K. Symphony's Surprise

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Symph waits for us to settle down and begins to explain why she brought us here. As she begins to talk, her phone rings and shortly after, she leaves and comes nack in with Khalid. My first instinct is that they are getting married or have eloped. But to my dismay, it's something else. Khalid stands next to her and holds her hand. They look at each other and their next words are: We're pregnant.

I look at them and become speechless. My mom begins to cry. And then Lyric does and my grandma as well. Yes, my grandma is in town while grandpa went to see his family in SC. Since they've been together, Symphony has had trouble conceiving or was told she couldn't at all. So this was a shocker to us. We ask how ling have they known and they about a month. That means she knew around the time close to when I was getting married. I ask why she didnt tell me then. Between tears she says she didn't want to make my time about her. I tell her a baby is a wonderful thing and I wouldn't have mind. Honestly, that probably would have taken some of the stress away.

We let Khalid go off to the side and Symphony talks with me, Ricky, Mommy, and my grandma. We invade her with a bunch of questions. There is so much to plan for. We are overjoyed with the news and are excited for all that is next. I'm going to be an auntie once again. My brother has children but none of sisters had any until now. I am excited to go back to work and shower my sister with love. Can't wait for the baby. The family decides to go out to eat to celebrate. All the kids get packed up in my car with me and Sean. Then my parents, grandma, Khalid, Symphony and Ricky get in the car together.

We get to the restaurant and Khalid pulls us to the side. That is me, Ricky, my mom and Dad. He asks my dad for her hand in marriage. Omggggg, just a night of many blessings. My dad instantly say yes. In the five years they have been together, he has done nothing but treat her beyond good. We agree and he quickly tells us, tonight is the night. We head to our seats and await the proposal. We all order and are eating when Khalid asks can he have our attention. He first expresses how happy he is to start a family and then segues into how he wouldn't have any other way than to be with Symphony. As Symph cries, he gets on one knee.  He states:
Symphony Alaisha Jones, for the past fibe years, I have stood by you and never thought about leaving your side. I never rushed the thought of marriage because I wanted to be ready and wanted to express genuinely how I felt. We have been through so much and things could have been worse. We tried for kids amd no luck. Miscarriages came but I stayed because with you is where I wanted to be. So now we have our rainbow baby and I want to spend the rest of my colorful and brighy future with you. Will you marry me?

Symphony grips her composure and says yes. We clap and congratulate them for all things. We already know they want to be married before the baby so to the courthouse they shall go soon.

Symphony and Khalid are married and she is 5 months pregnant. Samara is now one. Time has flown. No big party for Mara becayse we have news of our own. In just a couple of months we will be 1 year married.  But here's the backstory of our news:
So as a married couple, we have been havung sex very frequently and as many may know, I am very fertile. This was not planned. In no way, shape, or form did I plan to have a baby around the time, Symphony did. But I am pregnant with twins. We haven't found out yet what the sex is because we are not far along yet. But today I took the kids in for their checkups and mine as well. I get my shots etc. The doctor asks me to pee in the cup. I am thinking everything will cone back fine because my period was soon to come. To my surprise, the doctor comes back and tells me, my pee has come back strange. They checked my urine and it is 100% certain that I will be a mommy once again. Once the kids are done, they send in to the OBGYN to check to see how far along I am and how the baby is doing. They bring me in and on the screen appears two dots, well fetuses not fulky grown yet. I am also 4 weeks pregnant. One month. Since being a mom, my period has been out of whack and I had no symptoms to tell I was pregnant. But yes, so we checked to see if we could detect if they were twins or just a defect on the machine. But there was two heart beats. It was surreal all over again. Since the twins, I wouldn't have imagined another set. Now my family of 4 will expand to me being a mom of 6. I am deeply praying for a boy and a girl but whatever I get I will be satisfied.


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