Chapter 14

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Wednesday and Thursday went by the same way, snide comments and evil looks by Bex, a hook up in the janitors closet with Greyson and Liam trying to convince me to give him one night.

Weve seen Tyler in passing but he just looks at the floor and walks past. You can see the guilt radiating from him.

I havent seen my parents yet either.

Its friday morning and it went like normal other than waking up late but i dont know why but when i woke up something felt different. I dont know what. Shrugging it off i got dressed in high waisted black jean shorts and a deep purple tank top with white converse. I slip my phone in my back pocket and walk to school.

Im already late so i made sure to take my time by plugging in my earphones and putting on my spotify playlist.

When i got to school i made my way to reception to sign in late.

Reason: hmmm turnt my alarm off for more sleep?
Nah 'alarm broken'

Does anyone ever tell the truth on those things.

I completely missed registration so i went to first period geography and sat at my seat next to Bex that we decided on at the beginning of the year, too late to change. We just blanked eachother all lesson, i guess thats better than all the snide comments.

My day went by the same way until lunch. I decided not to meet Grey today. One day cant hurt.

Grabbing a slice of pizza from the food hall , luckily there was plenty today, i went to meet Abbie and Dylan who seemed to be in deep conversation.

"What are you two talking about" i ask them as i drop onto the floor besides them.

"Tonight" Dylan tells me

"What about tonight" i ask taking a bite of my pizza.

"Abbie says she still wants to go to the party" he shrugs

"Er why" i ask. Is she crazy?

"To show Tyler and Bex that shes done moping around i think"

Through this exchange Abbie just sat there timidly

"I dont think..." i go to tell Abbie worridly before she cuts me off

"I need to do this" she tells me with determination written all over her face

"But its her house and we normally sleep in her room" i ask my resolve withering away

"We can just go back to mine or yours" she tells me with a shrug.

"Fine" i sigh. "But if you want to leave, tell us and we go" i tell her pointing my pizza crust towards her.

"Promise" she nods excitedly

"And if she starts something ill slap a bitch, or Dylan will like he did to Liam last week" i joke with a teasing grin.

The rest of lunch we spoke about what we were all going to wear and a plan for saturday where we will spend the day together as we havent in a while.

I got dressed in a dark purple skater dress and black heels to match the day outfit i wore today. Doing a smokey eye to compliment the look.

After writing my parents a note explaining about bexs party i leave it on the table and meet Abbie and Dylan in the taxi that was waiting outside.

"Looking good" Dylan tells me while dragging his eyes down my body

"You both do too" i tell them which isnt a lie. Dylan dressed in a black dress shirt and blue slim fit jeans and a pair of black chelsea boots and Abbie is in a zebra print crop top and a black skater skirt with black vans.

We pulled up outside the crowded house. After paying for the fare me and Abbie both loop an arm into one of Dylans.

"Are you sure you want to do this Abs?" I ask. "Its okay if you just want to go home" i tell her concerned.

"I need to Ave. i cant explain it but its part of the moving on process" she tells me confidently, although i can see the scared expression in her eyes. Reaching out my hand, i grab hers and give it a squeeze.

"Me and Dylan are here for you okay" i tell her.

"Thank you" she smiles timidly. Shes braver than me, i could never do this. Taking a deep breath we make our way inside.

Nothing is different. Everything is the same as it always is. I dont know why i would think it wouldnt be.

"Drinks?" I ask them over the loud music. Without answering Dylan escorts us both to the bar in the kitchen.

"Lets get fucked" Dylan shouts.

"2 shots each and a double vodka and coke please". I order.

"Youre not holding back tonight Ave" Abbie smirks "planning on getting laid" she asks me, but i can see the underlying question in there

Am i planning on hooking up with Grey tonight.

"Probably not" i just shrug.

Our conversation gets interrupted by 6 shots and our individual drinks getting placed between us.

"Ready?" I ask

I get excited nods as a reply. We each lift a shot up each and clink them together as a toast.

"1.2.3. Shot" Dylan shout. He shouts alot.

And we tip our head back and swallow the shot whole and slam the glasses down. We all shake our heads as the taste of vodka burns our throats.

"Ready" Abbie asks, already holding the next shot in the air. Me and Dylan look at eachother and laugh at Abbies excitement, before we join her in the next toast.

"1.2.3. Shot" Dylan shouts again as we repeat the routine same as before.

Once the vodka has settled out of our throats we all grab our other drinks and make our way onto the dance floor, the effects of the shots buzzing through us.

Abbie grabs our hands and starts swaying her hips to the club beat. With laughs at our friend me and Dylan join her without having a care in the world.

Closing our eyes we let the beat of the music take over as we jump on the spot whilst pumping our fist in the air.

"What are you guys doing here" we heard a screach from behind us.

The music turns down at the first sign of commotion

Confused me Dylan and Abbie all turn around to find a very angry Bex with her hand locked with Tylers whilst glaring daggers at us.

"What does it look like" i ask her

"Youre not invited" she hisses.

"I dont know what you think Bex but the loss of you and Tyler doesnt stop us from doing what we always do, and besides we were invited" i shrug taking a condescending sip of my drink.

"This is my house" she cries stamping her foot like a toddler not getting her own way.

And greys my subconsience tells me

"Look just stay out of our way and we will stay out of yours" Dylan says trying to diffuse the tension

I couldnt help myself by commenting further.

"I mean it cant be that hard, looks like you and Tyler have been pretty busy by the looks of your top being inside out and your 'just had sex hair'" i tell her watching her flame red in embarrassment.

"Atleast their not sneaking around anymore" Abbie snickers from beside me. But shes not fooling me as i see the heartbreak in her eyes. And i think Tyler sees it too as he drops Bexs hand and looks guiltily at the floor

"Atleast hes got someone to please him now" Bex taunts.

Oh hell no.

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