Chapter 21

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The first real day of paris. It doesnt feel real. Its only tuesday yet i feel like its going too quick as we will be back home friday.

Last night after me and Grey properly christened his hotel bed with the promise of christening mine tonight, i made my way back into my room to see Nick and Abbie watching movies eating popcorn. They gave me knowing smiles as i made the walk of shame.

Im glad Nick kept Abbie company though, truthfully i didnt have time to think about what they were doing whilst we were busy so im thankful they spent time together. Probably gossiping.

Nick made a hasty exit as Abbie tried to drill me for all the gory details. i was too wiped of all energy so slept before i could answer any questions

When i woke this morning it took me a few moments to remember where i was.

"Today is all about the sight seeing" Mr Lewis begins gaining all of our attention in the hotel reception. "We will be going to the Louvre, the Eiffle tower, notre-dame and arc de triomphe. Please stick together. You all have your group leaders phone number if it is needed. Any trouble and you will be on the next ferry home" he warns as his speach comes to a close.

I could hardly contain my excitement. Ive always wanted to come to Paris.

"Calm down shortcake before you explode" Grey whispers in my ear.

"Isnt that exactly what you wanted me to do last night" i whisper back with a teasing tone.

"Oh i did, but that is a different kind of explosion, and one that only im privy to"

"How do you know" i tease back. I mean im not exactly a virgin, but only he has made me feel like he does.

"Because if any guy made you feel that good before, you wouldnt be screaming my name" he tells me as he walks ahead of me joining our group. I hadnt even realised they had started to leave.

When i catch up i completely blank Greyson and decide to tease him a little so i loop my arm with Eddies and made sure i stood just a little too close.

"Are you excited" i ask him innocently as if im not using him for my own games right now.

Im not sure if he knows, but Eddie plays along brilliantly as he kisses my cheek and we dive into a full conversation on what we were looking forward too.

He tells me how he woke up this morning expecting a full english breakfast buffet but was surprised when it was only continental breakfast. He also told me how he and Dylan went to mcdonalds last night, ordered a hot chocolate but was only given a hot milk and a sachet of nesquik. I was laughing so hard, and it was all real. I completely forgot about my alterior motive until i saw Grey glaring daggers Eddies way.

After an extremely long walk we made it to the louvre. It was absolutely breathtaking and i couldnt help but take many pictures. Some of just the building, some including me and my friends. When everyone was distracted i grabbed ahold of Greyson and decided to sneak a quick picture of the two of us before running back to everyone else without telling him a word, but it seemed to ease some of his anger as he smiled my way when we entered the building.

Im not one for museums, so i cant see myself enjoying much of it, but even i can say im fascinated by some of the stuff they have here.

Me, Abbie, Eddie, Dylan, Nick and Greyson all went our own way on our own little tour promising to be in the catine for lunch. I didnt care much for most of it, but i took pictures of the ones that looked cool, but i mostly took pictures of the building. The ceilings were beautiful in some parts. But then we got to the main part. The mona lisa. I didnt understand the interest. Didnt understand why it was so famous. Why it was worth so much. She werent even pretty, but hell i knew it was a once in a lifetime so i made sure to take pictures and selfies with it.

The exhibit itself, the whole museum wasnt that great to be honest, but the experience of being there, with the ones i cared most about, i held close to my heart. Even me and Nick got along great. Hes like the weird brother. But i cant help but notice two people missing. They may have fucked up big time, but i always expected stuff like this to include Bex and Tyler. Im sure their having a great time themselves.

Im not sure if the group did it on purpose but i often found myself shoulder to shoulder with Grey.

We met the rest of the students in the cantine. The food wasnt great. The school did better food, but they cant be great at everything.
By the time we got out the louvre it was 2:30. We made quick stops at the notre-dame and the arc de triomphe. There wasnt much to do there other than take a few pictures. So now all that was left was the part of the trip i had been anticipating. The Eiffle Tower.

It was absolutely breathtaking from below. I stood fascinated.

"You know the views better from the top" his breath fans my ear.

"I know, i just wanted to revel in its beauty" i tell him not taking my eyes from the structure in front of me.

"Come on, come on up with me" he tells me grabbing my hand flashing 2 tickets my way before pulling me along.

I try to act annoyed but even i cant fake this much excitement, and as much as it weird to admit, enjoying it with Grey sounds even better .

We join the queue for the lift. Bouncing on the balls of my feet. Part cold, part anticipation. Grey cant stop chuckling in amusement but i can see the glimmer of excitement in his eyes.

"Ready shortcake" he asks as we step into the rickety lift. Everytime it lurches due to the rusty chain my heart thumps in my chest, but i know its safe. It wouldnt be a tourist attraction if it wasnt.

When safely on the first floor i deicided to only spend a short amount of time on this level. Seeing far out, seeing some of my classmates too scared to go to the edge , most of them boys. I dont take my hand out of Greys, for once not scared of who sees. Were only hand holding.

We get back into the lift and go straight up to the top floor. The slight fog has cleared. The bitter cold bites so i wrap my coat further around myself before making my way to the edge and see the beauty that is Paris. Me and Grey take plenty of pictures together. I knew i wouldnt forget this moment. I turnt to my side to talk to Greyson but my breath hitches in my throat. I couldnt tell what it was , but seeing Grey at sunset, looking out at all of Paris taking it in. I knew he was gorgeous, hell he knew too. But in this moment. I couldnt explain. He was breathtaking. I couldnt help but think i wish it was like this more often.

I didnt realise i had been staring until he glances my way. I cant seem to turn my gaze away. But he doesnt smirk, instead he tilts his head to the side like hes studying me. I see a range of emotions flicker in his eyes. I didnt get to determine what they were before his lips attacked mine.

It was unlike any other kiss wed shared. This was desperate but passionate. Hungry but loving. But i kiss back with just as much emotion. But suddenly everything hits me all at once as i step back.

We were on the Tower with our entire year group. Anyone could have seen.

I let the panic take over before i rush to the lift just as its about to close and make my way down.

Shit im confused. We were just fun. No emotions. But on the top floor then, that kiss. Thats emotions. And im starting to think these emotions had started before but today just amplified them. With all these thoughts, I dont even have time to think about the boy i just left behind.

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