M. The Big Move

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We have officially moved to Decatur. We still are in Georgia but are now closer to Shavonne and Frankie. Their tv ahow is a big hit and they have just been really busy. But our house ia much bigger. We have upgraded to a 7 bedroom house that we own. And can definitely afford. Both of our salaries have increased. Sean is now a partner at the law firm and I have become CEO of another company. We are so humbled and God is the reason. We have worked hard for it all. The kids are thriving in school and Samara will soon be 2. What a lifeeee.

Sean's POV

We moved as soon as we could. Everything is great. I am loving on the twins. They are my world. I enjoy every moment with them. The only hassle is the commute to work now. It takes an extra half hour to get there now. And being that Nehkaia's schedule is all over the place with the twins, between working at home and being a wife, I help out much more. Being a full time dad is crazy. I would have never thought I would be a dad of 6.  But thanks be to God.

Today is a busy day. The kids have career day at school and I will be going up there with them. How cool is that! So this morning with little help from my wife, I have to help get the kids ready. My mom watches Samara and we pay her every week. So I get the kids up. First, I wake up the boys. The boys are the hardest because I have to do hair and they don't eat the same things anymore, amongst other things. I get in their room and wake up Marc first. He gets straight up and goes to the bathroom to get ready. Custcher is the one to drag his feet in the morning. It takes about 3 tries to finally get him in the bathroom. Once I have them down, I head to wake up Mickaelah. Mickaelah is up when I get there and heading to her bathroom. She has the clothes that she wants to wear out and the only last minute thing to do later would be her hair.  Then I head back into my room and watch my wife get Samara ready. Samara is extra cranky today because she is getting sick. Being that she is, we have decided to have her stay with my mom so the bug doesn't get the twins sick as well. Once Nehkaia has her ready, I take her downstairs to eat. Once that is done, the others come downstairs to eat as well. By the time, they have finished their food, it's time to load up. This by far has been the most hectic morning of life. It makes me appreciate my wife more. Because not only does she deal with me but she does this every day and when she was pregnant.

Being that we moved to this new house, a lot has changed. The twins are on different sleep schedules and being that I am a CEO now, I have more work than ever. I am overwhelmed. Work has overcome me and so has being a mom. I need a vacation. Away from the kids and my husband. No, there is nothing wrong with my marriage. Just a little girls trip is needed asap. I am going to get that together. And since I havent seen my sisters and best friends in forever, I'm going to have lunch with them and spring the trip on them. I xan definitely afford it, so wherever we want to go, it's gonna be a great time.

Lunch that Saturday:

Frankie and Shavonne meet me at my house. Being that they live about 30 minutes from my house, it's nothing. Then we head over to get Symph and Lyric. Once everyone is together, as we drive, we play our favorite songs on the aux. We arrive to the restaurant, get seated, order drinks and begin catching up. Symph talks about KJ. And how precious he is. Frankie talks about a guy she has met. Shavonne begins talking about how great their job is. I tell them my hectic life. We all laugh at how hard adulting has become. Then Lyric speaks up after looking up from her phone. She clears her throat and asks how do we manage being moms. We all just say patience. Me being nosy, asks how her and her man are doing. She says the reason, she asked that question is because in a matter of 9 months, she will be a first time mom. We are in total shock. I can do nothing else but cry. Literally, my baby sister is having a baby. Nothing better but that. We begin the questions. When did they find out is all our first question. She says yesterday.  So its still fresh. Then we ask how far along. She says 2 months. She doesn't drink or anything like that so she knew something was off when she began cramping consistently. We all simmer down from that and I tell them why I called them to lunch. I tell about the girls trip. Away from the things that have us stressed. Kids, work, life. A week wherever we want. Thats what I need them for. To pick a place. I've been to Bora Bora and Cancun so we have to choose something else.

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