L. The Twins Birth

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These past 3 months have kicked my pregnant behind. I have been sick almost every day for the last months of my pregnancy. Technically, I am 9 months pregnant and should be dropping these babies any day now. Will be excited when I do cause then I can get comfortable sleep. I have had the worst sleep of my life and on top of being hospitalized because of the complications they have caused, I just want them outttttt and nowwwww! My due date is tomorrow. Today is June 25th. It's my birthday and I am just ready to go in labor. I feel them pulling and tugging at my cervix. Won't they just make their way to the canal so it can all be over.

Its 3:45 am and the contractions have started. Lord God, I am in the worst pain. I call my mom. No answer. I wake up Sean with a loud scream from my next one. He calls his mom. No answer. I ring Symphony and she answers right away. Good because these twins are coming today. Thank the Lord. And right on time of their due date. As I get ready Lyric is finally up and alert and my mom has called back. They begin to make their way to the hospital. While on our way there, my mucus plug falls out and my water breaks, I am screaming and in so much pain. I am vomiting because they have made me so sick. Sean is driving as fast as he can. He's driving 50 in a 35 mph lane. We just hope he doesn't get stopped by police. We make it just in time. We arrive and the doctors are waiting for me. They take me to delivery and hook me up to the machines. They are ready to deliver until they notice a problem. Sean Jr. has the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. They try to position him but now he is in a breached position. There is no other way to get them out except by Cesarean. I am terrified of those. Haven't ever had to have one so yeah. They rush me to another room. My heart is racing. Head spinning. I pray as we go. The doctors prepare for the C section. They drug me up and I barely feel the pain. Once Sean Jr is able to be seen they carefully unwrap the cord from around him. While this is happening, Baby A is loosing blood. They rush deliver her and take her away. The nurses inform that she will be fine once they give her oxygen and stabilize her. They place Sean Jr. on my chest and his hear beats against mine. About 30 minutes later, they bring in our baby girl. Sean holds back tears and thanks God for keeping us all. He squeezes my hand and pats my back after I finish vomiting for the last time. Turns out I had the flu while pregnant in these last few weeks and that is what made me extremely sick and being that I was sick, it was making Sean Jr very uncomfortable and due to my food not being able to go down fully cause suffocation and lack of blood flow to my baby girl. I just thank God that all things worked together for my good. We finally picked a name for the girl. So the boy is Sean Jaxson Kemble and baby girl name is Seana ( See-an-ha) J'ani Kemble. This by far has been the most complicated pregnancy and birth everrrr but God had his hand over it all. And hopefully for a while, I can just enjoy my family of 6. We have to upgrade everything because we no longer have space where we are at. So we are moving to Decatur and giving our old house to Ricky and Amari. They have their own lives that are moving forward and everyone has their own things going and being that we have newborns and limited space we have to move. So here's to newness.

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