Chapter 10

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I woke up with a start but this time im not surprised at finding myself in bed with Grey. After crying into his chest i think the moment of having 'fun' was gone for the night, so we just laid in his bed, watching movies and eating pizza. I dont think we spoke about a single thing of relevance but it was exactly what i needed. Looking beside me i see Grey asleep with his lips slightly parted with a light snore. Its unfair how he can sleep and still look bangable.

Creeping out of bed slowly i grabbed my things and snuck out of his room and down the hall makeing sure to be quiet as i do so. Once downstairs i open the front door and walk out closing it softly behind me.

Once a little way down the street i breathed a sigh of relief and start walking home.

Taking my phone out of my pocket and check the time. 3:06am. I open my texts to find i have a bunch of texts from my parents asking where i was. I dont understand the worried parent act all of a sudden. Ignoring them I decide its best to leave Greyson a message.

Satan; thanks for last night and letting me crash, you didnt have too yet you did. Ill try not to let it happen again, especially when you dont even get laid in the end ;)

Smiling slightly i grab my house keys and as quietly as possible sneak into my room and into my bed.


Sunday was going by slowly. Parents werent home. Grey didnt text and i avoided texting Abbie due to guilt. I still didnt know what to do, so i guess ill play it by ear.

I was sat at my desk trying to waste time doing homework like a good little student when my text tone chimed loudly through the silence. Pausing my writing, i flexed my hand to rid of the cramp and reached for my phone.

Bex; hey Ave, i dont know what youre thinking but id like to talk about this. Please please dont tell Abbie until we speak. Im begging you. I know you feel like you cant just sit in the middle of all of this but i need you to hear me out first. Please Avery. Text me back and let me know xx

What else is she going to tell me? I heard what she said to Grey and none of that justifies what she done. But she doesnt know i heard.

Looking at my phone rereading the same text for a while i decide on a short text as a reply.

Me; if you just tell her yourself you wouldnt have to worry about me. Same offer stands, tell her by tomorrow or i will!

Sending the text i sigh. I feel like im breaking a friendship no matter what i do. Its unfair to Abbie and i know that but Bex... this is so unlike her so im unsure wether to let her figure out her own shit on her own.

I dont want to be the bad guy.

Lost in thoughts my text chime brought me back

Bex; Please please dont hate me Ave, i know im going to lose Abbie, i cant lose you too

Me; you should have thought about your friends.because even if i didnt find out on my own, Abbie would have found out eventually then i would have had to pick a side anyway.

Bex; its not about sides, why cant you just be my friend

Me; i am being friend in telling you that youre being a selfish bitch. I am also being a friend to Abbie and not letting you take her for a mug. I would do the exact same thing for you. And what about your date with Nick? What then? You going to lead him on? You gonna have them both? Or are you going to end it with Tyler as soon as Nick is in the picture fully, but still ending Abbie and Tyler. Either way, Bex gets what she wants who gives a  fuck about the consequences.

I didnt mean to write out a whole paragraph, it started off as one sentance then just kept growing.

I felt myself get angrier with every text.

My phone chimed again but this time it wasnt a reply from Bex.

Satan; i am going to guess its you texting my sister making her cry. Cut it out.

I get it. He has his loyalties.

Me; you know what they say Grey, truth hurts and thats exactly what ive told her.

Satan; just cut it out, you heard how broken she was yesterday, she needs you.

Me; yes and so will Abbie when this gets out shes in the wrong here not me, so dont make me feel bad about being put in the middle.

I just couldnt contain all my frustration anymore so ignoring my homework i decide to text the one person my anger should be directed at


Me; youre a selfish bastard. It shouldnt be me or Bex to tell Abbie, it should be you. Dont put me in this position. And you knew you had a girlfriend when you repeatedly got with Bex. Sort your shit out Tyler. Youve got until tomorrow.

Ugh. I finally had enough and snapped and threw my phone at the wall. I was about to check the damage it caused when the doorbeel rang. Leaving the phone where it lay on the floor i rushed down the stairs skipping steps as i went and threw open the door.

I dont know what i looked like, with all my running my hands through my hair when i was texting but i didnt really care and i sure as hell was surprised when i opened the door to find Grey there looking just as frustrated as me.

"Er hi?" I asked.

"Can i come in?" he asked, his frustration seeping through every word

"Er yeah?" I open the door wider to let him in and closed the door behind him.

"What are you—?" I was cut off when his lips connected with mine letting all his anger out through his actions. I immediately kissed him back with just as much anger both of us seeming to let the anger of the situation out. I didnt realise it was what i needed until it was happening. We didnt even care where, i think we were against the hallway wall, on the kitchen counter and ending up on the sofa, im not sure how that all happened though, but by the end we were both just laying there panting heavily in silence.

Well atleast i know even when hes pissed at me for whatever reason, sex is still on the cards.

I also know its probably one of the best forms of anger management there is as now im drained of every ounce of anger, and honestly i couldnt give a shit. It was so worth it.

We got dressed and spent the rest of the day just playing video games and talking about random shit, avoiding the main issue and ignoring our phones, mine still in my bedroom on the floor.

Grey left around 10:30 after another couple rounds around the house, tiring myself out to the point of me crashing in bed as soon as he left.

I probably should have checked my phone earlier to see the damage  to try and prepare myself for the shitstorm tomorrow.

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