R. Turn Around

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Since that whole fiasco with Kyline, which nearly scarred Mickaelah for life, we have all been moving forward. All the kids are growing nicely and healthy. School is good as well. Today is a great day.

I get breakfast for the kids and start to prepare them for the day. It's Saturday and a lot has to be done. I call Mom to see how far away she is. She is taking the older kids and Sean's mom is taking the younger ones for the day so we can get back on top of household chores and finances etc. A lot has transpired in the past few months. We're in the process of getting a bigger house and car. But we are looking to move a little bit further from Atlanta due to our promotions. Yes, Sean and I have been promoted. Sean is looking to take over another company and I want to open my own law firm under my very prestigious boss where I hire freshly graduated law students to work and receive training and possible job opportunities.  So today we have to have meeting with our accountants to see how much it would take for all of our dreams to come to life.

We meet with our accountant, John. He preps us on what we have in our bank accounts and helps us plan out out expenses and investments so that we know what will be put out and what will come back in. After that is discussed, we make our way to the open house for the house we want to move into. Luckily, the house is still on the market. We use our bonuses from work and put down a deposit. We set a date to move in. New beginnings, here we go!


The big day has arrived. It has been a month since we set the date to move and today is that day. We have been packing. We are excited to move into our 7 bedroom that we've worked so hard for. Each of the kids have rooms they desire. A room for Mickaelah, one for the twin boys, one for Samara, and one for the boy and girl twins. Lastly, Sean and I room with 2 extra rooms for guests or office space. We have everything ready and are waiting for the movers to get here.

This move is just what we need. A lot has taken place since I moved down here and then since my relationship with Sean. But all things work together for them that love God. I am excited for what God is about to take us through because it wouldn't done with out HIM.

A new life and new beginnings and are on the way!

I am so excited for the future... Life is going great. I am so thankful for all that God is doing.. Once everything takes off we will be fine.

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