A. New Beginnings

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So it's been a span of a little over 2 years since we moved and left everything behind. The whole divorce situation really messed up my mind. I couldn't bear to see Marcus or even let alone be in the same state as him. Leaving Pennsylvania was what was best for the twins. Marc and Custcher dont see their dad and that's the way he wanted it.

It's been a month since the divorce. I decided to contact Bianca just to talk. I really wanted to know why she would do such a thing, knowing that he was MARRIED. So I contacted her on Facebook and extended an invitation to dinner at Ruby Tuesday. So I go. With no intention to fight. But to find out why. Closure was well needed being that I was moving next month.

I get there and not only do I see her but Marcus is there as well. As planned, I proceeded with my questions and she answers with what she was told. As I begin to leave, Marcus stops me and tells me that since I'm moving, don't bother letting him see the boys because Bianca is pregnant, so they'll create their own family. And then it happens she shows off her ring. I lose it from there. Blackness everywhere. I slap him as hard as I can for now abandoning my children and from all the hurt inside.

I haven't looked back since. And my boys don't ask about him. We're living great. Soaking up all this hot air. This move couldn't have been any better for us. Marc and Custcher are growing fast and will be starting school soon. So congrats to us, for leaving the baggage behind.

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