Chapter 20.

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The monday after court i was finally feeling like i could go back to being myself. Smiling in the mirror. I turned around, grabbed my suitcase and made my way downstairs.

I meet my parents at the bottom of the stairs and give them both a quick hug.

"Are you sure you dont want a lift to school" my dad asks.

"Nah i like the walk" i tell him with a smile.

These past few months, my mum and dad have started to become the parents I remember. I just hope that now everythings going to settle down, that they dont go back to absentees.

"Okay we will see you friday. Call us every night. We gave you money already. Have you got everything" my mum asks in a panic.

"Im sure, you checked everything last night" i chuckle.

"Okay hunny, be safe" my mum calls as i make my way out of the house, wrapping my coat around me to protect myself from the bitter cold.

This will be my only alone time for the next week so i try to enjoy it at much as possible. I left early to make sure i could take a relaxing walk. Plugging in my earphones i block out the rest of the world.

When i get near my school gates i put my phone away to save battery and join Dylan and Eddie, who seeem to be in a very heated conversation.

"Whats wrong?" I ask when near them.

"Nothing" they both say together smiling guiltily at me.

Yeah. No.

"Seriously, what are you both hiding" i ask.

"Were talking about room dynamics when we get to Paris" Dylan tells me.

I can tell hes lying but its too early to pry so i just nod in understanding.

Not long after i hear my name being squealed from behind me. That can only be one person.

"Abbie" i squeal back as she jumps into my arms

"You better be my roommate" she scolds me whilst pointing at me right infront of my nose

"I wouldnt have it any other way" i smirk at her

"And then if you ever need me to leave the room for a few hours just let me know" she winks at me. Eddie looking at us in confusion.

"Why would she do that" Eddie asks Abbie

Just as he asks i see Greyson and Bex walk through the gates and i think Abbie spots them too as she smirks before answering.

"She might meet a hot guy in Paris" she says, purposefully loud enough for Greyson to hear as he glances our way making eye contact with me.

I just shrug meakly. Not like i can deny it without raising more questions.

"Well it is the city of love" i play along.

"Me and Dylan can be your wingmen" Eddie winks whilst nudging Dylan who is weirdly quiet.

Sometimes i forget he knows about me and Grey as he doesnt hint or tease like Abbie does.

"You okay Dyl?" I ask worried.

"Im fine" he smiles at me, but its so forced.

I didnt realise most of the kids had gotten here in that time until a teacher called to tell us to board the bus.

I sit next to Abbie, Dylan and Eddie infront of us. Greyson and Nick next to us accross the isle, Bex and Tyler infront of them. This is going to be a long ride to the ferry.

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