G. Unexpected News

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It's been a week since we've been home. So I haven't felt any better and still no period. But I still think it's because of stress. But Sean noticed I haven't been to work in a couple of days, so he set up an appointment and in a little while, he's coming by to take me. Lyric and Symphony are taking Marc, Custcher, and Mickaelah out to the park after they pick them up from school.

I get dressed. And before I know it, Sean is outside. I get in the car and he asks me if I ate. I tell him no because I've barely had an appetite. Of course, he tells me I have to eat. So we pull into In and Out. I order food and try to eat. I eat some but that's it. We get to the doctor's office and we check in. Not even 10 minutes, Doctor Harris, a female, calls us in. They check my vital signs. From those, they assume its just the flu. But then they give the cup for my urine sample. They tell us to wait in the room. About 3 minutes later, she comes back in. She tells me that it isn't the flu. So Sean asks, what it is . She asks the relationship he is to me. I respond that he is my boyfriend. She  then begins to congratulate us. She says news that leave us both very much speechless. She says "Ma'am, you're pregnant." I don't know what to say at this point. All I know is I wanted more kids and now not only do I have Marc and Custcher, but I have Mickaelah and one on the way. It's now March and not only will a new edition be added to the family but the twins will be turning 5.

I ask the doctor can they step out Sean and I can talk for a while. As soon as they leave, I scream with excitement. He smiles with biggest smile EVERRR. Before I can say anything else, he says he has been waiting to have a child with someone he truly loves. And that's when the tears come again. The doctor comes back in when Sean goes to get them. The baby will be due in December she says. December 6th to be exact. She tells me to eat right and go right now and get a prescription for prenatal pills. So Sean and I leave, too excited to tell the kids. We go to the pharmacy and pick up the pills. After that we head to Walmart and find a way to tell my family. I call Symph and Lyric and ask them to bring the kids home in a little bit. And tell my mom and dad to come over as well. I don't give much detail because I want to leave them guessing. So we finally figure it out. We get colored papers. We write in October, we started..., in February we went..., in March we are...
On the back of each of those cards were pictures that explained what was going.
We finished setting up the house and waited. The kids arrived first and then mom and Dad. I had them sit down. I gave my mom and dad. The first paper that read, In October, we started... I handed Lyric, Symph and the kids, the one that read In February we went... And we held the one that In March we are... They took their time to figure it out. My mom shouted In October, you two started dating. The kids know February just passed and they cant stop talking about vacation, so they scream Cancun. My parents and sisters are confused. So we look at our paper and say in March, we are expecting a baby.
My mom loses it and screams. Lyric and Symphony are shocked. Their mouths are open. They can't believe what they heard. The kids run up to my stomach and kiss it. Kaelah hopes it's a girl is all she says. I let the kids go play. And my mom, dad, my sisters and Sean and I sit down. I tell him how I found out which was today. And how I thought I had the flu. I call Frankie and Shavonne to tell them. They are excited and happy for me. My sisters call Grandma and Grandpa. My mom then tells my dad she wants to move in so she can help me but I tell her there is no need.

The twin's birthday has come. Sean just suggests that we keep it simple. So we have a party for them at school. Mickaelah stays home for that day so she can attend. They enjoy it and when they come hone, we take them to Dave and Busters with a few of their friends. They eat and play until they are about to fall out. We head home and that's the end if their big day. They enjoyed it and it didn't exhaust me.
This first month was the worst. From morning sickness to just not being able to hold anything down. I feel bad for Sean because it seems as if all I do is boss him around. My emotions are all over the place. If I'm not crying, I'm trying to laugh without peeing. Sleeping is fine for now. With the twins, it was worse so I try to not complain. Sean stays at the house more often. Mickaelah has switched schools to the school the twins go to, so picking them isn't a hassle for us when we get off work. We haven't told everyone at the office. But our boss and some of our friends. I still go to work but since many of my cases are coming to a close; some days I work from home.

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