my life these past 2 months, preparing for trial. My lawyer says judging by his lawyer shes unsure wether he will plead guilty or not. So just incase she has been preparing me for the worst. I dont know how many times ive had to recollect the events of that night and i can still remember it as if it happened just yesterday. I cant wait for the whole thing to be over with, which brings me to now.

Dressed in a black dress, makeup minimal, hair straightened, i pace up and down outside of the big oak doors.

"Calling for case 2393. Avery Stead vs Liam Sole" a voice calls from behind me frezzing me in my tracks.

Im not ready.

Im not ready to see him again.

Oh no.

I can feel my breathing quicken and my hands clam up. All noise around me morphs into a light ringing in my ears. My vision starts to blur as i feel my body collapsing. Its like im not in my own body, watching from the outside as my family and friends rush to my side as i fall against the wall.

"-ery" huh?

"Avery" what?

"Avery can you hear me?" A voice calls as my vision and hearing start to return back to normal.

I look up to see half a dozen worried faces looking at me.

"Im fine" i smile meakly. "Lets get this over with" i sigh.

My mum reaches for one hand and squeezes it in reassurance.

With one last breathe i open the doors and walk down the middle to my seat up front next to my lawyer.

I try not to look at the people present but its easy to spot many faces of people i recognise. A few classmates from school, even some teachers. I see Bex and Tyler in the back trying to go unnoticed. It warms my heart to have them here.

Everyone that was outside with me, joins the rest of the crowd in the viewing area. My mum, dad, Abbie, Dylan, Grey and Eddie ( i eventually told him what happened when he got confused when me and Abbie would bring up the case occasionally.)

On the opposite side its not nearly as busy, but its hard to miss the couple at the front, the woman crying into the shoulder of the man. They must be Liams parents. You can see the resemblance. Im immediately filled with guilt. Guilt that i could be taking their son away from them. Theyre not to blame for their sons actions. If i wasnt so afraid, not only for myself but for other girls out there i wouldnt be here. I hope they dont blame me.

I quickly look away from them, not knowing their view of me. As far as they are aware Liam is their little boy who could do no wrong.

I take the seat next to my lawyer and breathe in to try and ease my nerves.

"Are you okay" she discretely asks me.

Before i can answer a door opens and in walks Liam with 2 men. One of which must be his lawyer. My side of the courtroom immediately errupts in murmers.

"All rise" a voise calls.

I quickly rush to my feet, nerves itching every bone in my body.

Once the judge enters and we all take a seat, i quickly take a moment to close my eyes, breathe in and think. Think that after today, this could be the end of everything.

"Avery Stead vs Liam Sole. Mr Sole, you have been accused of one count of sexual assult. How do you plead" the judge asks directing his gaze to liam, getting straight to the point.

After a moment of conferring. Liam and his lawywer stand. I breathe in due to anticipation.

"Guilty your honour" Liam speaks clearly, flicking his gaze quickly to mine and then back towards the judge. I heard a huge cry in the background sounding like it came from his mother. Poor woman.

I must look ridiculous at that moment with my mouth open almost to the floor.

"Very well, Mr Sole—" the judge starts but is quickly interrupted

"Your honour, if its okay, my client would like to say a few words" Liams lawyers says.

Im sure my face must have morphed into confusion as i looked around to find nearly everyone with the same expression.

The judge looks hesitant at first before sighing and nodding.

"Very well, Mr Sole, say what you need to say and make it quick"

Liam stands once again but this time turns to face me. As his eyes catch mine I immediately cower away further into my seat.

"Avery, im so sorry for what happened that night. Actually no im so sorry for what happened even before that. You made it perfectly clear you werent interestered but i didnt take no for an answer. I tried time and time again when i should have given up. I know its not an excuse but i thought you were just playing hard to get and adding in the fact i was drunk my anger got to best of me. Im so thankful someone interrupted me as im afraid of what i could have done. When i was shown the pictures of your injuries i was so ashamed. You have to believe me when i say i deeply regret my actions, and i hope that someday you could forgive me" he ends with a slight nod in my direction and then another in the judges and then sits down.

I barely feel the tears streaming down my face and i can barely hear the sound of the courtroom doors slamming shut as my dad storms out in anger.

A hand claps my shoulder and gives it a supporting squeeze. I just knew it was Greyson. I heard my mum sniffling behind me.

" Thank you for that Mr Sole. Now as you have pleas guilty we will see you back here in 2 weeks for sentancing" the judge says with finality. "Dismissed" he calls, bringing his gavel down before leaving the court room.

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