B. Kindergarten

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It's September 6th. The first day of school. The most hectic day of my life. The good thing is the boys do turn 5 in March but because their birthday is the next year , now at 4, the start Kindergarten. We wake up very early and get our morning routines together. I bathe both kids and my sister helps with their hair and clothing while I get ready.

It's a process on any morning but this particular one is the hardest. I finish getting ready and go into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for both Marc and Custcher. They eat basically anything. They like it all. So this morning it's bacon and waffles. They eat and as soon as Lyric comes down stairs, we head to the car.

I drop the boys off, meet their teachers and head to take Lyric to work. Lyric works in Lenox Mall at the bank. Once she's in safely,  I let her know I'll be back to get her later and we'll go from there to pick up the twins from school. I head over to Buckhead and get to work.

The day goes by so fast. And by the time I look up, my phone is ringing and it's Lyric. She's waiting for me. She tells me she caught the bus to the school so I can just meet there. I'm so thankful for sister like her because now instead of two trips I only have to make one. That right there deserves something. Being that we all haven't eaten yet, I decide to get some food.
The ride is about 25 minutes so I pull into In and Out on the way to pick up something for dinner.  When I tell you, we love that place. We looooooovvvvveeee it.

As soon as I have the food, I head swiftly to get them. Man I've missed my babies. I have some news to tell my sister. Lyric will be ready for the tea.

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