C. Good News

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When we pull into the driveway, the twins are sleep. Without waking them, Lyric and I both pick up a child and carry them in the house. We change them out of their uniforms into their night clothes. After that is done, we both shower and I go down to the kitchen to eat. Lyric is not yet downstairs yet. So I call for her.
Rickyyyyyyyy, I yell. Since Ricky is the childhood nickname we called her.
She says she'll be right down.

As Lyric approaches, I've already made her plate. I ask her how her day was and she proceeds with only the word, long. I begin to get into my tea. I remind her of the guy Sean who has been running me down at work trying to get my number. I explain to her how today, he shows up to work late and sends an email to all staff, asking if we could come outside. As we reach outside, he has flowers and asks me to come closer. I come forward and he then asks me out in front of all my coworkers.
Lyric screams and asks what I said. So of course, I said yes. Sean is fineeeee. I mean, brother is fineeee. And plus I haven't dated since Marcus.

Its been a while since I've been with someone let alone on a date. Months before the divorce was the last time I went out on a date. So of course, my nerves were shot. But I had to call Sean so we could set up the date. Yes, I gave him my number. We exchanged actually.

Lyric sits on the couch and asks do we want to watch a movie. I tell her for a little while because as a reestablished lawyer, work has to be done. She understands perfectly. We watch Phat Girlz and halfway through the movie, Lyric is drifting off to sleep. I tap her for her to head upstairs and get in bed. She does because she knows she's really tired.

After Lyric is sleep, I decide to call my mom and sister, Symphony to check on them. They still live in Pennsylvania. We miss them a lot but in a while or so, we will be seeing them. I call and on the second ring, my Mama Bear answers the phone. We speak a while about the kids and Lyric but then I slip in the guy at work. Confused and happy, my mom asks his name. I respond Sean Kemble. She says his name has a nice ring to it. And I agree.
After we discuss the date and him for a while, we go into the real reason I called. My mom and Symphony are coming to live in Atlanta. My mom is tired of life there and Symphony wants to be closer to us. Plus my dad is coming from South Carolina, to reconcile with my mom. Yes she knows my dad is coming and she couldn't be happier. The barriers in race wouldn't let them be together being that both sides of the family disagreed. My dad is Irish. And my mom is Black. So you get the picture. He's been in our lives but as we got older, they let the differences get the best of them. But that's all behind them, and we couldn't be happier.

Lyric doesn't know that Mommy is coming to live but she will soon find out because they're coming in soon. Yes, just one more week until Mama Bear is in Atlanta for good. And just 2 weeks until Pop( which is what the boys call him) is in town as well. The whole family is together, happier and for good.

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