F. Cancun

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It is now February. A lot has taken place. The kids are finally getting to know Sean and they love him. He treats them so well. They literally talk about him so much. Sean and I have created this bond. We've learned to let the past go and just move on.

It has been a great time with everyone being around. My grandparents have been home now a whole day and are so excited for me and the kids to go to Cancun. Today is the day that we leave. We are packed and ready  to go. I finish up the little things that weren't in my suitcase and drive to the airport. Being that we are going to be away for a couple of days, I park my car in the parking lot and head inside.

We finally get through TSA, which was a process in itself. We get to the waiting area by our gate and are greeted by Sean and Mickaelah. What a sight to see. Besides this time, the boys have only met her a couple other time. The flight will be long and before we board, we make sure to eat.

That was the longest flight I've had in a while. We are finally here. We get our bags and get a cab to our hotel.  When we get to our room. We take a tour. Two bedrooms. One for us and one for the kids. A big vanity bathroom with a jacuzzi. And the patio. Ohhhhh God. You can see the beach from it.
We are hungry so our mission is finding food. We travel down to the strip. We find this nice little roadside place. We first order the kids fries and fish. And then we order. I get the salmon with dipping sauce and a side of potatoes. Sean orders the steak with asparagus. Lets just start by saying the food is great. As I am ready to pay, the server lets me know that it's already paid for. I look at Sean and all he can say is that he treats his lady right. The whole vacation is paid for. I ask him how. He said that this was originally for him and his daughter and the extra tickets cost next to nothing. I thank him, and give him one of the biggest hugs and kisses ever. The boys and Mickaelah all say Ohhh in unison. Lolll. But we leave the restaurant, go back to the hotel and try to get some sleep since the flight was long. We put the kids down and they were out like a light. Our babies were tired. We go in our room and talk. We talk for some time and then he kisses me. And the sex begins.
As he continues to kiss me softly, he begins to  unbutton my shirt. Making his way down to my pants, I hesitate to let him continue. When he sees that, he stops. He asks if everything is okay. I just tell him its been so long. He then looks at me and tell me if this is what I want then we're grown.  I let him continue. He lets me know he's going to please me. As he gets to my vagina, he kisses it soft. Enters one finger and goes in and out. Then he begins to eat it. I moan very loudly. It feels so good. And my needs are met. He enters his penis into me and he moans as he says it's tight. Each stroke compliments the next. First slow then he picks up the speed. I moan over and over again. He hits my spot and I orgasm and he cums. He keeps going and pleasures me until we both climax again. After he's done. He kisses me again and again. I roll over satisfied and go get in the shower. He joins me.
When I tell you I'm refreshed and the feeling I felt was so amazing. I haven't felt this way in such a long time. After we get dressed, Marc and Custcher awake. Shortly after them, Mickaelah gets up. They want to go to the beach. But Mickaelah wants to go shopping. So to get them to bond, I let the boys go with Sean. And Mickaelah will come with me. The boys have been around Sean but Mickaelah is always with Sean' s mom. Being that Sean is a very established lawyer, his time is limited. That's why this vacay was what we both needed. A break from the law firm. I'm already dressed. So I go in the room and help Mickaelah find something to wear. When I get in the room, she runs up to me and hugs me and tells me that she is excited for our day today. She likes me already. Everyone says I have a caring and calm spirit so I guess. She pulls out her black and white sundress and yellow sandals so she can match my outfit with is a black and white striped tee, black pants, and yellow espadrilles. After we are ready, Sean and the boys have already left. I grab the room key, my phone, and the slip that verifies that everything is paid off. 
We head to the outlet mall. All the while, Mickaelah stays close to me and holds my hand.  She wants to go in the doll store. She wants to buy a doll that will remind of how much fun she had on her trip. After we are done with that, we head to the clothing stores. She picks out all types of dresses and hats and other things. I pick up the boys some clothes as well. While getting Sean a shirt that I really liked. By the time we are done,  Mickaelah is hungry. We pick up some burgers and keep going. She says she wants to be pampered. So we head to the spa place to get massages, face masks, and our hair and nails done. The day is going great. The next Mickaelah says to me catches me off guard. The lady at the spa asked who the reservation was for. She says me and my mom. She called me mom. She reallyyyyy called mom. I am shocked. I let it slide until I want to bring it up. We get situated.

Once we are on our beds waiting for a masseuse, I bring up her calling me mom. I say Mickaelah, why did you tell the lady I was your mom. She responds because I want you to be mom and the way my dad talks about you, I know he likes maybe loves you and I love you already so I want you to be my mom. I then ask her, don't you see your mom. She responds sadly, my mom doesn't want me. She told my dad one time while I was listening that he could keep me because she never wanted me. I instantly feel for her. I wouldn't know what I would do without my mom let alone give up my babies. I reach for her hand across the table and dry her tears and I tell her that I will be her mom if that's what she really wants. The way things are going with me and Sean, it looks like I will be around a lot more.

We head home and when we get back, there are gifts everywhere. The boys and Sean have surprised Mickaelah and I. Dinner is cooked and the table set. Before we eat, they ask us to open the gifts. My gift from Sean is so cute. It's a good mom gift. The inscription reads, "Because you are an amazing mom and I admire you."  I begin to cry.  The boys both have brought me a heart shaped emblem that say From your heartbeats. Tears begin to flow even more.
Next is Mickaelah's gift. From the boys are shirts. The one Marc got her, says I have a beautiful sister. And the one Custcher got her says, My sister Rocks. Mickaelah is so shocked. She just begins to cry loudly. The boys hug her and kiss both of her cheeks. Charming aren't they. Then she opens the gift from her dad. It's a written letter. She can't fully read it, so he reads it for her. It reads:
You've gone so long searching for a family well a mom. You're mom wasn't fit for the position so it was just you and I. But then Daddy met Nehkaia. And then he knew that you would be complete. So Kaelah, this is your new mom. Yes, this may be early but daddy plans to marry her and your new brothers love you.
Love Daddy.

I am totally surprised. I just hug her and so does the boys. What a pleasant day!

The rest of the trip was good. We had oodles of fun but today we are heading home. I have been feeling really sick lately. And I am 2 days or so late on my period but I'm just stressed because I know I have work when I get back. And it's back to reality. I really dont want to leave but hey back to life it is.  We are heading to the airport.

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